Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: boki on November 29, 2011, 04:26 am

Title: Buying bitcoins
Post by: boki on November 29, 2011, 04:26 am
Hi all!

I'm new here so hi to everyone :) so i have some problems...

I have:
- PayPal
- PaySafeCard

I need:
- Bitcoins

Can anybody give me advice where can i buy or exchange my money to bitcoins i need best and fast service or site.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Buying bitcoins
Post by: boki on November 29, 2011, 04:58 pm
Bump! anybody?
Title: Re: Buying bitcoins
Post by: subtlety on November 29, 2011, 06:25 pm
Here's the fastest way I've found:

1. Use cash to buy a green-dot money-pak card at walmart/rite-aid/convenience store.
2. Log on to SR, in the money section, find a moneypak to BTC service (I use SumYunGai, he's fast and I've gotten all my BTC from him so far.)
3. BTC will be sent directly to your SR account (usually within 24 hrs.)
4. Go Shopping!

You're gonna pay a little more per BTC this way, but it's the fastest.

If you wanna go off-site, google, CampBX, MTGox or Tradehill.  I haven't used any of these, but lots of people here do, and you can probably find threads about them on these forums.  From what I've read, they take longer and each has different ways to transfer funds.  Some of them probably use paypal, but read up on tumbling BTC if you buy them from an account linked to your real identity.

BTW, money-pak might only be viable in the US.  Not sure what country you're in, but if you're not in the US my advice might be useless.

Oh, and welcome to the Road!  Most important thing, read the forums for a day or two.  Be thorough, everything you need to know is here somewhere.   

EDIT:  In the money section on SR, ExchangeService does Paypal and PSC transactions.  I've never used it, so you'll have to message them for details. They've got good feedback though, and you can always look for a review thread (use the search function on the forums.) If you go paypal, I'd have them sent to an instawallet and then to SR.  Look through the security sub-forum for good info.
Title: Re: Buying bitcoins
Post by: Rook on November 30, 2011, 02:46 am

spend some time and figure out the PGP/IRC system and soon you will never have trouble getting bitcoins again.
Title: Re: Buying bitcoins
Post by: MrDdroMcGillacutty on November 30, 2011, 02:58 am