To be honest with you - SilkRoad could be a honeypot, but it wouldn't really stop me using it because I have very little to fear since anything and everything I write here which could even be remotely sensitive I have encrypted and only shared with trusted members, plus I have very secure delivery points and a good lawyer on call who I've paid enough in advance to stand trial with should they seize my assets etc, on top of that how I access SilkRoad is from an encrypted system for the sole purpose of SilkRoad and of course, I ensure my bitcoins are well mixed before sending them to SilkRoad.The reason I don't Atlantis however is because I've used SilkRoad for a while now and I'm one of the elder members here and probably one of the biggest spenders too, and I've had no problems, it all works for me. Sure I could suggest a few little tweaks which would make it better for me, but SilkRoad is a tried and tested method who hasn't run off with my money or been unreasonable so taking the risk of that happening by using another site just isn't neccersary if you ask me. I'm happy here.