Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: TrustusJones on March 09, 2012, 01:21 am

Title: Sellers Beware: Lucyinthebag is trolling for free drugs...
Post by: TrustusJones on March 09, 2012, 01:21 am
I got this message about a day ago:

lucyinthebag   subject

hey whats up dude, i live in southern califonia and unfortionally i live in ventura county where there are no medical dispernsarys, so i would rather buy by delivery rather than drive all far, as most people know the quality of bud out here is really great im just not to sure how good your buds compare for the price, if you would be down to send me a sample... just a bowl or somthin small would be appreciated, i have sooo many friends that would rather do the same so lotts of business would come your way             1 day   

a few minutes ago I got the exact same message that was obviously copy/pasted...

hey whats up dude, i live in southern califonia and unfortionally i live in ventura county where there are no medical dispernsarys, so i would rather buy by delivery rather than drive all far, as most people know the quality of bud out here is really great im just not to sure how good your buds compare for the price, if you would be down to send me a sample... just a bowl or somthin small would be appreciated, i have sooo many friends that would rather do the same so lotts of business would come your way          4 min

Just giving you a heads up if you are getting the same message.

Title: Re: Sellers Beware: Lucyinthebag is trolling for free drugs...
Post by: rhcp777 on March 09, 2012, 01:35 am
Did you ever respond to the first message? Not really sure that this person is doing anything wrong just because of sending the same message twice...
Title: Re: Sellers Beware: Lucyinthebag is trolling for free drugs...
Post by: kingofnowhere on March 09, 2012, 02:11 am
It's kinda funny seeing the amount of people begging for free samples or offering reviews for samples. Go on the Product Offer section and it's filled to the brim with beggers.

Junkies gonna junk, man. I can't imagine how much sellers get PMs from people asking for freebies or trying to scam out some free drugs. Nature of the beast.
Title: Re: Sellers Beware: Lucyinthebag is trolling for free drugs...
Post by: boringflooring on March 09, 2012, 02:16 am
Yea they may have just sent you the same message if you didn't respond to the first one s/he sent.

I'm not a vendor, but if i were you, i'd just tell the person to buy one of your listing that's only a gram.  If they can't afford that, then their business probably isn't worth your time. I've obviously never purchased from you, but you're established enough that you don't need to be sending free samples to people just cause they ask for it.  If this person were going to bring in a good amount of business as they claim, buying a gram listing shouldn't be an issue for this person whatsoever
Title: Re: Sellers Beware: Lucyinthebag is trolling for free drugs...
Post by: uniwiz on March 09, 2012, 02:35 am
It's a problem :(

The road has beggars just like the streets.
Virtual pan handlers......
Lucyinthebag = dumbass


This is Uniwiz, I could use a QP sample, to test.
I'll tell all my friends, and give you great reviews.
Hehe, that feels good.
Better would be the free QP
Greed , and sarcasm beat the Uniwiz, again. :'(

Heads up, TUS, you don't need to give out stinken samples you are proven.
Title: Re: Sellers Beware: Lucyinthebag is trolling for free drugs...
Post by: jmoney113 on March 09, 2012, 03:54 am
It's kinda funny seeing the amount of people begging for free samples or offering reviews for samples. Go on the Product Offer section and it's filled to the brim with beggers.

Junkies gonna junk, man. I can't imagine how much sellers get PMs from people asking for freebies or trying to scam out some free drugs. Nature of the beast.
First of all, I would assume most of the people in Offers have some purchases under their belt, and don't simply sit there and beg all day. If there is a seller offering free samples, what's the harm in accepting and saying you'll offer them a very detailed review? Some people will be pessimists till the day they die.

You can tell from the post that the person attempting to scam seems very young, so I would take that as the first red flag. Obviously no one is going to fall for this trick.