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Discussion => Philosophy, Economics and Justice => Topic started by: Adasel on November 19, 2012, 06:11 pm

Title: VOTING - UK and US
Post by: Adasel on November 19, 2012, 06:11 pm
Has anyone here given up on voting altogether ??
Here in the uk there was a vote regarding who should be in your local police commission.
And guess what, it was a fail from start to finish.
For this reason i have just given up voting on a national basis.

Does anyone else have a reason as to why they do, or do not vote?
Title: Re: VOTING - UK and US
Post by: TheYowie on November 21, 2012, 12:21 am
I live in a country where voting is compulsory.  I've always believed it shouldn't be compulsory, but recently I've changed my mind and now believe it should be compulsory but you should have the option to opt out at the ballot box.

However, like in a customer survey you should say why.
Title: Re: VOTING - UK and US
Post by: demonspeeder on November 21, 2012, 04:03 am
No, I don't participate in those frauds.
Title: Re: VOTING - UK and US
Post by: debbydownerr on November 21, 2012, 08:33 am
I vote in the presidential elections because I've been peer pressured.
Title: Re: VOTING - UK and US
Post by: Adasel on November 21, 2012, 05:45 pm
I vote in the presidential elections because I've been peer pressured.

Thats the biggest problem i have with the system.
Title: Re: VOTING - UK and US
Post by: frank-butcher24 on November 21, 2012, 08:54 pm
I live in a country where voting is compulsory.  I've always believed it shouldn't be compulsory, but recently I've changed my mind and now believe it should be compulsory but you should have the option to opt out at the ballot box.

However, like in a customer survey you should say why.

I agree, pretty much.

Compulsory to go to the polling station and complete a ballot paper, optional to fill it in properly or spoil it.

Spoiling your ballot paper counts as a protest. Enough people doing it couldn't be ignored. By not voting at all you can be safely ignored.

Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on November 22, 2012, 10:05 pm
Title: Re: VOTING - UK and US
Post by: sausage and mash on November 23, 2012, 08:13 am
Ada - Lookup a party called UKIP. The media mainly ignore them but that's because the lib/lab/con government own nearly all the newspapers and the BBC don't report their success much either for some reason. They're the 3rd biggest party now based on PCC votes and their leader (Nigel Farage) has some hilarious youtube videos and he makes some very good points.

And he survived a plane crash, that man is hard as nails.

I don't vote anymore, defaced my ballot paper in police elections because i don't think any of the choices are good enough and were all affiliated with the 4 political party's. Would have gone for it myself if id of had a spare £5000 to register.

I decided that it was pointless when that politician was selling access to PM for £250,000, i have some great ideas for government but no way of getting heard, the MP are only interested in talking around election time, so unless you have £250,000 or are a lobbyist for a major corporation you may as well not have a voice.

I do involve myself in lots of community projects, that way i can have a say in my immediate surroundings and with those who directly effect me.
Title: Re: VOTING - UK and US
Post by: TheFireSwamp on November 23, 2012, 12:28 pm
Easy answer

CLEAR - Cannabis Law Reform (99% sure this is the correct fb url)

Btw, Nigel, Leader of UKIP wants to do a royal commission to the queen about addressing the 'Cannabis Issue', wanting to decriminalise it. Which is good, but NOT the same as legalised.

CLEAR want to legalise it (similar to Colorado, but a 18+ age req)
Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on November 23, 2012, 04:28 pm
Title: Re: VOTING - UK and US
Post by: Adasel on November 24, 2012, 02:53 pm
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of UKIP!!!.
This may well be my next choice of vote.  Although, there is a bit of a stink kicking off in the uk about them apparently as they are being accused of racism.
I guess we will have to keep our eyes and ears open and see how this plays out.
Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on November 24, 2012, 05:24 pm
Title: Re: VOTING - UK and US
Post by: Adasel on November 25, 2012, 03:30 pm
This is one of the reasons why i hate Rupert Murdoch (media) in general because if one person of such power wants to discredit a party, all they have to do is pick up the phone, make a call to the BBC and they will report anything they are told to.

Not cool.