Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: gustono on April 01, 2012, 01:15 am

Title: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: gustono on April 01, 2012, 01:15 am
Yeah, what has happened after you've been barked at by a dog (or another signifier), do they search your whole body or what?
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: redalloverthelandguyhere on April 01, 2012, 05:19 am
Most sniffer dogs seem to just pay you a lot of attention - your the 'game' it plays - some dogs catch balls but sniffer dogs are trained on a reward system were they find drugs by sniffing - and point the nose or paws at the person or parcel they sniff not bark or do anything aggressive. That's police dogs which sometimes lurk at festivals.

In airports if a dog shows you attention - and you have unwisely carried stuff over some borders - its time to meet your cellmates - all 15 of them - plus get to learn Spanish or African or Urdu.

Cannabis bud is the worse offender. Say you put a bud in a vacuum sealed smell-proof bag and treble sealed it - you roll a joint and crumble bud and touch your baggie, Or clothes. You will smell to the dog.

Might be a good idea to simply go doggy style on the doggy and claim madness as the reason you got a few hundred gram of coke on your person.

Saying you thought it was bicarb - when its stuffed up your a-hole is not good.

You could say your a Peruvian shamen and its part of the ancient ritual of the sun Gods and so on.
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Reseller on April 01, 2012, 03:36 pm
Redalloverthelandguyhere I laughed out loud. +1 Karma.
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: TrustusJones on April 01, 2012, 04:17 pm
Dogs in general are not THAT reliable... most dogs can only smell out ONE type of drug or chemical with any accuracy.

An example was once when I was stationed overseas with the Boyscouts a friend was going on leave and had just bought an ounce of bud... it was in a single baggie rolled up in a jacket in his bag at the foot of his bed... they happen to bring the drug dogs in that morning. We knew we were screwed as they made us stand in the hall and not touch anything. The dog went into the room with the handler and proceeded to check the room. At one point the dog put his nose directly on the bag maybe an inch away from where the weed was and nothing... another roommate had a half burnt joint in a box in his nightstand and the dog didn't hit that either. I don't know what this dog was trained to smell but it obviously wasn't marijuana.

Now with that said a trained dog can smell cancerous cells at the cellular level... so don't bet against the dog.

I read somewhere that many dogs are trained to alert to substances that are typically used to cover the smell of weed... such as coffee.

Personally I don't think you can beat the dog if it a well trained pot dog and he can get his nose right on your package... fortunately for us the dogs don't get that chance very often as the packages are on pallets or in big bins so the dogs can only get a whiff of the area around a package. A small package of less than say 1/4 oz with multiple layers of vacuum seal would most likely go UN-noticed...

just my opinion...

Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Reseller on April 01, 2012, 04:25 pm
Check this out; I found it interesting.

“Dogs smell like we see.” For example: when presented with a bowl of stew, humans see each individual ingredient – i.e. potatoes, carrots, and onions – but can smell only one odor, that of delicious stew. A dog, however, cannot see very well; images are black and white with no depth perception. But they smell like we see, separating mixed odors, so they smell the potato, carrots, onion, pepper, salt, and even the container holding the stew! Everything has an odor that dogs can pick up on, even when mixed with other smells. This is why masking odors does not work. While inspecting loads of seized marijuana, I always noticed the smugglers wrapped pounds of pot in elaborate mixtures in an attempt to fool the dogs. I have found pot wrapped in plastic, layered next in mustard, followed by a tinfoil layer, smeared with grease, re-wrapped with more plastic and finally blanketed with scented dryer sheets and dropped into coffee grounds! A cop dog can easily separate all these odors with a few sniffs, and is communicating with his “handler” cop at all times. If the dog could talk, it might say, “I smell plastic, mustard, tinfoil, grease, dryer sheets, coffee, and marijuana!” The dog alerts to the marijuana, and that’s when people get busted.
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: TrustusJones on April 01, 2012, 04:52 pm
just read that whole article... highly recommend everyone read it if you want to learn more about how drug dogs are trained.

good stuff Reseller!! +1
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: SRfan on April 01, 2012, 07:01 pm
I read this today and thought I should post it because it's related:

"The findings, which Dr Lit reports in Animal Cognition, reveal that of 144 searches, only 21 were clean (no alerts). All the others raised one alert or more. In total, the teams raised 225 alerts, all of them false. While the sheer number of false alerts struck Dr Lit as fascinating, it was where they took place that was of greatest interest.

When handlers could see a red piece of paper, allegedly marking a location of interest, they were much more likely to say that their dogs signalled an alert. Indeed, in the two rooms where red paper was present and sausages were not, 32 of a possible 36 alerts were raised. In the two where both red paper and sausages were present that figure was 30–not significantly different. In contrast, in search areas where a sausage was hidden but no red piece of paper was there for handlers to see, it was only 17.

The dogs, in other words, were distracted only about half the time by the stimulus aimed at them. The human handlers were not only distracted on almost every occasion by the stimulus aimed at them, but also transmitted that distraction to their animals–who responded accordingly. To mix metaphors, the dogs were crying “wolf” at the unconscious behest of their handlers."
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Limetless on April 01, 2012, 11:05 pm
Check this out; I found it interesting.

“Dogs smell like we see.” For example: when presented with a bowl of stew, humans see each individual ingredient – i.e. potatoes, carrots, and onions – but can smell only one odor, that of delicious stew. A dog, however, cannot see very well; images are black and white with no depth perception. But they smell like we see, separating mixed odors, so they smell the potato, carrots, onion, pepper, salt, and even the container holding the stew! Everything has an odor that dogs can pick up on, even when mixed with other smells. This is why masking odors does not work. While inspecting loads of seized marijuana, I always noticed the smugglers wrapped pounds of pot in elaborate mixtures in an attempt to fool the dogs. I have found pot wrapped in plastic, layered next in mustard, followed by a tinfoil layer, smeared with grease, re-wrapped with more plastic and finally blanketed with scented dryer sheets and dropped into coffee grounds! A cop dog can easily separate all these odors with a few sniffs, and is communicating with his “handler” cop at all times. If the dog could talk, it might say, “I smell plastic, mustard, tinfoil, grease, dryer sheets, coffee, and marijuana!” The dog alerts to the marijuana, and that’s when people get busted.

Yeah this is exactly right. If anyone watched the Mythbusters episode about this you will know that it's basically impossible to get anything past a sniffer dog because their nose is just too good. To really get an understanding of it Google the amount of nerve endings in a dogs nose compared to ours, the difference is pretty mind blowing. You need to pretty much discount all the standard wisdom about things like just burying something in a jar of coffee, spraying with perfume etc. Only way that works is if you have such a large quantity of the cover product and it's sealed and then cleaned afterwards. The thing about dogs not being able to smell over rivers/streams isn't true either over minor bodies of water although not sure about big/deep rivers.
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Holly on April 02, 2012, 12:44 am
Check this out; I found it interesting.

“Dogs smell like we see.” For example: when presented with a bowl of stew, humans see each individual ingredient – i.e. potatoes, carrots, and onions – but can smell only one odor, that of delicious stew. A dog, however, cannot see very well; images are black and white with no depth perception. But they smell like we see, separating mixed odors, so they smell the potato, carrots, onion, pepper, salt, and even the container holding the stew! Everything has an odor that dogs can pick up on, even when mixed with other smells. This is why masking odors does not work. While inspecting loads of seized marijuana, I always noticed the smugglers wrapped pounds of pot in elaborate mixtures in an attempt to fool the dogs. I have found pot wrapped in plastic, layered next in mustard, followed by a tinfoil layer, smeared with grease, re-wrapped with more plastic and finally blanketed with scented dryer sheets and dropped into coffee grounds! A cop dog can easily separate all these odors with a few sniffs, and is communicating with his “handler” cop at all times. If the dog could talk, it might say, “I smell plastic, mustard, tinfoil, grease, dryer sheets, coffee, and marijuana!” The dog alerts to the marijuana, and that’s when people get busted.

Yeah this is exactly right. If anyone watched the Mythbusters episode about this you will know that it's basically impossible to get anything past a sniffer dog because their nose is just too good. To really get an understanding of it Google the amount of nerve endings in a dogs nose compared to ours, the difference is pretty mind blowing. You need to pretty much discount all the standard wisdom about things like just burying something in a jar of coffee, spraying with perfume etc. Only way that works is if you have such a large quantity of the cover product and it's sealed and then cleaned afterwards. The thing about dogs not being able to smell over rivers/streams isn't true either over minor bodies of water although not sure about big/deep rivers.

so how does a vendor ship out kilos of powder successfully out to someone who isn't me?  You don't think multiple vacuum seals and washing it down with bleach and windex is effective in dogs?
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Limetless on April 02, 2012, 12:52 am

PM me if you want to talk about it further.
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: ianfleming on April 02, 2012, 01:13 am
Large amounts of bleach and/or ammonia will fry the dogs nose temporarily, but this by itself may be seen as an alert by the handler.

Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Limetless on April 02, 2012, 01:23 am
Yup. Ya have to be a bit more creative than that.
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Reseller on April 02, 2012, 09:15 am
so how does a vendor ship out kilos of powder successfully out to someone who isn't me?  You don't think multiple vacuum seals and washing it down with bleach and windex is effective in dogs?

I  almost now believe that vendors shipping bulk product take all the precaution they can and CROSS THEIR FINGERS AND PRAY TO DEAR GOD that a dog doesn't come near.
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Limetless on April 02, 2012, 09:32 am
so how does a vendor ship out kilos of powder successfully out to someone who isn't me?  You don't think multiple vacuum seals and washing it down with bleach and windex is effective in dogs?

I  almost now believe that vendors shipping bulk product take all the precaution they can and CROSS THEIR FINGERS AND PRAY TO DEAR GOD that a dog doesn't come near.

There are ways to do it without having to do much praying but I think it's not always general knowledge. It's all about thinking outside the box.
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: JimPooley on April 02, 2012, 10:42 am
I regularly attend music festivals and in my country the police REALLY enjoy shooting fish out of a barrel, so they plant dogs at each entrance to the venue!
We usually run a decoy, one dude totally covered in bud crumbs, but carrying nothing else, and totally blitzed! I put my gear, usually speed and mdma with about 12 - 15 joints, wrapped in a million layers of cling, into a sunscreen bottle! In my country only tourists and suicide attempts stay in the sun without sunscreen, so it's very common to carry, and as the decoy gets apprehended, after making a B-line for the dogs, i shoot straight past and into the show!
We've run this method 5 times each with success, although last time the decoy was missed and another mate was searched! Lucky he had nothing!
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: DropGuy751 on April 02, 2012, 01:28 pm
I regularly attend music festivals and in my country the police REALLY enjoy shooting fish out of a barrel, so they plant dogs at each entrance to the venue!
We usually run a decoy, one dude totally covered in bud crumbs, but carrying nothing else, and totally blitzed! I put my gear, usually speed and mdma with about 12 - 15 joints, wrapped in a million layers of cling, into a sunscreen bottle! In my country only tourists and suicide attempts stay in the sun without sunscreen, so it's very common to carry, and as the decoy gets apprehended, after making a B-line for the dogs, i shoot straight past and into the show!
We've run this method 5 times each with success, although last time the decoy was missed and another mate was searched! Lucky he had nothing!
Heard a similar method used going from the Netherlands.
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Reseller on April 02, 2012, 02:09 pm
I regularly attend music festivals and in my country the police REALLY enjoy shooting fish out of a barrel, so they plant dogs at each entrance to the venue!
We usually run a decoy, one dude totally covered in bud crumbs, but carrying nothing else, and totally blitzed! I put my gear, usually speed and mdma with about 12 - 15 joints, wrapped in a million layers of cling, into a sunscreen bottle! In my country only tourists and suicide attempts stay in the sun without sunscreen, so it's very common to carry, and as the decoy gets apprehended, after making a B-line for the dogs, i shoot straight past and into the show!
We've run this method 5 times each with success, although last time the decoy was missed and another mate was searched! Lucky he had nothing!

What a wonderful story, seriously though. I love that. Reminds me of sneaking candy in lower school.
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Fah-Q on April 02, 2012, 05:11 pm
there is a 3 dvd set that explain all about how dogs sniff out drugs as I posted in this thread:
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: JimPooley on April 04, 2012, 02:58 am
there is a 3 dvd set that explain all about how dogs sniff out drugs as I posted in this thread:

OK, can you condense it into a 5 minute lecture for the severely drug impaired???

3 dvd's?  :o
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: DiMiTriSpice on April 04, 2012, 03:29 am
Um, well my drugs don't get hit by any dogs. It's fantastic. Scooby do won't hit my shit.  Big tryptamines my friends. Ok, so this is blatantly an Ad, but give me a break. It's truth, (Really, dogs at a festival. Fight back - fantastic things called shouting, purpose, and guns). Otherwise, there's always the safe. Haha.

Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Fah-Q on April 09, 2012, 02:33 am
there is a 3 dvd set that explain all about how dogs sniff out drugs as I posted in this thread:

OK, can you condense it into a 5 minute lecture for the severely drug impaired???

3 dvd's?  :o

If you were able to get to this site, You should be able to download the dvd's. You have to download  uTorrent ( Takes about 10 minutes to download for me anyhow. (100 mbps download ) might be a little slower for you. If you that severely impaired you can just goto . for the short videos.  However, If your a vendor I would recommend to download the full videos.
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: FarmerBob on April 18, 2012, 05:35 am
double seal your goods in a high quality metalized multi-layer moisture barrier bag... Never vacuum seal them, leave air in so you can put them in a bucket of water, squeeze and look to ensure no bubbles form from leaks.

MBBs typically have a metal layer sandwiched between 2 highly crystalline polymer layers.  The polymers they use will have very low permeability to any organic molecules and the diffusion coefficient for any organics through metals is essentially 0.

nothing will make it through that bag if you do it right (5mm seal).  All you have to be concerned about is surface contamination on the bag, on your clothes, your hands, whatever..... Dogs CAN smell this, they can certain vapors at a concentration of 500 parts per trillion.  So throw your sealed bags in a dishwasher with detergent and a shotglass  of bleach.  Then go jump in a shower and scrub like you've been exposed to the ebola virus.  Put on clean thoroughly washed clothes.  Then you can handle your bags.

if you're shipping them put on gloves to handle and use packaging that was never stored in the same building as any drugs.  (google "cleanroom techniques" how to put on gloves without touching external surface of gloves)

Make sense?

If not I can try to write up a howto when I get some time.  Good MBBs will keep the volatile organics that give a drug it's scent contained to below the threshold of detection of any dog.

I know the above seems a bit extreme, but dogs are amazingly good at detecting just about anything with any appreciable vapor pressure.  If you really want to beat them you need to employ contamination control techniques like you're working in a 22nm IC fab.
Good luck with that
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Delta11 on April 18, 2012, 06:34 am
Does anyone have any idea what drugs most dogs are trained to sniff out? The other day a friend of mine got pulled over and it smelled like weed because he smoked earlier and you know the skunky smell doesn't leave until the next day so the cops had probable cause to search his car in which they didn't find anything except a ziploc bag filled with 20 2c-i capsules. Surprisingly, he was smart enough to tell the cops that they were workout supplements he makes on his own and obviously the cops didn't believe him and brought in the k9 unit and told him if the k9 bit the bag and got sick he would go away for assaulting an officer and lying to the cops. So he poker faced it when they held out the bag to the dog and the dog just sat there with a blank face and didn't react which is when the cops became his friend and asked him what gym he works out at and how they can get some supplements  ;D
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: QTC on April 18, 2012, 02:24 pm
Does anyone have any idea what drugs most dogs are trained to sniff out?
open source intel is awesome, see page 21 of the document at http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=13221.0
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Delta11 on April 18, 2012, 02:39 pm
Does anyone have any idea what drugs most dogs are trained to sniff out?
open source intel is awesome, see page 21 of the document at http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=13221.0
Good read thanks! +1
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: DiMiTriSpice on April 25, 2012, 08:57 am
Does anyone have any idea what drugs most dogs are trained to sniff out? The other day a friend of mine got pulled over and it smelled like weed because he smoked earlier and you know the skunky smell doesn't leave until the next day so the cops had probable cause to search his car in which they didn't find anything except a ziploc bag filled with 20 2c-i capsules. Surprisingly, he was smart enough to tell the cops that they were workout supplements he makes on his own and obviously the cops didn't believe him and brought in the k9 unit and told him if the k9 bit the bag and got sick he would go away for assaulting an officer and lying to the cops. So he poker faced it when they held out the bag to the dog and the dog just sat there with a blank face and didn't react which is when the cops became his friend and asked him what gym he works out at and how they can get some supplements  ;D

SAMSHA 5 generally. Cannabis products, cocaine, benzos, amphetamines, and opiates. However, there's a second class of dogs that pick up munitions residues. I can't tell you the sensitivity of the new chemical and electronic sniffers and what compounds they are programed to pick up though I imagine it's similar. Vacuum seal in a clean room and wash with negative ions. 
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: Thunderweed on April 25, 2012, 05:17 pm
if you're in a populated area, vacuum seals probably good enough..

think about it, most dollar bills have small amounts of coke on them, yet dogs dont alert every time you got a dollar bill in your pocket..

for marijuana, probably the only way is MBB bags to be 100% safe, although a lot of times dogs suck and they can't smell shit cause they were trained bad or just are plain old and lost a lot of sense of smell.
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: mito on June 28, 2012, 04:44 pm
Won't ammonia confuse a dog?

If you put baggie inside a cloth that was soaked with ammonia.......
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: JimPooley on June 28, 2012, 11:18 pm
Won't ammonia confuse a dog?

If you put baggie inside a cloth that was soaked with ammonia.......

I've heard this as well but never put it into practice!

Pot being such an inherrantly sticky substance, if you're not using and changing your rubber gloves, triple bagging becomes a moot activity if you're just sticking the resin from your fingers on the outside of the packaging!
Title: Re: How do you get your drugs past sniffer dogs?
Post by: MittDogOnRoofRomney on July 15, 2012, 01:24 pm
double seal your goods in a high quality metalized multi-layer moisture barrier bag... Never vacuum seal them, leave air in so you can put them in a bucket of water, squeeze and look to ensure no bubbles form from leaks.

MBBs typically have a metal layer sandwiched between 2 highly crystalline polymer layers.  The polymers they use will have very low permeability to any organic molecules and the diffusion coefficient for any organics through metals is essentially 0.

nothing will make it through that bag if you do it right (5mm seal).  All you have to be concerned about is surface contamination on the bag, on your clothes, your hands, whatever..... Dogs CAN smell this, they can certain vapors at a concentration of 500 parts per trillion.  So throw your sealed bags in a dishwasher with detergent and a shotglass  of bleach.  Then go jump in a shower and scrub like you've been exposed to the ebola virus.  Put on clean thoroughly washed clothes.  Then you can handle your bags.

if you're shipping them put on gloves to handle and use packaging that was never stored in the same building as any drugs.  (google "cleanroom techniques" how to put on gloves without touching external surface of gloves)

Make sense?

If not I can try to write up a howto when I get some time.  Good MBBs will keep the volatile organics that give a drug it's scent contained to below the threshold of detection of any dog.

I know the above seems a bit extreme, but dogs are amazingly good at detecting just about anything with any appreciable vapor pressure.  If you really want to beat them you need to employ contamination control techniques like you're working in a 22nm IC fab.
Good luck with that

Holy shit. This is why I made my first buy from FarmerBob. He obviously knows his shit. And if he is actually washing the outside of his sealed packages and showering to make sure to not get any smells on the outside, all for his customers safety, then godbless him. That's awesome.