Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: Rastaman Vibration on May 29, 2013, 08:16 pm

Title: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: Rastaman Vibration on May 29, 2013, 08:16 pm
Another man has been arrested for what he posted on Facebook:


This guy made death threats to politicians on FB under a pseudonym. His landlady turned him in to the cops.

Once again, BE CAREFUL what you say online. It can and will be used against you
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: Jack N Hoff on May 29, 2013, 09:51 pm
Threaten to kill politicians on facebook, get arrested.

Herp derp
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: AdventureTime5 on May 29, 2013, 10:12 pm
Another injustice served up by the LE?!  ;)

Joking, I mean how dumb can you be?
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: railroadbill on May 30, 2013, 04:02 am
people still think the internet is anonymous
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: Mhaura on May 30, 2013, 05:22 am
What a fool. I'd normally never wish this upon someone. But he deserves this for his mere lack of intelligence.
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: StExo on May 30, 2013, 10:15 am
You guys think that is bad? Come to the UK and open your eyes. Our people, real British people are being arrested because we "offend" Islam, yet it's perfectly fine for muslim immigrants to march through our cities shouting "Death to British soldiers" and "Death to the police" and "Islam will take over the UK by force". There was a recent video release on YouTube where muslims patrolled their area in South London where all the people walk back home after a night out in the city centre bars and they were pushing people away from going near the same street as the Mosque, wrestling alcohol bottles out of their hand, singing loud whatever the hell they do in the street praying, telling women they're indecent sluts etc. If this was America, they would have died, somebody would shoot them. As much as I am in favour of controlling firearms, I believe it's about time we give the BNP and EDL a few weapons to deal with it themselves.

Our government is too scared to do anything because of all the humans rights shite around in Europe and the lunatic political correctness approach we take. Who cares if somebody is offended? If it's the truth, it's the truth and there is no 2 ways about it? Should we suddenly stop researching cancer treatments because it's playing god? I thought not. They don't complain about that when they come piss on our NHS system which until the wave of immigration, was a national pride and a highly efficient service which it still is to the most extent except the ludicrous amounts of paperwork now due to the compensation culture.
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: italosvevo on May 30, 2013, 10:42 am
You guys think that is bad? Come to the UK and open your eyes. Our people, real British people are being arrested because we "offend" Islam, yet it's perfectly fine for muslim immigrants to march through our cities shouting "Death to British soldiers" and "Death to the police" and "Islam will take over the UK by force". There was a recent video release on YouTube where muslims patrolled their area in South London where all the people walk back home after a night out in the city centre bars and they were pushing people away from going near the same street as the Mosque, wrestling alcohol bottles out of their hand, singing loud whatever the hell they do in the street praying, telling women they're indecent sluts etc. If this was America, they would have died, somebody would shoot them. As much as I am in favour of controlling firearms, I believe it's about time we give the BNP and EDL a few weapons to deal with it themselves.

Our government is too scared to do anything because of all the humans rights shite around in Europe and the lunatic political correctness approach we take. Who cares if somebody is offended? If it's the truth, it's the truth and there is no 2 ways about it? Should we suddenly stop researching cancer treatments because it's playing god? I thought not. They don't complain about that when they come piss on our NHS system which until the wave of immigration, was a national pride and a highly efficient service which it still is to the most extent except the ludicrous amounts of paperwork now due to the compensation culture.

Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: Raoul Duke on May 30, 2013, 10:51 am
You guys think that is bad? Come to the UK and open your eyes. Our people, real British people are being arrested because we "offend" Islam, yet it's perfectly fine for muslim immigrants to march through our cities shouting "Death to British soldiers" and "Death to the police" and "Islam will take over the UK by force". There was a recent video release on YouTube where muslims patrolled their area in South London where all the people walk back home after a night out in the city centre bars and they were pushing people away from going near the same street as the Mosque, wrestling alcohol bottles out of their hand, singing loud whatever the hell they do in the street praying, telling women they're indecent sluts etc. If this was America, they would have died, somebody would shoot them. As much as I am in favour of controlling firearms, I believe it's about time we give the BNP and EDL a few weapons to deal with it themselves.

Our government is too scared to do anything because of all the humans rights shite around in Europe and the lunatic political correctness approach we take. Who cares if somebody is offended? If it's the truth, it's the truth and there is no 2 ways about it? Should we suddenly stop researching cancer treatments because it's playing god? I thought not. They don't complain about that when they come piss on our NHS system which until the wave of immigration, was a national pride and a highly efficient service which it still is to the most extent except the ludicrous amounts of paperwork now due to the compensation culture.


nice comeback. prick. are you English? StExo hit the nail on the head - if you live in this country you must have your head firmly lodged up your arse if you can't see this happening
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: PrincessButtercup on May 30, 2013, 11:08 am
You guys think that is bad? Come to the UK and open your eyes. Our people, real British people are being arrested because we "offend" Islam, yet it's perfectly fine for muslim immigrants to march through our cities shouting "Death to British soldiers" and "Death to the police" and "Islam will take over the UK by force". There was a recent video release on YouTube where muslims patrolled their area in South London where all the people walk back home after a night out in the city centre bars and they were pushing people away from going near the same street as the Mosque, wrestling alcohol bottles out of their hand, singing loud whatever the hell they do in the street praying, telling women they're indecent sluts etc. If this was America, they would have died, somebody would shoot them. As much as I am in favour of controlling firearms, I believe it's about time we give the BNP and EDL a few weapons to deal with it themselves.

Our government is too scared to do anything because of all the humans rights shite around in Europe and the lunatic political correctness approach we take. Who cares if somebody is offended? If it's the truth, it's the truth and there is no 2 ways about it? Should we suddenly stop researching cancer treatments because it's playing god? I thought not. They don't complain about that when they come piss on our NHS system which until the wave of immigration, was a national pride and a highly efficient service which it still is to the most extent except the ludicrous amounts of paperwork now due to the compensation culture.

I don't agree with your suggestion, re: arming the BNP, EDL. However, I do support the right of people to keep firearms and use these in self defense. I've lived in societies were firearms are more common and others were firearms are strictly prohibited and, imo, the gun-toting places are in many ways much safer. I have lived in the US for a time in a 'show cause' state where the gov't must make the case why someone should not be issued a concealed weapons permits, instead of the citizen having to prove why they should be granted one. Incidence of random crime of opportunity are much lower there, indeed the violent crime rate in London is as high as it is due in large part to criminals knowing they can assume all people are unarmed, and unable to defend themselves (even CS gas is illegal in the UK). And as we saw recently as two Islamists beheaded a soldier on a busy London street with many people watching; when people are doing very bad things, the police are only 20 minutes away (that's how long these murderers stood in the street dripping in blood waiting for the cops with guns to arrive) For liberty to flourish the state should be a little frightened of its people. Otherwise it will grow and absorb more and more of liberties people once took for granted. The UK is definitely a good example of this.
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: StExo on May 30, 2013, 11:27 am
I'll contradict you completely - if the two terrorists had guns, I think they would have simply caused more carnage and may easily have hit passerby's even though they didn't seem to intend to. People acting against such things in limited situations be a justified cause to do so - but on the larger scale it is not. London is a poor representation of the UK, I've lived here for a long time and elsewhere in the country, even in another country before, and it is one of the most violent places in the country if you go down the wrong neighborhood but it is almost always the black/Islamic communities where it all occurs which boils down into a whole other debate but that's not what we're talking about right now.

Take a look here:

The US murder rate is 4.8, in the UK it is 1.2.

Then here:

The US rate is 3.6 whereas the UK is barely on the chart at 0.04

It's clear you have a disproportionate amount of gun crime in your murder rates. In the UK, knives are an issue here since firearms carry heavy penalties if carried illegally, but it's a myth we can't have firearms, we can have them and some of us actually have a lot of weapons and we don't get any hassle, it's a system which just stops the idiots getting a hold of them in most cases.

The knife problem is actually because people feel the need to defend themselves, obviously not realising that if you carry a knife you're actually more likely to be stabbed or run into trouble. Yes these limitations stop the whole issue of self protection, but it means I won't get attacked and outgunned to begin with. Your constitution saying you have the right to bear arms is a load of overblown nonsense, when you have comparable cultures and a drastic difference in murder rates and gun crime, does that not send the message that by having firearms to defend yourself you are more likely to die by it? Having said that it is the only western country where 60% of the population do not believe in evolution so I can't expect many of the population to comprehend statistics (that's not a personal jab, that's a generalised statement so don't take it personally).

/Rant temporarily over
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: StExo on May 30, 2013, 11:32 am
For those unaware of the UK system for firearms I should note, it isn't some huge complex thing you have to go through. You simply get a form from the police station, fill it out, hand it in to them, they check you have a secure place to store the firearm and ammo and you're done other than show your certificate whenever you want to buy more weapons/ammo from the stores which is what you do in the US anyway I believe, not much paperwork or hassle. Anyone who struggles to manage that shouldn't be given something dangerous because you wouldn't give a baby a razor blade would you when you know they're incompetent to handle it safely or apply common sense.
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: heavyreader on May 30, 2013, 11:59 am
You guys think that is bad? Come to the UK and open your eyes. Our people, real British people are being arrested because we "offend" Islam, yet it's perfectly fine for muslim immigrants to march through our cities shouting "Death to British soldiers" and "Death to the police" and "Islam will take over the UK by force". There was a recent video release on YouTube where muslims patrolled their area in South London where all the people walk back home after a night out in the city centre bars and they were pushing people away from going near the same street as the Mosque, wrestling alcohol bottles out of their hand, singing loud whatever the hell they do in the street praying, telling women they're indecent sluts etc. If this was America, they would have died, somebody would shoot them. As much as I am in favour of controlling firearms, I believe it's about time we give the BNP and EDL a few weapons to deal with it themselves.

Our government is too scared to do anything because of all the humans rights shite around in Europe and the lunatic political correctness approach we take. Who cares if somebody is offended? If it's the truth, it's the truth and there is no 2 ways about it? Should we suddenly stop researching cancer treatments because it's playing god? I thought not. They don't complain about that when they come piss on our NHS system which until the wave of immigration, was a national pride and a highly efficient service which it still is to the most extent except the ludicrous amounts of paperwork now due to the compensation culture.

uh maybe its a little bit of backlash for decades of state-sponsored terrorism that the west has waged in some of their homelands.. or maybe for britain's centuries of fucked up colonialist brutality??  oh, wait, is it because there is a huge number of issues surrounding the intersection of race, class and religion that your country has done everything possible to sweep under the rug??  oh, no, that's not why all those kids rioted a while back, it's just cuz they're all entitled little brown assholes that think they deserve your white jobs and your white medical care and your white FUCKING EVERYTHING.  shut the fuck up, rarely do i get heated on the internet but seriously, you're being a xenophobic and racist shithead.  i hope to god that islam swallows britain whole and your stupid lily white ass has to try and find a job and sustain your pansy ass cultural heritage in a world that hates you for just being there.  dickhead  :-*
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: heavyreader on May 30, 2013, 12:06 pm
BTW, no, nobody would have SHOT THEM in america.. our gun violence is linked primarily to poverty and the abandonment of a whole chunk of society that needs it the most, not white boys mad that they can't get drunk in front of a Mosque (sometimes we're actually kind of respectful of each other here)..  fucking stupid, fucking stupid, do you understand any of the dynamics of culture on a global scale at all??  god whatever eat shit and die this argument is done anything you say from this point forward is just going to be the same kind of crap that rick perry pukes up when he wants to build a wall to defend us from the ever-growing threat of mexico..  SAME SHIT DIFFERENT TOILET
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: StExo on May 30, 2013, 03:00 pm
@heavyreader - Please go and rethink your life, talk in some reasonable sense and stop abusing my language, I'm proud to be British and my language is something I'm proud of so stop giving us a bad name by you being illiterate or lazy.

Nothing in my post is unsupported. As for the "not white boys mad that they can't get drunk in front of a Mosque" - No, they didn't get drunk in front of a Mosque, did you read my post at all or do you simply not comprehend logical structures when I string a sentence together. I said they walk past it or went near it when returning from a night out, can you say you've never had one or two too many? So, they walk home past the Mosque, not causing trouble and the Islamic extremists are the ones who turn violent. We understand culture very well and I am tolerant, but I am not tolerant when immigrants come to our country, disrespect everything the British name stands for and then expect us to respect them as if they are divine. I know Muslims, some of them are fine people and not practicising, most of them however are not respectful of our culture as we are to them and the British public have had enough.

"our gun violence is linked primarily to poverty and the abandonment of a whole chunk of society that needs it the most" - Or because you have guns to begin with? The UK faces similar issues to the US, we always have and always will for some time, we have poor areas and places let down by our government too, but they don't suddenly start spending money (when they're supposed to be poor) on buying firearms. What a ridiculous idea.

For colonialist brutality, then perhaps you're going to realise most Americans are from the British/European line of descent, we weren't brutal to our own people, we were brutal however against the native population I will give you that - but by that admission, you are from the same descendants so don't try and wipe your slate clean from that.

oh, wait, is it because there is a huge number of issues surrounding the intersection of race, class and religion that your country has done everything possible to sweep under the rug??  oh, no, that's not why all those kids rioted a while back, it's just cuz they're all entitled little brown assholes that think they deserve your white jobs and your white medical care and your white FUCKING EVERYTHING

An intersection of race? The UK has given these people benefits, given them houses, shelters them from virtually any country in the world. The UK has the most soft power and influence in the world of any country. Don't believe me, go ask the OECD who collate all that data. We have welcomed many cultures, religions, beliefs and everything else for many years, heck we were one of the first countries where the courts stopped recognising slavery in law, the time of abolishing it there were very few slaves at all since they held the same right as the common man. The communities and minorities who do fall seperate of the main society have done so themselves and to be honest, I'm not surprised, it is human nature to hang around with those most similar to you which is why we don't have around with birds very often, or rabbits etc. Nothing has stopped the migrating population from integrating successfully but their own attitudes when they disagree with our culture so intentionally segregate themselves.

If you actually knew anything about the riots, you'd know it was the idiots of the country running wild for a day or two, it was very few people in comparison with the whole population and if you take a look at the arrest statistics and demographics of those participating in the riots, you'll find the same pattern of the unemployed black youths or illegal immigrants. The vast majority of the UK does not feel entitled to much, it aggravates us however when we pay high taxes to foreign aid whilst cutting our own services and can fund £50,000 a year in benefits for an illegal immigrant but then decide to cut the welfare payments of the disabled and military veterans who have paid into the system all their life. That is what enrages the British public - not the ignoramus and fallacies you have put forward.

As for nobody would have shot them in America - many of your fellow citizens disagree on the forum from those I've spoken to and I've seen your cops pretty regularly shoot people for simply not putting down a knife, yet alone beheading one of our soldiers who was raising money for charity in his own time.
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: QuarterBaked on May 31, 2013, 12:46 pm

did the unemployed youth riot!? how could they!? that has never ever happened anywhere else before! it's not a common pattern at all!


while I do believe the muslims and that over-protectiveness they displayed towards their mosque in your example sounds ridiculous, thinking all (or most) muslims are like that (or like the ones who beheaded that soldier) is just as stupid as thinking all/most christians are as crazy as the extremists of the westboro baptist church. or that all banana peels are purposely trying to harm you because you ate their contents.
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: StExo on May 31, 2013, 01:45 pm

did the unemployed youth riot!? how could they!? that has never ever happened anywhere else before! it's not a common pattern at all!


while I do believe the muslims and that over-protectiveness they displayed towards their mosque in your example sounds ridiculous, thinking all (or most) muslims are like that (or like the ones who beheaded that soldier) is just as stupid as thinking all/most christians are as crazy as the extremists of the westboro baptist church. or that all banana peels are purposely trying to harm you because you ate their contents.

I don't believe all muslims are like that, but it certainly isn't just "extremists" who do it either. I think those who do not do such activities are just regular everyday people who sure might not be happy with some things but they accept some sacrifices must be made to integrate on both sides. However, it's what I call the guilty witness. It is those who stand by and see these observations but do nothing to stop it. I am sure the world would absolutely applaud the people of Islam who stand up and actively say they are not a part of their ideology, but they don't.

Westboro baptist church are also vile human beings, they're more a cult than a religion. Truthfully though, Christianity does not have a large enough extremist sector to be of worry just yet since in some ways it can already fit into a secular culture and vice versa so long as some basic code of mutual respect is observed.
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: SupremeWizard on May 31, 2013, 05:36 pm

did the unemployed youth riot!? how could they!? that has never ever happened anywhere else before! it's not a common pattern at all!


while I do believe the muslims and that over-protectiveness they displayed towards their mosque in your example sounds ridiculous, thinking all (or most) muslims are like that (or like the ones who beheaded that soldier) is just as stupid as thinking all/most christians are as crazy as the extremists of the westboro baptist church. or that all banana peels are purposely trying to harm you because you ate their contents.

I don't believe all muslims are like that, but it certainly isn't just "extremists" who do it either. I think those who do not do such activities are just regular everyday people who sure might not be happy with some things but they accept some sacrifices must be made to integrate on both sides. However, it's what I call the guilty witness. It is those who stand by and see these observations but do nothing to stop it. I am sure the world would absolutely applaud the people of Islam who stand up and actively say they are not a part of their ideology, but they don't.

Westboro baptist church are also vile human beings, they're more a cult than a religion. Truthfully though, Christianity does not have a large enough extremist sector to be of worry just yet since in some ways it can already fit into a secular culture and vice versa so long as some basic code of mutual respect is observed.

Dude, you're a fucking moron. Islamic terrorism is the least of your worries - While the UK, US and Israel support and finance global terrorism you stupid shitheads in the UK don't wake the fuck up and realize that the problem is not with Muslims. It has nothing to do with religion but geo political and economic power. Muslim countries are occupied and their oppressive leaders sponsored by the developed world.. to steal and take their resources. When Gaddafi started killing people in Libya.. within months NATO scrambled an army to take him down. How about Syria? Nope.. no Oil. nobody gives a fuck. over 100k dead.

If you care about the safety and well being of your motherland you will listen to my words. Israel needs to STOP the apartheid on the Palestinians - the U.S and UK need to withdraw their troops from the middle east - Respect other peoples faiths and ideas... let them worship in peace. I promise you if these are met... global terrorism would be eradicated. You have this false conception that islamic terrorists are blowing shit up because they hate your way of life. Nope, it's because they feel like the developed world is at war with them.. and their demands are actually pretty damn fair (although the means don't justify the end).

Your government better wake the fuck up and realize.. otherwise the United Kingdom of Islam will be flying it's flag at bukingham palace m8.

Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: StExo on May 31, 2013, 06:37 pm
Dude, you're a fucking moron. Islamic terrorism is the least of your worries - While the UK, US and Israel support and finance global terrorism you stupid shitheads in the UK don't wake the fuck up and realize that the problem is not with Muslims. It has nothing to do with religion but geo political and economic power. Muslim countries are occupied and their oppressive leaders sponsored by the developed world.. to steal and take their resources. When Gaddafi started killing people in Libya.. within months NATO scrambled an army to take him down. How about Syria? Nope.. no Oil. nobody gives a fuck. over 100k dead.

If you care about the safety and well being of your motherland you will listen to my words. Israel needs to STOP the apartheid on the Palestinians - the U.S and UK need to withdraw their troops from the middle east - Respect other peoples faiths and ideas... let them worship in peace. I promise you if these are met... global terrorism would be eradicated. You have this false conception that islamic terrorists are blowing shit up because they hate your way of life. Nope, it's because they feel like the developed world is at war with them.. and their demands are actually pretty damn fair (although the means don't justify the end).
Your government better wake the fuck up and realize.. otherwise the United Kingdom of Islam will be flying it's flag at bukingham palace m8.

Am I the only one here who can be civil when talking? Damn I missed the days when this forum was only for the intelligent and even when people didn't like one another still held some kind of respectful tone.

I'm well aware of the problems you post above but tell me, what do you think is happening? We aren't getting involved in Syria because we learned our lessons from Afghanistan etc that with no exit strategy, entering it is not a wise idea. That is why we aren't involved, our government did actually want to go in originally but it was met with outright rejection in this country and they quickly changed their minds.

"Your government better wake the fuck up and realize" - I kind of agree, but it's not the government alone. Cameron and his mob have never lived in the real world, they'll be gone at the next election, that is an absolute certainty with the introduction of mainstream UKIP and how unpopular he has made his own party (their membership have halved since Cameron took over).

"otherwise the United Kingdom of Islam will be flying it's flag at bukingham palace m8." - You kind of just backed up what I said that it is a national problem and a priority....

"Islamic terrorism is the least of your worries - While the UK, US and Israel support and finance global terrorism you stupid shitheads in the UK don't wake the fuck up and realize that the problem is not with Muslims" - The religion sponsors the kind of leadership you see in Eastern countries, it is exactly the religion which has separated cultures and formed their countries. Is the UK/US perfect? Certainly not. But we at least have our rights in-tact and the culture does not suppress them, only the government tries to do that. We do know the government does some stupid stuff, but it's extremely limited compared to the damage this Jihad has done tearing its own countries apart not to mention executing people for gambling, cutting hands off for thieving, stoning for adultery etc. Those are the kind of problems we object to as it completely polar to the rights of the individual the western world wants. If the arab countries want to sit down and talk, I am sure nobody in the world is going to have a problem with that so when they can manage to elect themselves a leader who won't slaughter their own people, perhaps that can happen because that is how the problems will be settled as when you you take up the sword, a sword is what you should expect back too and the west has bigger guns.

"Muslim countries are occupied and their oppressive leaders sponsored by the developed world.. to steal and take their resources" - Not true. We don't sponsor them. We may sponsor organisations that work in the country but no developed country supports arms programs where their government is attacking their own people. Our leaders may meet, but that doesn't ever endorse anything. But do you think a developed country is going to invade, for example, Libya, if the people of that country did not revolt? That'd look even worse entering a country and removing it's government when there is no obvious signs of discontent amongst the people.

On the oil note, if you follow the news story, the UK isn't getting jack shit oil from Libya either for a long, long time. If we didn't intervene, it wouldn't make a difference how long the country stops producing oil. The only thing we done in Libya was knock down the air support of the Libyan Air Force to make the fight equal and stop them cluster-bombing the hell out of the rebels. If we attacked the rebels, we could have probably restored the oil supply quicker, but we didn't. Not that Libya produces that much oil anyway which benefits the UK, most of it goes to Germany.
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: SupremeWizard on May 31, 2013, 07:17 pm
The UK occupied Iraq.. and was involved in the removal of Gadaffi... and today it's lifted an arms ban in order to arm and supply rebels in Syria. Libya has Africas LARGEST oil reserve. If your government really gave a shit about people they would have intervened in Myanmar where bhuddists are slaughtering Muslims daily. The case is very simple.. NATO doesnt give a fuck about the well being of people. For them, it's about keeping the world reserve currency and ensuring the security of their interests in the region. "Islamic terrorism" is just a buzzword used.. similar to Alqaeda. It means nothing! It's to create a boogeyman and take away your civil rights to fight an imaginary enemy.. why? controlling the resources of the world. It's a fucking proxy war between Russia, China vs USA /EU and Israel. It's a very well known fact that Chinese presence in the region is growing stronger and as governments in the region ally with the east it creates an enormous problem for the U.S to ensure regional stability to secure the resources. Again, they dont give a fuck about the security of a Muslim country.. as long as the oil fields are secure it's all that matters. Are you not seeing the revolutions? What are Muslims calling for? Not democracy my friend.. they are calling for an Islamic state. This is why post revolution the elected parties were Islamic.
Jihad in other countries? Dude.. theirs no such thing as an Islamic state today! You think Muslims like Saudia Arabia or Iran? They spit on those leaders. Bin Laden lead campaigns against the Saudi regime. Islam is against oppresion.. and the majority of our leaders are dictators that take order directly from NATO. When the Ottomans fell the British and French decided to divide up Muslim lands into their colonies - even as far as implementing the very same regimes they are so against today. Wake up man.. the enemy is NOT Islam. The enemy is our governments in the western world.

Finally, you seem to think we live in the 1950's.. dude we live in a global economy. Yes, Libyan oil is benefitting the EU.. maybe not UK directly but it plays a huge factor in economic stability. Our fractional reserve system is an expand or die institution.. we need to keep invading other countries, taking their resources and inflating their currencies to continue to inflate the bubble we've created. You can't look at these incidents as individual... it's all part of a global regime change. It's what the Bush administration stated shortly after 9/11...

Heres my prediction my friend. It's been decades since "Iran" has been a problem in the region.. because it serves as a challenge to the Israeli apartheid. Syria will fall.. Hezbollah will fall.. and the zionists will try to go after Iran. but believe me.... this will not result in global security. It will only amplify the "terrorism" problem. Your government doesnt seem to get that if you drop bombs on civilians... you will create terrorists that no nothing but vengance. Mark my words man. I care about global security as much as you do.

Btw, I do not support any organization or state that is terrorizing nations (on both sides). I do condemn the attacks done by "muslims."
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: QuarterBaked on May 31, 2013, 08:32 pm

did the unemployed youth riot!? how could they!? that has never ever happened anywhere else before! it's not a common pattern at all!


while I do believe the muslims and that over-protectiveness they displayed towards their mosque in your example sounds ridiculous, thinking all (or most) muslims are like that (or like the ones who beheaded that soldier) is just as stupid as thinking all/most christians are as crazy as the extremists of the westboro baptist church. or that all banana peels are purposely trying to harm you because you ate their contents.

I don't believe all muslims are like that, but it certainly isn't just "extremists" who do it either. I think those who do not do such activities are just regular everyday people who sure might not be happy with some things but they accept some sacrifices must be made to integrate on both sides. However, it's what I call the guilty witness. It is those who stand by and see these observations but do nothing to stop it. I am sure the world would absolutely applaud the people of Islam who stand up and actively say they are not a part of their ideology, but they don't.

Westboro baptist church are also vile human beings, they're more a cult than a religion. Truthfully though, Christianity does not have a large enough extremist sector to be of worry just yet since in some ways it can already fit into a secular culture and vice versa so long as some basic code of mutual respect is observed.

so basically in your eyes all muslims are guilty/supportive of the crimes committed by extremists unless they're actively and publicly protesting against said acts? because they're "guilty witnesses"? I must confess I can not agree with your logic there, mate. Imagine if coloured people would consider all white people to be either like, or in support of Fritzl and his actions unless they actively protested against them in public? because all white people would then be "guilty witnesses" unless they chose to take actions to prove they weren't. you would probably think to yourself that this would be absurd, but that's basically what happens to muslims and people who "look" like muslims i.e. brown people all the time, due to people who share the similar logic as you do.

side note: I do support your attitude of keeping things civil, especially when talking about things like this that people are so engaged and passionate about. quite frankly I'm appalled at the way people blatantly call each other idiots, just because they disagree on a matter. but I suppose this comes with the anonymity... 
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: bill417 on May 31, 2013, 11:42 pm
Well this thread spiralled completely off topic, with what some people would probably class as borderline racism (or religionism, or whatever -ism), swearing and a general, distasteful, argumentative attitude - all on a forum that's offered to people to converse about the purchase, and all things related with, illegal narcotics - primarily.

Aren't these substances supposed to make us feel as one with each other?
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: QuarterBaked on May 31, 2013, 11:54 pm
Well this thread spiralled completely off topic, with what some people would probably class as borderline racism (or religionism, or whatever -ism), swearing and a general, distasteful, argumentative attitude - all on a forum that's offered to people to converse about the purchase, and all things related with, illegal narcotics - primarily.

Aren't these substances supposed to make us feel as one with each other?

I think the moral of the story is: Don't make ridiculous threats online :p
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: StExo on June 01, 2013, 04:01 am
Well this thread spiralled completely off topic, with what some people would probably class as borderline racism (or religionism, or whatever -ism), swearing and a general, distasteful, argumentative attitude - all on a forum that's offered to people to converse about the purchase, and all things related with, illegal narcotics - primarily.

Aren't these substances supposed to make us feel as one with each other?

I think the moral of the story is: Don't make ridiculous threats online :p

Or the idiots...

Well this thread spiralled completely off topic, with what some people would probably class as borderline racism (or religionism, or whatever -ism), swearing and a general, distasteful, argumentative attitude - all on a forum that's offered to people to converse about the purchase, and all things related with, illegal narcotics - primarily.

Aren't these substances supposed to make us feel as one with each other?

You know what, I agree. I have my own views and I always defend them. I have been through to the highest tiers of education and I have travelled far more than most people ever will, immersing myself in the culture and I have read the various holy books, including the Qu'ran because not reading them would be an ignorant perspective.

Either way, you're right, probably best to just lock this topic as it's going off on a tangent and if QuarterBaked wishes to continue debate we'll message each other so this is my last post on this topic :)
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: SupremeWizard on June 01, 2013, 03:31 pm
Salutations to all 3 sides of the triangle.
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: pakchoi23 on June 01, 2013, 04:16 pm

"Muslim countries are occupied and their oppressive leaders sponsored by the developed world.. to steal and take their resources" - Not true. We don't sponsor them. We may sponsor organisations that work in the country but no developed country supports arms programs where their government is attacking their own people. Our leaders may meet, but that doesn't ever endorse anything. But do you think a developed country is going to invade, for example, Libya, if the people of that country did not revolt? That'd look even worse entering a country and removing it's government when there is no obvious signs of discontent amongst the people.

Very naive. I think you should look more into the countries that the UK/Us invade and what they have. It ALL come down to natural resources, including drugs, and as the resources dwindle the fight will get more fierce.

Why we can't all just build solar panels and leave each other in peace I do not know.

Oh and anyone who posts anything illegal or dodgy on FAcebook is a FUCKING MORON
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: Baraka on June 02, 2013, 06:23 am

People don't want to talk about the obvious. Then when someone brings it up, they're labeled a racist.

Fact is that western countries have been importing poverty and exporting wealth over the past 20 years. Islam is a big part of this process. Even worse, Muslims refuse to assimilate and adopt modern democratic values. They're 200 years behind modern, western society. And even worse than all that, they're trying to change society and remold it in their image.

Try going to an Islamic country, do the same things, act the same way and then see what happens to you. Better yet, have your mother, sister, girlfriend or wife accompany you there. ;D

Just to make it clear I'm not talking about terrorists here, but regular folk. Some of them are very proud to admit it too. Their refusal to assimilate and desire to change their host countries at the expense of their hosts. I've seen it and heard it myself. It's the kind of thing I really wish wasn't happening and was just racist talk and nothing else.

A lot of good points have been made here about fractional reserve banking and the invasion and support of other brutal countries for valuable resources, but that doesn't give any of these people a right to come to a host country and tell EVERYONE ELSE how it should be. Yet, that's exactly what's happened all around most of the western countries. StExo wrote about a couple of really disturbing things he saw and was wrongly attacked for it.

If history is any guide, this kind of thing will eventually lead to mass killings. A really, really ugly outcome no matter how you slice it.  :'(

An intersection of race? The UK has given these people benefits, given them houses, shelters them from virtually any country in the world. The UK has the most soft power and influence in the world of any country. Don't believe me, go ask the OECD who collate all that data. We have welcomed many cultures, religions, beliefs and everything else for many years, heck we were one of the first countries where the courts stopped recognising slavery in law, the time of abolishing it there were very few slaves at all since they held the same right as the common man. The communities and minorities who do fall seperate of the main society have done so themselves and to be honest, I'm not surprised, it is human nature to hang around with those most similar to you which is why we don't have around with birds very often, or rabbits etc. Nothing has stopped the migrating population from integrating successfully but their own attitudes when they disagree with our culture so intentionally segregate themselves.

If you actually knew anything about the riots, you'd know it was the idiots of the country running wild for a day or two, it was very few people in comparison with the whole population and if you take a look at the arrest statistics and demographics of those participating in the riots, you'll find the same pattern of the unemployed black youths or illegal immigrants. The vast majority of the UK does not feel entitled to much, it aggravates us however when we pay high taxes to foreign aid whilst cutting our own services and can fund £50,000 a year in benefits for an illegal immigrant but then decide to cut the welfare payments of the disabled and military veterans who have paid into the system all their life. That is what enrages the British public - not the ignoramus and fallacies you have put forward.

As for nobody would have shot them in America - many of your fellow citizens disagree on the forum from those I've spoken to and I've seen your cops pretty regularly shoot people for simply not putting down a knife, yet alone beheading one of our soldiers who was raising money for charity in his own time.
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: Baraka on June 02, 2013, 06:34 am
The enemy are the governments, the New World Order who runs them, the bankers who make up part of it, *and* Islam. The Elite find the gun, buy it, load it up with ammo and cock it. Then Islam happily takes the gun and pulls the trigger.

But not always. Sometimes the former does all of the above and pulls the trigger, then blames it on the latter. Muslims are an easy target because they make it easy for themselves to be targeted. Then they're used by the NWO to create a global surveillance police state.

A lot of times I think all of this is planned to create so much anger that more and more riots break out worldwide, which eventually leads to to civil war, then genocide. The Muslims don't see it and won't adapt to prevent this horrible outcome. Or adapt fast enough, since they're FAR out of step with current western culture and society.

Wake up man.. the enemy is NOT Islam. The enemy is our governments in the western world.
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: motek on June 03, 2013, 08:55 am
Hey @SupremeWizard I think you mean ...

"Salutations to all 4, maybe 5 sides of the triangle!"

Now that seems to work! lol
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: SealTeam6 on June 03, 2013, 02:41 pm
You guys think that is bad? Come to the UK and open your eyes. Our people, real British people are being arrested because we "offend" Islam, yet it's perfectly fine for muslim immigrants to march through our cities shouting "Death to British soldiers" and "Death to the police" and "Islam will take over the UK by force". There was a recent video release on YouTube where muslims patrolled their area in South London where all the people walk back home after a night out in the city centre bars and they were pushing people away from going near the same street as the Mosque, wrestling alcohol bottles out of their hand, singing loud whatever the hell they do in the street praying, telling women they're indecent sluts etc. If this was America, they would have died, somebody would shoot them. As much as I am in favour of controlling firearms, I believe it's about time we give the BNP and EDL a few weapons to deal with it themselves.

Our government is too scared to do anything because of all the humans rights shite around in Europe and the lunatic political correctness approach we take. Who cares if somebody is offended? If it's the truth, it's the truth and there is no 2 ways about it? Should we suddenly stop researching cancer treatments because it's playing god? I thought not. They don't complain about that when they come piss on our NHS system which until the wave of immigration, was a national pride and a highly efficient service which it still is to the most extent except the ludicrous amounts of paperwork now due to the compensation culture.

Crazy.  That's been going on for some time time now right?
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: THUMBSuP. on June 03, 2013, 03:58 pm
You guys think that is bad? Come to the UK and open your eyes. Our people, real British people are being arrested because we "offend" Islam, yet it's perfectly fine for muslim immigrants to march through our cities shouting "Death to British soldiers" and "Death to the police" and "Islam will take over the UK by force". There was a recent video release on YouTube where muslims patrolled their area in South London where all the people walk back home after a night out in the city centre bars and they were pushing people away from going near the same street as the Mosque, wrestling alcohol bottles out of their hand, singing loud whatever the hell they do in the street praying, telling women they're indecent sluts etc. If this was America, they would have died, somebody would shoot them. As much as I am in favour of controlling firearms, I believe it's about time we give the BNP and EDL a few weapons to deal with it themselves.

Our government is too scared to do anything because of all the humans rights shite around in Europe and the lunatic political correctness approach we take. Who cares if somebody is offended? If it's the truth, it's the truth and there is no 2 ways about it? Should we suddenly stop researching cancer treatments because it's playing god? I thought not. They don't complain about that when they come piss on our NHS system which until the wave of immigration, was a national pride and a highly efficient service which it still is to the most extent except the ludicrous amounts of paperwork now due to the compensation culture.

shit like this goes on everywhere...
you got BLACK people screaming RED, BLUE..
then you got Mexicans running Americans..
and like you're saying about the UK.. it's just pathetic and depressing.

Americans wanna fight rebel groups... and give them guns and heavy ammo..
then they pledge their full command to the Al-Qiada.. don't we hate terrorists?

we're all fucking terrorists.. and the propaganda will never ever end.

:( sucks but it's true.

Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: motek on June 04, 2013, 01:16 am
Amen, most dope! ;)
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: offbeatadam on June 04, 2013, 02:04 am
"People should not be afraid of their government. Governments, should be afraid of their people."

I'm going to get out the fact that I'm Jewish before I even get into anything.

Racism. Politics. Religious fanatics. These are all just stereotypes for the human condition. We are all greedy, and we all have egos. Some of us are better at controlling them, but usually those people don't sit in power positions, and if they do they're usually not there long enough to make a difference. It is naive to think that war isn't influenced by financial AND socioeconomic reasons, but you are also naive if you believe that is the only reason. History has much to tell us here, and while everyone is quick to mention all of the unrest of the last ~20-30 years, the reality is that after Vietnam there was a very big reality check.

Yes, the majority of our armed conflicts worldwide since have been driven in part, and many in a majority, by economic reasons. However, the prospect of an economic ally, is not the same as conquering for resource theft. What Saddam did to Kuwait, and what he did to his own people, was quite enough. The Ba'ath Party has had quite a reputation for its "progressive" thinking over the years. Was that conflict founded entirely on the desire to get oil? I don't think so.

We can argue all day long about the second incursion, and the lies about WMDs and etc. Personally I don't give a shit, Saddam needed to die and thats what happened. Justify it however you want, there is no secret to his cruelty. Nor is there to Gaddafi. That being said, you cannot argue on the socioeconomic reasons for invasion, and then absolutely define the lack of entrance into Syria being due to the lack of any economic reasons to do so. For one, while we might want it to be over, there is already another armed conflict that NATO is participating in. For the US alone to enter into the battle, Congress would have to allow it - and I doubt they would without just cause - and no, I don't see that as being financially driven. We have allies, one of those allies is posed to be retaliated on if drastic measures are taken. It is our responsibility to protect that ally, which also includes being intelligent on the fights we pick. Iran is not our friend, and it is definitely not Israel's friend - but it IS the current Syrian government's friend. To go to war with Syria, is to go to war with Iran. This is not justified with the current climate. Do I feel horrible for saying this? Absolutely. I feel terrible. How do you value one life, over another though? It's a difficult decision. What would be the cost of life, if we were to go to war with Syria? Surely it wouldn't be small by any means.

We live in a changing world. The old world, is fading away. This is a change that will affect everything dramatically, and those changes will cause uprising and tension everywhere. It can't be avoided. We face it here in the US as much as our British cousins face it, and that goes for every other country in the world. It will take different forms, and it will change all of the time, until we move into a new age of understanding. It is not the first time it has happened. In the US, we are facing daily injustices towards our very fundamental rights, and they are getting more agressive by the day. Money is thrown at a system that keeps non-violents locked up and violents free, simply because one of them was carrying some MDMA. We have beliefs that stricter gun control will prevent bad things from happening, and ignore the fact that the people who do bad things didn't go through gun registration to begin with. We have a government that sells WORKING GUNS to cartels in attempting to trace them, and they turn around and use the guns for murder against law enforcement and civilians alike. We give misdemeanors to kids that get behind a wheel drunk, but we make them felons because they had two blotters. We are a screwed up country, and its only going to get worse before it gets better. Our leaders are from a generation that accounts for a greater percentage OF the generations capable of running, than all of the subsequent adult generations following them, and that generation is only doing "what they think is best" when they still use a clamshell cell phone with symbian 4 on it. It sucks, but - that's the progress of time.

The answer is not petty arguments about how Muslims are agressive, or some Zionist movement conspiracy theory. Nor is it arguing about how one war was a waste when other wars would have prevented suffering. War is suffering, and arguing about how ANY religion does wrong only makes the stereotype worse. Americans will never shed the stigma of religious intolerance, if we continue to emphasize that Muslims are the cause. Muslims are NOT the cause of anything, fanatics are the cause - and fanatics have one truth above all else: They have doubt. They doubt their control, they doubt their confidants, they doubt themselves. The more we blame the wrong thing, and the less we confront the right thing, the more fuel they get and the more support they get, because all we do is prove what they say right. There is no RIGHT SIDE to ANY of these arguments - both sides have demands that are well within their rights, and both sides have actions that are just as wrong. The ONLY right side, is the side WITHOUT HATE and WITHOUT BORDERS. The side with NO sides. We are too intolerant of anything, and until we get past that, we are only seeing the BEGINNING of the pain and suffering.
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: motek on June 04, 2013, 02:54 am
Brilliant post offbeatadam, you'd get a +1 but for the 72hour rule

Thanks for sharing that

 m m m motek ;)
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: QuarterBaked on June 04, 2013, 06:15 am
good post offbeatadam,
Title: Re: Another arrest for Facebook posts
Post by: 88fxstc on June 04, 2013, 07:22 pm
You guys think that is bad? Come to the UK and open your eyes. Our people, real British people are being arrested because we "offend" Islam, yet it's perfectly fine for muslim immigrants to march through our cities shouting "Death to British soldiers" and "Death to the police" and "Islam will take over the UK by force". There was a recent video release on YouTube where muslims patrolled their area in South London where all the people walk back home after a night out in the city centre bars and they were pushing people away from going near the same street as the Mosque, wrestling alcohol bottles out of their hand, singing loud whatever the hell they do in the street praying, telling women they're indecent sluts etc. If this was America, they would have died, somebody would shoot them. As much as I am in favour of controlling firearms, I believe it's about time we give the BNP and EDL a few weapons to deal with it themselves.

Our government is too scared to do anything because of all the humans rights shite around in Europe and the lunatic political correctness approach we take. Who cares if somebody is offended? If it's the truth, it's the truth and there is no 2 ways about it? Should we suddenly stop researching cancer treatments because it's playing god? I thought not. They don't complain about that when they come piss on our NHS system which until the wave of immigration, was a national pride and a highly efficient service which it still is to the most extent except the ludicrous amounts of paperwork now due to the compensation culture.

I don't agree with your suggestion, re: arming the BNP, EDL. However, I do support the right of people to keep firearms and use these in self defense. I've lived in societies were firearms are more common and others were firearms are strictly prohibited and, imo, the gun-toting places are in many ways much safer. I have lived in the US for a time in a 'show cause' state where the gov't must make the case why someone should not be issued a concealed weapons permits, instead of the citizen having to prove why they should be granted one. Incidence of random crime of opportunity are much lower there, indeed the violent crime rate in London is as high as it is due in large part to criminals knowing they can assume all people are unarmed, and unable to defend themselves (even CS gas is illegal in the UK). And as we saw recently as two Islamists beheaded a soldier on a busy London street with many people watching; when people are doing very bad things, the police are only 20 minutes away (that's how long these murderers stood in the street dripping in blood waiting for the cops with guns to arrive) For liberty to flourish the state should be a little frightened of its people. Otherwise it will grow and absorb more and more of liberties people once took for granted. The UK is definitely a good example of this.

That poor soldier might have been saved and the scumbag killer would probably be dead if a few o those citizens were armed. Cops can only be reactive regarding most violent crime . They can clean up the mess after the fact.