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Messages - Synergy

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Silk Road Discussion / Re: SR Conspiracy?
« on: December 03, 2013, 03:13:56 pm »
It looks like BMR is staying open after all,  Backopy has decided to close new registrations though.

BMR is still shutting down but using a new "extended shutdown" plan where user accounts are "pruned" every Sunday.  Hopefully the shutdown of BMRv3 will last until the grand opening of BMRv5.   BMRv4 was thrown out months ago.

I really hope Backopy keeps BMR functioning, if that requires some 'pruning' then so be it before v5 makes an appearance. There is plenty of business to go around and Backopy has demonstrated his credentials as a man of integrity, something those individuals at sheep would know nothing about.

As for all this nonsense in the OP of this thread, what use is encrypted data to LE? We have said since day 1 treat this place like its compromised, encrypt everything, rule number 1 is you should never entrust your information to a 3rd party.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: A Little Staff Appreciation
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:42:26 am »
Thank you for the kind words, it is much appreciated in return.

Off Topic / Re: riff raff
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:40:00 am »
Is it just me or have these forums been over-run with lots of shit postings from trolls ever since bmr and smp shut their doors?

I miss my friendly, docile community

Let me summarize some of my favorites ;)

Why is it taking so long to implement all the features? what are you lazy pricks doing all day long? it's been a whole month now! DPR needs to learn how to code, if I was running this place it would all be working by now.

This next one is verbatim from the top of the Silk Road discussion board as we speak

"So SMP is shut down and BMR is closing. Is it to divert most traffic to Silk Road for a "Honey Pot" Tactic? I don't deeply believe this myself, but I do consider all possibilities. I wonder if it's all a trap. SMP and BMR are not known for good security. Maybe they got busted and were being run by LEOs until Silk Road could be brought back into play and then Divert most to the big Market. I don't know! What do you guys think?"

There are many more but you get the gist.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: SR Conspiracy?
« on: December 03, 2013, 11:39:06 am »
So SMP is shut down and BMR is closing. Is it to divert most traffic to Silk Road for a "Honey Pot" Tactic? I don't deeply believe this myself, but I do consider all possibilities. I wonder if it's all a trap. SMP and BMR are not known for good security. Maybe they got busted and were being run by LEOs until Silk Road could be brought back into play and then Divert most to the big Market. I don't know! What do you guys think?

Well I guess were all fucked then, you better make a run for it whilst you can ;)

My entire wallet was wiped out and 7k in BTC are gone, the entire balance.

How would someone have accessed my identifier as well as my password????

I would appreciate any input to explain how this could have happened.


first my bitcoins were gone now i get the following error!

Error 1006
Access denied
What happened?

The owner of this website ( has banned your IP address ().


You didn't activate Two-factor Authentication then I take it?

Either way I won't be leaving large sums in my blockchain wallet now after reading your post, sorry for your loss dude, that fucking sucks big time.

Used to see it happen a lot on Gox and they less than two fucks when it came to investigating what happened.

Customer Support / Re: Missing Bitcoins in my account
« on: December 02, 2013, 07:35:31 am »
PS i know how to send Bitcoins, i know one of the mods is going to ask me all of the common sense questions untill coming to the conclusion that they can't do shit.

DPR is the only one that can give me my coins back, at this point it looks like i have to take the loss.

I'm ok with that considering what happened with the old SR and sheep. But instead of wasting my fucking time DPR or support could tell me the coins are gone.

Your coins will not be gone and I can assure you if you have sent coins to your account they will be located.

When was the last time you had contact with SR admins via the market site?

Off Topic / Re: A Cry for Help
« on: December 02, 2013, 02:41:43 am »
Given there is no way to determine the scams from the real cases we must treat all as suspicious and as such the btc address has been redacted.

If this is genuine I am sorry for your situation but please do not post further such requests on these forums, doing so will result in your account being banned.


Off Topic / Re: About SR2 progress..
« on: December 02, 2013, 01:12:10 am »
To be fair hcnoise your comments were insulting and anyone reading your OP will see that but at least you have had the good grace to concede you were wrong even if it did take a  slap down from DPR to bring you to your senses.

Can you please mention what you think its an insult? if it's the phrase of the books I used "seems"
But could be my fault, english as you probably already noticed its not my mother language but trust me when I say that I don't like to insult

Ok since you ask how about this for starters...

So what he actually did the last month?
I don't want to be too cynical but at the moment seems like he's coding while studying how to do it from books

Coding from books? how more insulting do you want to be?

Anyway I have more important work to be doing that responding to this.

As you were

Off Topic / Re: About SR2 progress..
« on: December 02, 2013, 01:04:12 am »
To be fair hcnoise your comments were insulting and anyone reading your OP will see that but at least you have had the good grace to concede you were wrong even if it did take a  slap down from DPR to bring you to your senses.

Silk Road Discussion / Re: Market Site Features
« on: December 02, 2013, 12:41:07 am »
And not only that my stats will now show auto finalize which will negatively penalize me going forward lowering my rep to other vendors.
This is a very good point that I hadn't even considered. Fuck.

Please update us on the latest decisions surrounding auto-finalize when you can, Syn.

Auto finalize has been temporarily disabled.

Off Topic / Re: About SR2 progress..
« on: December 01, 2013, 10:14:19 pm »
In the last 30 days the following has been done:

> Built deep web market site from the ground up

If you think that is an easy task please refer to my previous comment re having an informed opinion.


well in reality dark web markets are a small piece of the bitcoin pie
Is there an actual statistic to this somewhere? I just have a hard time believing that dark web markets are of as little importance to BTC (and the overall value of) as some people are making it sound like they are.

The previous SR market site represented about 2% of the bitcoin market, that should give you some perspective..

Off Topic / Re: About SR2 progress..
« on: December 01, 2013, 09:46:28 pm »
Having an opinion is one thing, having an informed opinion is another.

I feel like I am having one of those 'need to breath' before posting moments so I will just leave it at that.

Deep web markets like SR, SMP etc only play a small percentage of the overall bitcoin market.

I wrote a thread lamblasting escrow and how fucking utterly pointless and damaging it is to everyone and they moved it off topic, the only markets that want escrow are the ones that want to rob you. Escrow is almost always decided based on reputation of buyer and seller and reputation is all we need, escrow is a fucking worthless scam and a liability, this shifty fucking behavior by SR staff shows what they're really after. CENSORING IS WHAT SHEEP DID RIGHT BEFORE IT FUCKED US.


I wrote a post praising SR, and encouraging people to support SR over the other markets in this time of DREAD.  It was also moved to off topic, because it didn't directly relate to the daily business of using SR.

Seems to me they're trying to create and enforce a standard, they're not trying to censor.

Precisely MUSHBUD and more to the point since when did moving a thread constitute censorship?

There is so much FUD flying around right now its' getting ridiculous.

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