What is a "coachella" he/ she /it seems to get the hackles up, can someone fill me in ?
Not for the feint hearted but this will give you an idea:
http://www.[Beware - This subreddit belongs to Coachella] www.reddit.com/r/silkroadUNcensored/
Clearnet of course.
Holy fuck, I descended into madness when I read some of those posts. Bug-eyed crazy.
Pretty sure that this whole coachella thing is a long running joke by the staff when they are bored. The whole thing is like a episode of law & order.
If it is, it's well fucking schizophrenic - I remember long argumentative threads on the old SRF, and there's been one or two on here too. If it's the admins playing both sides then they got some serious mental issues... Can anyone link to one of the threads on here?
kittenfluff, you have just been sucked into the world of coachella, did it ever cross your mind that the poster above yours, Captain Jack Sparrow could be yet another coachella account? I may be a new moderator but I am not not knew to these forums and the very suggestion coachella is an invention of the administrators/moderators is one of the most outlandish speculations yet and is worthy of a place in coachella's subreddit along with the other crazy conspiracy theories
Uh, if you're being serious I'm not coachella. Hate to say it, but that cat's got you throwing wild accusations everywhere.
I'm not really concerned whether you are or whether are not coachella, the point being made was what you posted was in the same league of ridiculousness as what coachella posts.
Are you really suggesting the moderators and administrators of this site have so little to to with their time that they have operated and banned at least 5 vendor accounts and literally dozens and dozens of shills across multiple platforms including reddit and BMR?
I think you might want to reconsider your original post if you want to be taken seriously, coachella or not.