Quote from: Herbalizer47 on June 09, 2013, 08:28 pmQuote from: StExo on June 02, 2013, 03:40 amIt's not personal, it's business. Until people stop screwing around and being thieving bastards, the streets will always be violent to ensure order is maintained.Here. I have no reason to be violent, provocative, make people try to fear me etc because there is no need and it wouldn't work so what would be the point when instead I can sit down with a nice cup of tea and have a friendly chat with some like-minded people :)?Wow, I think you quite succinctly summed up one of the biggest reasons that the war on drugs is such a counterproductive clusterfuck. If drugs were legal, they wouldn't have to be associated with "real" crime like street violence, theft, and other unpleasantness. These things actually affect others' lives; an individual responsibly enjoying some mind-altering substances does not.I actually in some way want them to remain illegal. Decriminalised would be a great go-between for me as it will still make the sale illegal buy won't prosecute buyers so will bring me more business - decriminalisation would put me out of business. I actually discussed that on the WeirderWeb article:http://weirderweb.com/2013/06/10/ambition-has-no-rest-the-long-education-of-a-silk-road-money-launderer/#more-2603