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Customer Support / Re: My BTC automatically withdrawn?! :S!
« on: February 04, 2014, 02:09:30 am »
It seems like your account was compromised, the HiddenWiki displays a Silk Road phishing link. Have you downloaded any files recently?

BitStamp - 803.9 USD / BTC
BTC-E - 799.0 USD / BTC
MtGox -  932.0 USD / BTC
LocalBitcoins - 830.3 USD / BTC

Customer Support / Re: auto-finalize
« on: February 04, 2014, 01:35:54 am »
Hi the netherlands,

Auto-finalize is currently disabled until the resolution center is rolled out.


Customer Support / Re: SUGARWAND ---NO PRODUCT/ DO NOT ORDER--
« on: February 04, 2014, 01:34:40 am »
Hi suchacoolguy,

If your funds are still in escrow then you'll need to wait for the resolution center to be released, you'll then be able to dispute the transaction and receive a full refund.


Customer Support / Re: Received empty package from 'theabsolutefinest'
« on: February 04, 2014, 01:32:26 am »
Hi drater8,

If your package was seized law enforcement wouldn't just write 'DEA' on an envelope and then reseal the package, I recommend you wait for the resolution center to be released then argue your case there.


Hi comedown,

Unfortunately you've used a phishing link, in future avoid using the HiddenWiki to obtain URL's.

Market URL - http://silkroad6ownowfk.onion/login


Customer Support / Re: My BTC automatically withdrawn?! :S!
« on: February 03, 2014, 04:21:49 pm »
Could you tell me which URL you used?

Off Topic / Re: your favorite movie?
« on: February 03, 2014, 04:08:56 pm »
Blow (2001)


A boy named George Jung grows up in a struggling family in the 1950's. His mother nags at her husband as he is trying to make a living for the family. It is finally revealed that George's father cannot make a living and the family goes bankrupt. George does not want the same thing to happen to him, and his friend Tuna, in the 1960's, suggests that he deal marijuana. He is a big hit in California in the 1960's, yet he goes to jail, where he finds out about the wonders of cocaine. As a result, when released, he gets rich by bringing cocaine to America. However, he soon pays the price.

Hi xstudent,

Unfortunately since you have finalized the transaction early we're unable refund your Bitcoin, in future I urge you to stay within the escrow system as it provides you protection from scams.


Customer Support / Re: My BTC automatically withdrawn?! :S!
« on: February 03, 2014, 03:10:50 pm »
Hi lou151991,

Did you use the HiddenWiki to obtain the market URL?


Newbie Discussion / Re: How to finalize orders?
« on: February 02, 2014, 10:43:47 pm »
You'll need to wait for the vendor to mark the transaction as 'Shipped' before you're able to finalize early.


Newbie Discussion / Re: Are there 2 silkroad urls?
« on: February 02, 2014, 10:22:20 pm »
silkroad6ownowfk.onion (Real)

Customer Support / Re: Package never received. What now?
« on: February 02, 2014, 10:18:46 pm »
Hi colibri92,

You'll need to wait for the resolution center to be released, you'll then be able to dispute the transaction and receive a full refund.


Customer Support / Re: PGP key
« on: February 02, 2014, 10:15:59 pm »
Hi colibri92,

It's not compulsory but I highly recommend you do encrypt your shipping address, if you're on a Windows / Linux system then GPG4USB is a great client to use.


Here's a guide written by 'Yoda' on how to use GPG4USB,

For Windows or Linux:

***1. Create your key***

*Open web browser
*Go here:
*Click the big "Download gpg" button
*Download it
*Unzip it (if you don't know how to do this use google)
*Open the folder and double click "start_windows.exe"  (For Linux, click "start Linux")
*Pick your language and click "next"
*Now click "Create A Key Pair"
*Click "Create New Key"
*Fill in whatever name and email you'd like the world to see, select key size (4096), and create a strong password
*Click "finish"

***2. Import key of someone you wish to write encrypted to***

*Find their public key on their vendor page or wherever
*Copy everything from "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----" through "-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
*Paste all that into the box on the big blank left pane box inside gpg4usb
*In gpg4usb above that box, on the menu bar, you'll find a button in the middle that says "Import Key".  Click it and select "Editor"
*Click "OK"
*You should now see their name and key in the right hand box/pane.  If not, read:  http://silkroad5v7dywlc.onion/index.php?topic=1452.msg18606#msg18606
(if you don't have 2 window panes, a text editor on the left and a key list on the right; from the very top menu, click on "View", make sure there is a check box next to "Encrypt For:")

***3. Write this person an encrypted message***

*Clear the editor box (the left hand side box) in gpg4usb... highlight and delete... or close it and open a new one from the top menu. "File" > "new"
*Type something in this blank box on the left hand side
*In the right hand pane, select this person's name that you wish to write to.
*This person doesn't yet have your key, so you need to give it to them.  Right click your name now in the right pane, select "Append selected keys to text".  Now your key should be copied into the left hand editor box.
*Click the "Encrypt" button on the top menu
*Click the "copy" button on the top menu... or do this manually whichever way you want
*Paste this... in an email to this person... or for an order on SR, in the blank box that asks you for your address.

***4. Receive an encrypted message***

*copy it all starting from "-------BEGIN PGP MESSAGE---"  through  "-------END PGP MESSAGE---"
*paste into your gpg4usb left hand pane
*click "decrypt" from the top menu
*enter your password
*read it


Customer Support / Re: Mistyped username recovery
« on: February 02, 2014, 10:10:24 pm »
Hi, 2357111315

You'll need to contact market support,

Here is the link: http://silkroad6ownowfk.onion/users/support/message


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