I think the number is lower is because of vendors not listing themselves publicly and/or the listings changing. As I had to browse them over several hours undoubtedly the order of the listings would change over that time scale so as I do page 91 for example, a vendor on page 92 may jump to page 90 and I will miss them as I noticed I came across some vendors more than 20 times. Very annoying but I guess over time the list will slowly build and become more complete for all of us with enough community support and people making sure their profiles are correct.As a side note to all, myself and astor discussed before about vendors having PGP keys listed on their profile and found a worrying number of vendors not listing PGP keys or having invalid/dysfunctional PGP keys. We've notified some of the concerned parties but I imagine if we scanned the keys manually too, we'd find many more notes of concern unfortunately.Vendors - CHECK, CHANGE, CONFIRM your PGP keys!