Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: Ktown99 on October 26, 2012, 01:08 am

Title: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: Ktown99 on October 26, 2012, 01:08 am
One of my mates is pretty huggy IRL but straight (as far as I'm aware). Anyway we are more party mates i.e. see each other when we're out and get on it. Anyway, he popped up in one of my dreams last night and he was trying to get into bed with me. I felt he was trying to do this to get some gear off me. I was def not into it and told him nicely to bugger off.

Anyway, I know it's just a dream but it's made me feel pretty awkward about him now. Weird right?
Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on October 26, 2012, 02:35 am
Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: jay92 on October 26, 2012, 02:44 am
They say some dreams can reveal our deepest darkest desires ;D. Seriously though, it's just a dream, bro. Weird, weird, weird shit happens in dreams, most of the time we don't even remember them, so I'm sure you've had even weirder ones.
Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: ilovelsd69 on October 26, 2012, 02:51 am
My dreams are crazy when i can remember them.. i prefer not to think about it too much  ;D
Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: kitkat82 on October 26, 2012, 04:15 am
I have had much stranger and far more disturbing dreams.  Don't worry about it.  Dreams are nonsense.
Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: Limetless on October 26, 2012, 04:23 am
Kill him. :)
Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: Gary Oak on October 26, 2012, 06:11 am
Fuck him. :-*
Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: johnmtl on October 26, 2012, 06:13 am

Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: Gary Oak on October 26, 2012, 06:17 am
For real though, we live in the fucking 21st century mate, nothing wrong with experimenting with something other than drugs. Drop some molly, get the bisexual shit out of your system and realize how much time your wasting dreaming about dudes when you could be thinking about...oh I don't know boobs and the taste of vaginas and whatnot. I'm no psychologist but if I had to take a guess I'd say you're probably just really young, horny, and take drugs that make your peepee feel funny around other young and horny individuals. ;D
Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: johnmtl on October 26, 2012, 06:20 am
For real though, we live in the fucking 21st century mate, nothing wrong with experimenting with something other than drugs. Drop some molly, get the bisexual shit out of your system and realize how much time your wasting dreaming about dudes when you could be thinking about...oh I don't know boobs and the taste of vaginas and whatnot. I'm no psychologist but if I had to take a guess I'd say you're probably just really young, horny, and take drugs that make your peepee feel funny around other young and horny individuals. ;D

Oh boyyyy... Man on Man action.... all I'm curious to know is who's pitching and who's catching?  ;)
Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: Ktown99 on October 26, 2012, 06:24 am
For real though, we live in the fucking 21st century mate, nothing wrong with experimenting with something other than drugs. Drop some molly, get the bisexual shit out of your system and realize how much time your wasting dreaming about dudes when you could be thinking about...oh I don't know boobs and the taste of vaginas and whatnot. I'm no psychologist but if I had to take a guess I'd say you're probably just really young, horny, and take drugs that make your peepee feel funny around other young and horny individuals. ;D

The funny thing is I've got loads of gay mates and rolled with them a bazillion times and not once wanted to ride the pine.

You know the dreams that freak me out the most are the ones that 'feel' very real. He's a good mate and this made me feel icky. 1. Cause he was willing to try jerk me off and 2. Cause he was basically trying to prostitute himself for some gear. Prob point 2 worries me most

So we gots 2 votes to fuck him and 1 vote to kill him. Anyone else?
Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: Ktown99 on October 26, 2012, 06:25 am
For real though, we live in the fucking 21st century mate, nothing wrong with experimenting with something other than drugs. Drop some molly, get the bisexual shit out of your system and realize how much time your wasting dreaming about dudes when you could be thinking about...oh I don't know boobs and the taste of vaginas and whatnot. I'm no psychologist but if I had to take a guess I'd say you're probably just really young, horny, and take drugs that make your peepee feel funny around other young and horny individuals. ;D

Oh boyyyy... Man on Man action.... all I'm curious to know is who's pitching and who's catching?  ;)

What was Heath Ledger?
Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on October 26, 2012, 02:20 pm
Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: Ahoyhoy on October 26, 2012, 02:23 pm
In view of your obvious repressed homosexuality, you may want to think about redefining your sexual preferences and removing yourself from that closet.
Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: Twelve_Pickles on October 26, 2012, 06:13 pm
For real though, we live in the fucking 21st century mate, nothing wrong with experimenting with something other than drugs. Drop some molly, get the bisexual shit out of your system and realize how much time your wasting dreaming about dudes when you could be thinking about...oh I don't know boobs and the taste of vaginas and whatnot. I'm no psychologist but if I had to take a guess I'd say you're probably just really young, horny, and take drugs that make your peepee feel funny around other young and horny individuals. ;D

Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: ilovelsd69 on October 26, 2012, 09:38 pm
For real though, we live in the fucking 21st century mate, nothing wrong with experimenting with something other than drugs. Drop some molly, get the bisexual shit out of your system and realize how much time your wasting dreaming about dudes when you could be thinking about...oh I don't know boobs and the taste of vaginas and whatnot. I'm no psychologist but if I had to take a guess I'd say you're probably just really young, horny, and take drugs that make your peepee feel funny around other young and horny individuals. ;D

The funny thing is I've got loads of gay mates and rolled with them a bazillion times and not once wanted to ride the pine.

You know the dreams that freak me out the most are the ones that 'feel' very real. He's a good mate and this made me feel icky. 1. Cause he was willing to try jerk me off and 2. Cause he was basically trying to prostitute himself for some gear. Prob point 2 worries me most

So we gots 2 votes to fuck him and 1 vote to kill him. Anyone else?

I vote for killing him too  ;D
Title: Re: Had a dream last night and it's making me feel awkward about a mate
Post by: Ballzinator on October 26, 2012, 10:41 pm
Dreams can be pretty bullshit... Don't worry about it :)