Been doing a lot of thinking about this subject and I have come to the conclusion that we ARE making a difference... look at the LE who patrol this site... investigating us... trying to bust us... they are making LITTLE or NO difference in the grand scheme of things... yes some of us will be busted... could be me... don't really care to be honest. I mean i would love to do this for 20+ years and stack up tons of green backs and retire but I am not stupid... I have already done time on some really smart crimes so I KNOW what LE is capable of but when you look at the big picture, the population (other than LE) will continue on long after I am gone from this planet. People WANT to be free... it is who we are and that desire will ALWAYS override the desire of the Government to repress us. The ID, the EGO, that part of us that makes us feel special, the part of our brain that makes us think we are the only ONE who understands needs to be controlled... we need to work as a force to overcome LE and continue this work onward. Some of us will go down, we will be martyred for our efforts... hopefully future generations will honor us for the efforts we have put forth not only for our work but for the liberties we have sacrificed being the first..Look beyond the here and now folks... look at the freedom SR provides... don't admire the site... admire the cause... and carry it on... at all costs.