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Messages - Tang

Pages: 1 ... 128 129 [130] 131 132 ... 139
Product Requests / Re: looking for weed vendor who ships to germany
« on: November 28, 2013, 04:35:11 pm »
didnt found you :

searching for 'CaptainWhiteBeard'

no listings found

I think CaptainWhiteBeard was saying to look on the market for vendors and see who ships to Germany.

Drug Safety / Re: What is the most in demand drug here?
« on: November 28, 2013, 03:39:47 pm »
There is demand for a wide variety of products, not only is it about the quality of the product but also the customer service experience for the customer. If you're selling H and you can provide a great product and can provide fast shipping you will soon build up a loyal customer base from people who order H. People like a vendor who will respond to their questions in a timely manner, it's all about building trust with your customers.

At the moment, I believe the only way to cancel a order is message the vendor since staff can not cancel orders at this time.

Staff are aware of this problem and are no doubt working on it as fast as they can. They did add a whole bunch of new features today such as feedback and categories so it shouldn't be too long.

Rumor Mill / Re: So what happened to SupplyShack
« on: November 28, 2013, 01:02:44 pm »
The vendor could still be around under a new account, I know some vendors have came back under new names to start fresh as they feel it is the right thing to do security wise.

Security / Re: ever worry you're dealing with a fed?
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:43:27 pm »
would someone be willing to send me an encrypted message to make sure I have the hang of it? (tried it once and it didn't work).

my key is in my profile

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (MingW32)


Silk Road Discussion / Re: Dumb question.
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:41:33 pm »
Ya, hopefully nobody keeps any coin in their account longer than absolutely necessary to make purchases, but funds in escrow... Nothing can be done. OP, you mentioned assuming the databases were destroyed. No, not destroyed. Seized by the FBI. The feds stole all the money from the site, and also seized control of the servers. Messages and shipping addresses sent unencrypted are almost certainly in their possession, purchasing history, god knows what else. Just a heads up.

It's quite a worrying thought to think the FBI have control of the servers, they must have gone though those with a fine tooth comb extracting every little bit of data they could.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: help
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:40:22 pm »
dude i have been trying to get my head around this PGP and you just explained the lot to me in 20 seconds of reading...thanks very much time for some purchases  8) 8) so i message the vendor on the marketplace or through the forum?

You can do either way, I'm sure they would be happy to help you out.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: help
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:33:17 pm »

Well, first you need to get some Bitcoin to be able to make a purchase here as that is the currency used. You can get Bitcoin at sites like,


LocalBitcoins is your best bet as it others a wider range of payment methods, BitStamp only accepts SEPA transfers I believe.

Once you have your Bitcoin you will need to send them over to your account, remember to put them though a tumbler first to "clean" your coins so they can not be traced.

Here is a tumbler, they charge a small fee but it is worth it.


Once you got your Bitcoin in your account you can go ahead and find the product you desire in the marketplace. It's best to message the vendor before ordering to make sure they are available.

Once you find what you want you can go ahead and purchase, but then you need to give the vendor delivery details. This is where you should get PGP encryption software so you can send the vendor your address and only they can read it. Here is a basic PGP encryption client which is easy to use.


After you have sent the vendor the details and paid your coins will get held in escrow, this is to protect you from any problems as Silk Road act as a middle man in your transaction only releasing the coins to the vendor when you receive your package.

Once you receive your package you can go ahead and finalize the transaction and release the coins to the vendor.

In rare cases vendors will ask you finalize early before shipping your package, Silk Road advises against this as if there is any problems they can not help you out as the vendor already has the coins so if you want to finalize early it's your call.

If you need anymore help, feel free to contact me.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Dumb question.
« on: November 28, 2013, 03:51:10 am »
Correct, your account is gone. Your coins are gone, it's unfortunate but there is nothing that can be done to get it back.

Product Offers / Re: Interest check: Hash @ $10/gram or less
« on: November 28, 2013, 03:46:34 am »
Just to let you know, vendor accounts are currently unavailable due to some maintenance being done. I believe DPR said they should be back in a week.

Off Topic / Re: current drugs im on
« on: November 28, 2013, 03:04:07 am »
I'm glad Silk Road helps you obtain the products you desire.

Security / Re: Need advice on shipment tracking
« on: November 28, 2013, 02:51:32 am »
This has been a topic discussed quite a bit, I don't know if there is any truth to the whole checking with TOR will flag the package but my advice is only check the tracking if you really need to. For example, if the vendor states he sent the package and it is expected to arrive in 2-3 days then if it doesn't arrive within a week then you should think about checking.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Hey, I was just thinking...
« on: November 28, 2013, 02:47:34 am »
DPR does have a bounty thread open, requesting programmers which he states no access to the servers etc.


I'm sure if anyone was interested in helping develop one of the tasks DPR needs they will contact him.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Hey, I was just thinking...
« on: November 28, 2013, 02:15:15 am »
Absolutely not, there are so many risks involved in doing that. Law enforcement, people with malicious intent.

I am sure that LE is watching this forum already. Also, you can't be sure that there aren't any people with mailicous intent lurking on this forum.

How can DPR decide anyway which prgorammers are trustworthy and which are not?

That's the problem, you can't figure out who is LE and who isn't.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Hey, I was just thinking...
« on: November 28, 2013, 02:06:47 am »
Absolutely not, there are so many risks involved in doing that. Law enforcement, people with malicious intent.

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