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Messages - Synergy

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Off Topic / Re: The Fuck You Thread!! Tell a person to fuck off
« on: November 09, 2013, 10:19:17 pm »
This thread should be made a sticky ;)

As always BlueGiraffe your integrity and passion for this community shines though.

Ah got ya. Whatbout the 50 post Newbie Hell trick? I recalll you addressing that possibility in one thread having it's own set of pros and cons.
There is another way... you see theres this hitman... he's got a kilo of coke for sale.. and oh fuck it, too soon.  :-X

Doesn't help I'm afraid, coachalla can spam his way out of the newbie section in no time and it would also give him open slather to create multiple accounts at will that we will have a much harder time keeping track of. At least with the invite system we (DPR) can se where he is getting the codes from given us extra ability to close off those weak links.

All I would suggest is everyone with the privilege to create invite codes gives careful consideration to who they pass them onto because you could be held accountable if you are effectively vouching for this idiot and letting him in.


So....No on the contract killer? I will have Badger and Skinny Pete stand down. $200,000 down the drain. ;)

Sorry I am having sense of humor failure are the moment, I am just getting rather jaded at having to keep defending the reasons for keeping him out of the community. Not having a go at you DoctorClu by the way and this is in no way directed at you whatsoever, I just wish everyone would see the admins have called it and it our position on the matter not be changing, not now and not ever.

The community have however largely been fully supportive of the measures we have taken, thank you for you support, it makes our jobs just that bit easier at a time our efforts could well be better utilized in more important matters instead of dealing with coachella bullshit.

coachella - I say this as coming from me personally and not in my capacity as a moderator, go fuck yourself and leave this community in peace, you are persona non grata.

Off Topic / Re: Invitation key
« on: November 09, 2013, 09:15:33 pm »
Code sent via PM.

Ah got ya. Whatbout the 50 post Newbie Hell trick? I recalll you addressing that possibility in one thread having it's own set of pros and cons.
There is another way... you see theres this hitman... he's got a kilo of coke for sale.. and oh fuck it, too soon.  :-X

Doesn't help I'm afraid, coachalla can spam his way out of the newbie section in no time and it would also give him open slather to create multiple accounts at will that we will have a much harder time keeping track of. At least with the invite system we (DPR) can se where he is getting the codes from given us extra ability to close off those weak links.

All I would suggest is everyone with the privilege to create invite codes gives careful consideration to who they pass them onto because you could be held accountable if you are effectively vouching for this idiot and letting him in.


Customer Support / Re: Old vendor want come back on the forums
« on: November 09, 2013, 08:02:24 pm »
Synergy, could you please send me a code too?  I recently pm'd you, dpr, and libertas as to my intentions here on the new SR. Looking forward to great things!


Syn - since the invite chain will get booted for inviting the latest version of this meth monster.. should this theoretically be the last we see of this monkey? How else would he possibly slither back in if every account even remotely connected to inviting him and other accounts are banned?

Well that's not entirely going to fix it, there have been plenty of codes posted by DPR's twitter account and myself and Sarge put up  fair few recently as well to appease some concerns so he could have snuck in that way.

I don't think we will be just throwing up codes for anyone from now on so the membership may not grow much for a while until we can figure out another way to deal with this issue.

Even if he gets in (which he will) we should be able to limit his actions as he will burn through the accounts pretty quickly and can no longer just create new ones over and over and over. It will also mean the forums are not gunked up wit the bitcoin spammer merchants, fucking hate those guys so much.

So far the only accounts that i have seen to post complaining about how the mods are allegedly censoring these forums following the banning of a coachella account(s) have been for the most part founds to be yet more coachella shills.

That is not to say every dissenting voice is cochella though and the admins/mods take the banning of accounts very serious and only do so when we have fully verified it is him, no one gets the ban hammer on a whim.

We have already seen how destructive an influence coachella can be on here, his ban is for life and will not be overturned, he earned it.


Customer Support / Re: Stolen SR vendor name
« on: November 09, 2013, 06:52:52 pm »
Hi Cher,

You need to contact DPR and explain what has happened and the issue will be taken care of. I am already aware of several other instances of this happened and the nym's have been restored to their rightful owners, please refer to this thread:


Please report back here when you know more, I will also make sure this is put on DPR's radar at this busy time.


Although it may seem shady, I use a different username for the main site. In order to be an unbiased reviewer, I must hide my true identity of Mr.X. If the vendors knew that the great Mr.X was ordering from them, they would send me only their finest product at a reduced price. I would then be unable to properly judge the quality of the the substances that are given to the typical peasant.


Not shady in the slightest Mr X, I would advise all buyers to use different account names on the forum and market sights just the same as all vendors should never buy from their sellers account.

Customer Support / Re: Old vendor want come back on the forums
« on: November 09, 2013, 02:51:26 pm »
Will PM you a code.


Customer Support / Re: Someone jacked my username
« on: November 09, 2013, 02:49:21 pm »
Seems to be a few people experiencing this issue, as the poster above stated though contact DPR and it will be rectified.

should we fuck?

You're persistent I will give you that.

You are not my type I'm afraid but I can put in a good word with someone else if you wanted to broaden your horizons? Sarge maybe?

Off Topic / Re: Coachella
« on: November 09, 2013, 02:31:50 pm »
I took the liberty of adding a 4th option.

Haha, which one did you add dude?

I voted hes a T-100 Terminator robot or whatever lol

I was tempted.. but in the end I (unknowingly  :( ) went for Synergy's addition.

Jeez, the way we're all so happy to reveal our votes. How shit would we be if we actually voted in elections..

Now if we need could find out who the three individuals were who voted for option 1 we might find his other shills and/or some people in need of some professional help, I hope to god those were just trolling responses ;)

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Invites?
« on: November 09, 2013, 12:46:27 pm »
this still affective?

Coachella managed to find a way in earlier and I subsequently had to ban two accounts, he may have more who knows but I have resigned myself to the fact he will just be a persistent troll who probably will never give up, at least nearly everyone on here knows who he is and what to look out for so when he does start up with his usual antics no one pays too much attentions.

Off Topic / Re: Coachella
« on: November 09, 2013, 12:36:20 pm »
I took the liberty of adding a 4th option.

Haha, which one did you add dude?

The 4th option as I mentioned, ie

4 ding ding ding


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