I love the forums and all and you people are really really awesome, but why defend SR so much when WE DON'T HAVE A FUCKING MARKET? .
We defend it because we know this is just beta and the final product is just around the corner and we know how awesome and trustworthy that final product will be. I'm out there bitching about the things that need to be bitched about (auto-finale, ect.) but I do so because I know once the issues are resolved it will be a killer site. No matter how functional a site is if I don't trust it I don't trust it.
But you realize everything you just said about TM is what people were saying about Sheep a month ago don't you?
I don't pretend to know anything about TM, haven't been near it. That being said, no, we don't know what is around the corner and we don't know whether there are serious programming skills behind this site or not. I'm getting the idea it's a junior programmer teaching himself as he goes along. Why? The user interface and submenus should have been done the first week. I can do that shit and I know next to nothing.
I'm starting to feel like a broken record saying this but it has nothing to do with skill it has everything to do with priorities and security. Sub categories and a pretty UI are nice features, are they essential? no.
I get where you are coming from, believe me I do but a lot more goes into building this sit and making it secure than focusing on the functionality. The site launched when it was very primitive but we plan on sticking around for the long haul so have been concentrating on making sure we have the platform to do it.
Check DPR's 'to do' list, all the things everyone is asking for are coming and some, you just need to be patient.