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Messages - Synergy

Pages: 1 ... 50 51 [52] 53 54 ... 59
Activate the PGP two-factor authentication, this will safeguard your account from all phishing scams by preventing the chances of someone gaining unauthorized access.


*edit* there appears to be some issues with this feature, please leave it unactivated for the time being until we can get if fixed and working correctly.

Apologies folks but as Libertas said just earlier Rome wasn't built in a day.

+1 to you Syn. If he doesn't, do mods have a MUZZLE button they can press?

Thanks for my first neg YOULUbe ;)

YOULube, chill.

That is all.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: OFFICIAL: Background Logo on Login Page Thread
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:46:07 pm »
Haha yeah I got that Synergy. Thanks though.

Anyway, this launch undoubtedly result in undercover agents registering and checking this out, and I doubt the FBI enjoys being taunted; I recommend everyone keep this in mind and play it safe. Anyone you do not recognize is a potential FBI agent--shit, even people you do recognize might be undercover. Encrypt your messages, shipping address, perhaps choose a new username for the site, etc.

They were taunted for 2+ years by the very existence of Silk Road, today, right now just further serves to underscore the utter futility of their failed war on drugs.

You cannot kill an idea, we all know this and we know what we are doing here in not only right but necessary so no matter what they do they cannot silence us all.


Silk Road Discussion / Re: Two-Factor Authentication using PGP is GENIUS
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:37:29 pm »
Say goodbye to phishing scams once and for all ;)

Silk Road Discussion / Re: CLEARNET ARTICLES POURING IN! :)
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:36:44 pm »
mashable has a piece on DPR

Silk Road Discussion / Re: OFFICIAL: Background Logo on Login Page Thread
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:32:02 pm »
It is unbelievable! It is the biggest possible FUCK YOU to LE. Excellent work guys! :)


Silk Road Discussion / Re: OFFICIAL: Background Logo on Login Page Thread
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:29:51 pm »
Now who wants to do me a favor and tell me what LE stands for? I know it refers to law enforcement and oh wow there it is I am an idiot. I am going to post this anyway despite the fact that I just answered my own question.


LE = Law Enforcement

Silk Road Discussion / Re: OFFICIAL: Background Logo on Login Page Thread
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:19:29 pm »

Congratulations, you managed to interrupt Silk Road for a month, all those man hours, all those tax payers dollars WASTED.

This will stand as testament to your failed war on us.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: And it's here!
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:16:24 pm »
DPR keeps using www. The site will not load if you include www in the URL; make sure to take that out. He posted it in that format on Twitter and in his signature; silly, silly.

This has been rectified.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: And it's here!
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:14:23 pm »
Seems to be loading now, ease off the F5 everyone, give it chance to calm down a bit.

The market seems to responding well now. I had to get the bloody link off reddit. The landing page threw me for a second.

Puckered up there for a moment did we? ;)

Silk Road Discussion / Re: And it's here!
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:10:04 pm »
Seems to be loading now, ease off the F5 everyone, give it chance to calm down a bit.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Tick... Tick... Tick...
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:08:05 pm »
The traffic is flooding in, please be patient and ease off the F5 a little if you are struggling to get through.


Have it loading now though :D

Silk Road Discussion / Re: And it's here!
« on: November 06, 2013, 05:06:06 pm »
Congratulations we crashed Tor, 800 connections per second! ;)

Hopefully people will be able to load the page soon, welcome to history everyone!

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Old Silk Road form
« on: November 06, 2013, 12:05:01 pm »
And I heard the bill was due weeks ago so who knows, everyone just speculates on what they 'think' the case may be, I doubt anyone really knows for sure.

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