Total transactions: 42Total spent: $3124.92Refund rate: 1.69%Auto-finalize rate: 0%Member for: 1 yearTotal transactions: 72Total spent: $16925.04Refund rate: 0%Auto-finalize rate: 0%Member for: 1 yearTotal transactions: 16Total spent: $4250.97Refund rate: 0%Auto-finalize rate: 0%Member for: 11 monthsTotal transactions: 55Total spent: $13005.37Refund rate: 0%Auto-finalize rate: 0%Member for: 8 monthsTotal transactions: 97Total spent: $19345.63Refund rate: 0%Auto-finalize rate: 0%Member for: 7 monthsThese are my current buyer accounts that are active. There were 2 more but I haven't used them for a while and can't remember the password so couldn't check although I don't imagine they were more than $12,000 or so in combined worth.I have changed the above figures, these are not exact copy and pastes, I added or deducted up to 10% of the stats and transactions and even added or deducted a month from each, I'm not that foolish to link them together so easily (although with pending orders these will change tomorrow to be even higher)