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Messages - Tang

Pages: 1 ... 58 59 [60] 61 62 ... 139
Silk Road Discussion / Re: Support ?!
« on: January 07, 2014, 06:26:50 pm »
I would like to know if I am the only one having trouble with the support.

I have to contact them 2-3 times in order to have my request answered.

BTW, this is not a whinny fest/complain post, this is a genuine question I am asking out.

Support has a huge backlog at the moment (6000+ tickets), they will reply to you as soon as possible.

Deposits are taking up to 24 hours at the moment, but they will eventually be credited to your accounts. I apologize for any inconvenience, hopefully deposits will speed up soon.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Bitcoin vanished/stolen
« on: January 07, 2014, 06:04:50 pm »   So this is tooootally fine?

You've got nothing to worry about, your coins will appear in your account soon.

« on: January 07, 2014, 06:03:37 pm »
Had to make a forum name to try to get some answers, is anyone else losing the bitcoin that is in their SR wallet( whenever it finally, actually shows up)? And I mean when you trace your address on Blockchain it shows that someone made a transfer of your exact SR Wallet to another address, and that address is taking in hundreds of coins and re routing them to other addresses that are doing the same.... Has this happened to anyone?

That's the coin mixer, it's perfectly normal.

Customer Support / Re: Balance not updating?
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:58:56 pm »
There is a delay with deposits being credited to accounts at the moment, please be patient and the Bitcoin will be in your account ready to spend soon.

Can you check mine as well, I'm very concerned too.

Your deposit will be credited to your account soon, please be patient.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Have not received bitcoin's
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:50:45 pm »
No i just i sent them to one address only

I was replying to Fuzhou, have your coins not arrived in your account yet?

Has this situation been resolved?

Newbie Discussion / Re: Bitcoin vanished/stolen
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:41:09 pm »
If your account hasn't been compromised then please sit tight and your coins will reappear soon, in regards to [Clearnet] showing your coins have been moved that's just the coin mixer moving them around.

You could try clicking the 'Search for new deposits' button as that sometimes solves the problem but if it doesn't work you'll just have to be patient and wait, sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused you.

Feature Requests / Re: GET RID OF SHITTY FE
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:29:49 pm »
We don't not encourage users to finalize their transactions early, it's entirely their choice if they do.


« on: January 07, 2014, 05:23:02 pm »
Deposited coin last night 06/01/2014 10pm gmt. 146 conformations on blockchain. All hear presrnt and correct. Balance still not up-dated. Thats 19hrs. Im sure it will be sorted soon. Hopefully :( Theres alot going on now, right!?

Your deposit will be credited to your account soon, we appreciate your patience!

Newbie Discussion / Re: WTF happen to BITSTAMP??
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:18:00 pm »
Bitstamp have used that 'now it's gone' page before when they was performing maintence to the site.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Have not received bitcoin's
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:15:59 pm »
If the deposit shows up on [Clearnet] then it will be credited to your Silk Road account soon. I'm sorry for the delays but you'll just have to be patient.
Hi, I've been waiting 2 days for the rest of my bitcoins to arrive. [Stupidly] I sent them to all 10 of my deposit addresses but so far only one has arrived despite 508 confirmations at time of post. I sent a message to support via marketplace following the guidelines set out in the forum and haven't heard back yet.

I don't quite understand what you mean, did you send a small amount to each deposit address?

Customer Support / Re: why negative btc??
« on: January 07, 2014, 05:13:04 pm »
It's a known bug, try clicking the 'Check for new deposits' button and it should correct your balance, you can also try restarting Tor and that should also work. It will eventually fix itself, sorry for any inconvenience


Customer Support / Re: i used an old depoist adress, Will ut take longer?
« on: January 07, 2014, 04:59:45 pm »
We're aware that deposits are slow at being credited to accounts, we ask you to please be patient and it will be in your account soon.

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