Quote from: g00se on May 12, 2013, 06:42 pmYou can mask such history by not only buying on insider info, but also based on technical and fundamental analysis. It would be impossible to find a pattern if you do it right. Only crazy people would go solely for buying companies they have insider info on. It would be like cheating at school and giving yourself the best grades in everything.Using this info to your benefit is simply to get better results - not amazingly 'impossible' results that attracts everyones attention. A portfolio should consist of several companies, for instance, if you have six companies in the portfolio and two of these are based on insider info, then they would have to be pretty damn good to see some kind of pattern. It's only about having the upper hand, like casinos.Again, I speak from knowing people who have tried this - it isn't that simple at all and you haven't looked properly into this or you wouldn't consider going into it in the first place.