I'm not going to hold your hand on the issue as I can't take more clients on right now but I'll give you a very brief pointer in the right direction at least since Meerkovo answered most of it. You need to take the possessions out of your hands and into the property of another legal entity, meaning a sole proprietor for example won't work, it'll need to be a limited company or one whereby it is a legal entity within itself. This doesn't solve the problem, but research in that direction about moving it away from the control of your government and co-operating agencies, then convert it from raw form (cash) to integrated forms (equities, securities, commodities etc), this will at least put several layers between you and the cash, also giving the police a headache getting it back. From there, get creative, apply common sense. Laundering, asset protection and other financial areas of interest to crime aren't that hard once you've given it proper thought (ie, staying away from search terms like "how to launder money" and instead putting "FATF Methods and Trends" for example for recent FATF publications).Scattering assets around the world isn't a bad idea I should note if you ever need to tuck tail from a country too.