Silk Road forums
Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: sportshort on June 02, 2013, 12:32 pm
Here's two things I've noticed out in the SR/BTC world: One, SR vendors often seen to have trouble cashing out their large amounts of bitcoin for currency. Two, Blue Sky Traders often seems to have trouble getting enough bitcoin to meet their demand for trades. So why doesn't Blue Sky just buy bitcoin from SR vendors? Seems like that would solve everyone's problem.
If the transaction could stay in escrow, heck yeah!
If you look on the road, some BTC vendors/traders do do this. Sometimes it's cash in the mail, prepaid greendot cards, etc. Obviously the vendors trying to cash out are probably using a buyer account to carry out the transaction and not their vendor username. If you know what you're doing, and are willing to stay glued to a computer a good bit of each day, then it can be pretty lucrative.
Most do have it sorted out, but it's not something we discuss very often in this forum since the whole cashout/laundering part is one thing that if disclosed, means it will alert LE to the method and either watch it or shut it down so the longer what we use is a secret, the better.
On a happier note, I will soon be offering cashout services because even as I vendor on another account, I still need bitcoins surprisingly.
Excellent to hear about cashout services offering, I think we need more on this stuff.