JWM, no one forced anyone to do anything, we all have our own personal views and beliefs but it is not a moderators role to exert their own onto the community. These forums have some rules, they are no secret and if anyone has a serious problem with them then they are free to exercise their right not to participate in discussion here. No one is downplaying, diminishing, condoning or doing anything for that matter that even remotely infers that CP or pedophilia is anything but abhorrent, there I shared my own personal view but I will vigorously defend the right to come on here and discuss it if it is done in a mature and adult way. I understand this issue robs most people of the ability to think with their brain and not with their emotions but this is a fundamental principle of this forum, free speech will not be censored because the subject matter is difficult to contend with. Today it is CP, tomorrow it might be racist rants like these forums are awash with at the moment, it is a slippery slope. If you do not like it then do not read it and stop being so precious, I think everyone here has more than grasped your intensity of anger on this issue. I would invite you to make a mental shift and see you are combining two issues into one, the right to speak freely does not constitute support for a subject, it is the principle that is being promoted NOT THE SUBJECT MATTER. Synergy