Silk Road forums
Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: meth mouth on September 27, 2012, 12:39 am
I display all the symptoms of ADD. I have been very dysfunctional my whole life because of it. I've never abused drugs. But doctors won't prescribe me ADD medication. They want to withhold from me that which will treat me. I would much rather take a milder psychostimulant like Ritalin than meth, but meth is the only thing I can get that actually works. I fucking hate doctors, they deserve to be shot.
Ritalin sucks. The ADD is part of your personality and you have to learn to live with it. Ritalin won't make the symptoms disappear magically.
So doctors deserve to be shot because they won't prescribe a medicine that you think you need because you can't handle the idea that a doctor does not see medication necessary for your self-diagnosed condition?
My doc (before prescribing me ritalin for ADD I do not have) told me that a lot of people with ADD do end up on meth and speed and it makes them feel normal. You need to find a doctor who the Adderall people are sending to retreats and giving them pens and money :)
So doctors deserve to be shot because they won't prescribe a medicine that you think you need because you can't handle the idea that a doctor does not see medication necessary for your self-diagnosed condition?
Yes, people who withhold necessary medicine from me, forcing me use illegal alternatives that damage my brain, deserve to die.
Or maybe you just lack the dedication and motivation. Maybe you're just lazy as fuck.
Stop being lazy as fuck.
ADD doesn't actually exist, it's just a term for people that never learned/maintained discipline. So what do you do? Start Meditating. Best ADD medicine ever and you won't get fucked over if you ever stop taking adderall
So doctors deserve to be shot because they won't prescribe a medicine that you think you need because you can't handle the idea that a doctor does not see medication necessary for your self-diagnosed condition?
Yes, people who withhold necessary medicine from me, forcing me use illegal alternatives that damage my brain, deserve to die.
You can't be serious..
You say that your uncontrollable ADD has ruined your life so much that you have decided that there is no other alternative than to further damage yourself by self-medicating your self-diagnosed condition with a highly neurotoxic substance like methamphetamine.
If you want to actually get a prescription for ADD, you should probably see your primary physician who knows your history rather than trying to get a prescription from a random doctor that has never seen you before - it just screams speed-freak. Your name doesn't seem help your case much either - meth mouth can be spotted from a mile away.
Or maybe you just lack the dedication and motivation. Maybe you're just lazy as fuck.
Stop being lazy as fuck.
ADD doesn't actually exist, it's just a term for people that never learned/maintained discipline. So what do you do? Start Meditating. Best ADD medicine ever and you won't get fucked over if you ever stop taking adderall
Hey now. I take Adderall, whether I still have ADD or not (dx'd at 13 - puberty/raging hormones.. go figure). I'm dependent on it, whether it actually does help me or if it's become like the placebo effect. I've discussed this with my doctor, and he's surprisingly fine with it - not going into details, but that is the gist of it.
Or maybe you just lack the dedication and motivation. Maybe you're just lazy as fuck.
Oh, you know exactly what I've been doing to manage my symptoms? I exercise daily, lift weights, meditate daily, eat the right supplements and multivitamins, eat healthy, get good sleep, etc. This has made the condition not as severe as it might be, but it is still very debilitating. And you are hardly in a position to know the nature of my condition, and whether I'm not I'm being lazy in dealing with it.
Or maybe you just lack the dedication and motivation. Maybe you're just lazy as fuck.
Oh, you know exactly what I've been doing to manage my symptoms? I exercise daily, lift weights, meditate daily, eat the right supplements and multivitamins, eat healthy, get good sleep, etc. This has made the condition not as severe as it might be, but it is still very debilitating. And you are hardly in a position to know the nature of my condition, and whether I'm not I'm being lazy in dealing with it.
Bullshit, if you've been doing all that you're fine. Just get some self-confidence if any of what you've posted is true
So doctors deserve to be shot because they won't prescribe a medicine that you think you need because you can't handle the idea that a doctor does not see medication necessary for your self-diagnosed condition?
Yes, people who withhold necessary medicine from me, forcing me use illegal alternatives that damage my brain, deserve to die.
You can't be serious..
You say that your uncontrollable ADD has ruined your life so much that you have decided that there is no other alternative than to further damage yourself by self-medicating your self-diagnosed condition with a highly neurotoxic substance like methamphetamine.
If you want to actually get a prescription for ADD, you should probably see your primary physician who knows your history rather than trying to get a prescription from a random doctor that has never seen you before - it just screams speed-freak. Your name doesn't seem help your case much either - meth mouth can be spotted from a mile away.
I did talk to my family physician. I am not even addicted to meth. In the low dosages that I take it, meth just makes me feel normal. I don't want to take it. I take it as a last resort because I can't get a prescription for Ritalin or Adderall. The reason I can't get a prescription is because I am an adult and I wasn't diagnosed with ADD as a child. Not everyone who suffers from ADD gets diagnosed with it.
Bullshit, if you've been doing all that you're fine. Just get some self-confidence if any of what you've posted is true
My problem is focus, attention, concentration, and motivation -- not self-confidence. I do all of the things I listed, and I still can't focus, I still can't do anything productive. I take meth for focus and clarity, not for recreational purposes. Mental discipline can only alter your dopamine levels so much. Some people really do need psychostimulants to function. I can't function without stimulants, and before I discovered stimulants, I was even more dysfunctional than I am now.
It seems you've reverse-placeboed yourself about stimulants. Mind over matter friend.
For discussions sake, for what purpose do you take meth/adderal?
So doctors deserve to be shot because they won't prescribe a medicine that you think you need because you can't handle the idea that a doctor does not see medication necessary for your self-diagnosed condition?
Yes, people who withhold necessary medicine from me, forcing me use illegal alternatives that damage my brain, deserve to die.
You can't be serious..
You say that your uncontrollable ADD has ruined your life so much that you have decided that there is no other alternative than to further damage yourself by self-medicating your self-diagnosed condition with a highly neurotoxic substance like methamphetamine.
If you want to actually get a prescription for ADD, you should probably see your primary physician who knows your history rather than trying to get a prescription from a random doctor that has never seen you before - it just screams speed-freak. Your name doesn't seem help your case much either - meth mouth can be spotted from a mile away.
I did talk to my family physician. I am not even addicted to meth. In the low dosages that I take it, meth just makes me feel normal. I don't want to take it. I take it as a last resort because I can't get a prescription for Ritalin or Adderall. The reason I can't get a prescription is because I am an adult and I wasn't diagnosed with ADD as a child. Not everyone who suffers from ADD gets diagnosed with it.
Interestingly enough, there's a reason why ADD/ADHD isn't diagnosed as frequently as it has been in the past. Whether it's for the good or bad, research has allowed for the broadening of the autism spectrum and what it may entail. There have been several reports of children/adolescents, even adults who were originally diagnosed as ADD/ADHD in the past, but now better fit the criteria for autism. I'm not saying that you are autistic, but I am saying that advancements in medicine have allowed us to reach a more accurate diagnosis.
Also, in regards to you not being able to get a script due to you being in adulthood, my dad was recently prescribed Adderall solely because he asked his doctor for it so that he could get more stuff done - those were pretty much his exact words. He can't drink coffee or energy drinks because it gives him heart palpitations, oddly enough.
Also, once again, self-medicating with a highly addictive, highly neurotoxic substance is not helping you in any way. If by chance you do get a prescription, you'll likely be even worse due to the meth that even Adderall won't be of help..What are you going to do then?
I did talk to my family physician. I am not even addicted to meth. In the low dosages that I take it, meth just makes me feel normal. I don't want to take it. I take it as a last resort because I can't get a prescription for Ritalin or Adderall. The reason I can't get a prescription is because I am an adult and I wasn't diagnosed with ADD as a child. Not everyone who suffers from ADD gets diagnosed with it.
If I were you, I would talk to a psychiatrist instead. Although I'm told there is no such thing as "adult-onset ADHD", if you describe your ADHD symptoms that have been occurring since childhood, that's just regular ADHD that you didn't get diagnosed with until now. Many people don't realize they have had it for their whole lives until they get to college and their self-developed coping mechanisms no longer are good enough to keep them acting normal.
Hate may be too strong of a word, but I have lost a lot of respect for the profession overall. Doctors have become shills for the pharmaceutical industry. I could probably go on for awhile with some long rant but I will spare you all.
Hate may be too strong of a word, but I have lost a lot of respect for the profession overall. Doctors have become shills for the pharmaceutical industry. I could probably go on for awhile with some long rant but I will spare you all.
Nah nah, I'm interested in your opinion. I mean, it's basically legal drug dealing isn't it? The pharmaceutical companies are acting as distributors for doctors who sell the product for a cut of the action.