Silk Road forums

Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: GOTMILKTEAM on May 17, 2013, 10:35 pm

Title: Free Consulting from the Gotmilk Team
Post by: GOTMILKTEAM on May 17, 2013, 10:35 pm
Hi Newbies, Welcome!

This is GotMilk one of the senior vendors on SR.

My team is Always around via PM to answer questions, concerns.

Welcome to SR :)


Check out Gotmilk

great deals

Title: Re: Free Consulting from the Gotmilk Team
Post by: lookmomthedeepweb on May 17, 2013, 10:38 pm
Best method for getting tracking with packages, and best way to accept bulk orders?

Title: Re: Free Consulting from the Gotmilk Team
Post by: StExo on May 17, 2013, 10:43 pm
+1 for you guys. New users are the lifeblood of SilkRoad and too many vendors quickly dismiss them, nice to see you making an active effort to reach a new userbase and help them get started!

NB: Do you have any Piracetam laying around?
Title: Re: Free Consulting from the Gotmilk Team
Post by: GOTMILKTEAM on May 17, 2013, 10:48 pm
Good question.

To get a clean drop

Best way to do it is buy a fake id on SR, then go to a private mail box place like Mail Boxes ETC a chain store. Pay for a box with cash and use fake id, they will sign for all packages and put in your box.  or get a virtual office with mail forwarder so package arrives at mail forwarder then forwarded to other drops.

You shouldnt use the same place you live or work. especially if its going to be often, get a few drops. Its cheap if you are bringing in weight.

Good luck

Title: Re: Free Consulting from the Gotmilk Team
Post by: GOTMILKTEAM on May 17, 2013, 10:52 pm
+1 for you guys. New users are the lifeblood of SilkRoad and too many vendors quickly dismiss them, nice to see you making an active effort to reach a new userbase and help them get started!

NB: Do you have any Piracetam laying around?

We love the newbies, SR is a really incredible vehicle and is going to be around for a long time. Just helping build the foundation.

yes we have Paracetam 800mg and 1200mg


Title: Re: Free Consulting from the Gotmilk Team
Post by: theozreviewer on July 01, 2013, 02:51 pm
You guys say you offer free samples to returning customers (usually Valium ) , any reason why i never received any after 5 transactions? also why is Tramadol (Spelt Tromodol on your home page F.Y.I) now the only alternative?

2) Also  he Ordered 30 Valium and never received 10 freebies , do you guys run as a big organization and sometimes forget to check what people have ordered or is there miscommunication between the team? Because i then proceded to make to mopre purchasdes and each time you guys saud you would throw it in but for some reason i received Xanax 1mg (Generic name Tranax -1)

3) Have you guys realized that your latest batches my friends have ordered of The tranax-1 when you try and push it out the pill just crumbles to pieces every time?

4) You use to advertise Rooche brand Real deal Clomazepam and only sent out onapil-2 clomazepam instead. Do you realize the price difference between the 2? And did u realize that your teams reimbursement was by sending out the same product again. They use to sell for the equivelent of like 3 euro when we were Over seas

5) Does your team ever try any of the pills themselves or use google/errowid for reviews. You should try ggogling onapil- 2 :D

7) Your shipping makes it through every time but it is so dodgy. Masking tape and cardboard cmmmmmmmonnnnnn

8) Ive nearly tried all your benzos/pain killers (would have tried them all but never recieved those blastered samples :( , and i can let you know your valium is ok.

9) Your Modaf Is Great ! Modavigil is the best generic in my opinion!

10) Once you sent one of my moderators on blue light this and i quote-

"gotmilk(95) I guess I am sorry I am a lying cocksucker.

Good day"

That's not very nice got milk!

12) you guys should state what your favorite brands are that you personally enjoy :)

anyhow ur modaf is great but the rest your company should google/errowid/bluelight search your generic brand because people will buy them off you first time as they wont read fine print what generic it is or it simply wont be listed, but they probs wont come back :(

Just my 2 bobs worth >

Thanks for listening and im happy to help .
Title: Re: Free Consulting from the Gotmilk Team
Post by: slymike on July 01, 2013, 03:10 pm
Any magic tricks on getting vendors to respond?
ive been waiting a month for an order and a reply from Supertrips
no response and cause i FE'd im kinda screwd the moral is Dont FE
but the money i lost was the last in my kitty xD
Title: Re: Free Consulting from the Gotmilk Team
Post by: GOTMILKTEAM on July 01, 2013, 06:44 pm
keep writing them until he write you back, example is the guy posting past emails exchanges. He writes me daily, he hates me one day then buys from us the next. We have shipped him 4 packages to OZ no customs issues.

Hydrocodone 10/325 Xanax Bars GG249

Valium 10mg