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Messages - Tang

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Security / Re: Are you Paralyzed by PGP? Fear no more! Join PGP Club :)
« on: December 01, 2013, 02:10:23 pm »
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)


Can someone send me a message and i'll to see if i can decrypt it? Complete nub.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (MingW32)


Security / Re: Purchasing Bitcoins
« on: December 01, 2013, 04:36:10 am »
LocalBitcoins in my opinion is still the best place to go, I haven't had any experience with the others you listed.

This may sound stupid but I always used BTC vendors in the past (and I'm no newb-I had established relationships where it was easiest for me)....but that being said, those vendors are gone as I know it. So, I'm turning to localbitcoins. Should I use localbitcoins on tor or clearnet? (Ugh I sound like such an amateur lol)...and then, after signing up, is it safe to do bank deposits to others; or what types of purchases would you recommend? Thanks in advance!

You can go ahead and use it on the clearnet, you can just run the coins though BitcoinFog after which tumbles the coins into your Silk Road account. Bank Deposits are the easiest method on LocalBitcoins as it's just as simple as driving to the bank the vendor banks with and drop the money to the teller.

The Ross Ulbricht Case & Theories / Re: Exploding Ross Ulbricht Laptop
« on: December 01, 2013, 04:29:23 am »
woodnt it have been awesome if the guy that is being accused of being DPR had his laptop rigged to explode if he had a wriststrap that pulled out the non existant TAILS operating sytem as well as a switch that activated few hundred grams of black powder.

it would be kinda scary to walk around with this but he stated he was prepared to spend the rest of his life in prison

 so you mite as well blow some cops up as well as alot of evidence.

It kind of defeats the purpose, you will destroy the evidence on the laptop but then you will classed as a terrorist which is even worse!

The FBI got their "15 minutes of fame" from all the media that covered the story showing how the FBI is great and can crack any case.

Security / Re: Benefits/Drawbacks of username between sites
« on: December 01, 2013, 04:20:55 am »
I mean, if you're a buyer you don't really have a need to use the same name. But if you're a vendor the forum is a great place to give customer service to your customers like a feedback thread and also forum PM's. Also if the market is ever down for maintenance then you can still contact the vendor on the forum about possible orders that you placed.

Off Topic / Re: **SHEEP MEGATHREAD** - ALL Sheep discussion here please.
« on: December 01, 2013, 04:02:55 am »
Methinks Derick is not Foreal. Sounds like a scammer impersonating a known good guy. Hope I am right, otherwise - disappointed.

Derick just felt the ban hammer, patience is running thin for this stuff now.

Synergy, I saw a post about 2 hours ago about you going to sleep. ;)

Anyway, sad to see Sheep has fallen. I'm sure it took with it many loyal customers who have had enough of getting scammed and finally gave up on buying online. Also I bet it took down some really good vendors too, it's a shame really.

Rumor Mill / Re: The movement
« on: December 01, 2013, 03:57:30 am »
Some strong words in there, sorry to hear you lost money on Sheep.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: backopy plans on shutting down BMR
« on: December 01, 2013, 01:26:24 am »
Well, this is Silk Road's opportunity to shine.

Before Silk Road was seized the current system seemed to run pretty well and that was going for 2 years, I'm confident DPR knows what he is doing and should help keep the site secure. A automatic cash out for vendors would be a good additional to the features to keep a steady flow of funds coming from Silk Road to help protect themselves if the worst happened like a another seizure.

I know this doesn't protect vendors from funds they have held up in escrow but hopefully DPR can make sure the site runs smoothly and nothing like a seizure or a sever security breach ever happens!

Rumor Mill / Re: Has anybody ordered from amb3r?
« on: November 30, 2013, 11:36:19 pm »
Was thinking about ordering from amb3r, she has some really well-priced BHO/concentrate listings. Just wondering if anybody has ordered off of her on the old road or if she was reputable before. She has 0 feedback on SR or the forums so I'm a little shaky about it.

You should be safe if you stay in escrow and don't FE early, I tried to search for some reviews for you but couldn't find anything sorry!

Feature Requests / Re: SR homepage back to the way it used to be?
« on: November 30, 2013, 09:51:34 pm »
I also believe it actually shows new users what Silk Road actually has to offer when they first view the site.

Off Topic / Re: What is your favourite Pot Noodle
« on: November 30, 2013, 09:14:29 pm »
Where can you buy "potnoodles"?  I don't know what they are....but I want some.

They are dehydrated noodles which you add hot water and a small packet of sauce. I had them when I was on vacation once then I went back and they completely changed, it was a life destroying moment. :(

Silk Road Discussion / Re: I need some help.
« on: November 30, 2013, 09:07:25 pm »
attn fellow new users. I have overcome my noob-ness and made my first successfull transaction thanks to the help of @24-7, @chemcat andanother user i forget, sorry for forgetting your tag.
Anyways, i was and still am new to TOR browser, and i was unsure how to load funds onto my SR acct, and instead of reading thru threads i directly asked. I got some major help.
There is a site called

it is a very good site.
It has a tumbling option on it as well as a transfer link that you can copy and paste into your wallet in 'send money' then it will goto your Silk road account

however i still have a few questions

I do not know how to purchase the bitcoins, I bought a prepaid as stated yesterday but couldnt find ANY way to purchase or transfer the funds to a bitcoin account online..
Some users were saying i  could goto a western union and purchase some bitcoins directly, or even a bank teller?
is there any other face to face locations or methods?

also, i went on (CLEAN SOURCE) [i believe thats what its called when its not a secure site? if not correct me] to see local users in the area, and there were none listed in my city..

or, i have an idea. i think it might sound sketchy to some of you, but i bought prepaid cards, 50.00CAD value, and i want them converted to BC currency.... If anyone is looking to exchange these for currency that would be cool..... I could tell you the number on the front as well as the EXP date, and then you could call the number and give it that info, it would verify its a card, then it asks for the cvc number, in which i will send upon your sending of the bitcoins.
If not no problem guys.

Posting this beacause a few users said I should provide this as insight for fellow new users wondering how to use or do certain things.

If you want to use LocalBitcoins for a cash transaction you can use the "Bank Deposit" method where you just go into any bank that the vendor is with and just go inside and hand the teller the money and give them the vendors account details and they will credit their account and give you a recite.

Security / Re: Are you Paralyzed by PGP? Fear no more! Join PGP Club :)
« on: November 30, 2013, 09:04:36 pm »

Managed to decrypt your message just fine, here is one for you!

Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (MingW32)


Security / Re: Are you Paralyzed by PGP? Fear no more! Join PGP Club :)
« on: November 30, 2013, 08:42:04 pm »

Perfect, I managed to decrypt it with no problem!

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