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Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: gtgeorgz on September 25, 2012, 11:40 pm

Title: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: gtgeorgz on September 25, 2012, 11:40 pm
Anything?  >:(
It feels like I've simultaneously been punched square in the face and been sorting a tonne of cocaine for about 4 days now.
I've tried Vit.C and eating healthy, is there any home remedies to make it go it go away other than time?
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: grandaddyturtle on September 25, 2012, 11:46 pm
You can't "cure" the common cold, you can only use "medicines" to cover up the symptoms.  If congestion is an issue, get something that caters towards that.

Common advice, I know, but as long as you can alter your perception to the point where you're not psychologically being tormented by the symptoms, this should be good until your body fights it off.

If it lasts longer than a week you might have something more serious, perhaps the flu or something.
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: Joey Terrifying on September 25, 2012, 11:53 pm
try some methamphetamine to clear up your sinuses and a little heroin for the headache.  if you've got a sore throat, grab a pack of menthol cigaresttes and a pint of peppermint schnapps.  should clear you right up!


haha, seriously though, before you all go negging the shit out of me.....dude, just drink lots of OJ & water, don't eat any greasy, fatty, carbo food, and mellow out in bed with some comic books and video games.
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: PrincessHIGH on September 26, 2012, 12:05 am
I'm sorry to hear you've caught the common cold, awful isn't it? Worse still, no antibiotics can do anything to cure it, but with time, rest, and consuming the right things, it shouldn't last for so long. Here's some natural suggestions that can help to make you better, and speed up your recovery:

Distilled pure water - The most important thing to making you well is water! Get your Brita water filer out, or other water filteration system. Bottle water leaches large amounts of plastic residue. You'll have no idea how much crap tap water has in it, I won't even begin to list it, as I'll be here all night. Distilled water clesenses you, try for at least 3L while your unwell.

Chicken Stock - Essentially is a distilled chicken, with nothing but pure gelatin remaining. Pure gelatin is an amzing healer, as it contains minerals found only within the marrow and connective tissues of the chicken. Chicken stock has been proved to calm nerve endings in the stomach like no other food, it's unique. Avoid the dried supermarket varieties that contain MSG, and the like, and things such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein that will probably make you feel worse. Homemade is the best, if you need a recepie, feel free to ask. Chicken stock has anti-inflammatory properties, to get you back on your feet again.

Combine honey with lemon juice into a soothing drink, it'll do you wonders.

Lemon Juice - Has a stong alkaline effect on the body. Lemon contains vit C, and premotes healing, it also has antispeptic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial qualties, to premote a healthy recovery.

Honey - Is super rich in vitamins and minerals, polyphenols, simple carbs, and amino acids, like lemon juice, it has antispeptic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial qualties, so combine the two for a double dose of goodness!

Hopefully you'll find this information useful, and will give you a good start to a full recovery. Get well soon  :)
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: gtgeorgz on September 26, 2012, 12:22 am
Man, if only it was possible for me to cure it. I'd be so rich...
I'm on the standard Paracetamol at the moment and drinking a lot of water. But thanks princessHIGH I'll give the distilled water a go. I have chicken stock with me that says MSG free, but its from the supermarket, would it still be okay? How on earth would i take it? Lol last time i ate a stock cube the amount of salt in it made me puke.
Thanks princess have a +1.

Lol nice suggestions Joey, I'll rail a fat line of mephedrone to clear my nose followed by large dose of codeine to numb the pain. ;) Haha i wish though.
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: wretched on September 26, 2012, 12:25 am
LSD :)
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: gtgeorgz on September 26, 2012, 12:29 am
I have some but I've gotta be up early tomorrow, sucks.
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: wretched on September 26, 2012, 12:34 am
blow off your plans tomorrow you gotta get this cold whipped, and as your physician I recommend you dose 4 high power tabs to clear what ales you before it gets any worse and possibly spreads to the general population !
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: gtgeorgz on September 26, 2012, 12:36 am
But it's kinda important man. ;) I've only got one 150ug tab as well. There's always tomorrow night..
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: wretched on September 26, 2012, 12:38 am
well if it is more important than your physicians first prescription, then I suggest whiskey and honey 3 parts wild turkey rare breed to 1 part cheap ass honey continue as needed until you don't remember being sick in the first place!
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: PrincessHIGH on September 26, 2012, 12:48 am
Man, if only it was possible for me to cure it. I'd be so rich...
I'm on the standard Paracetamol at the moment and drinking a lot of water. But thanks princessHIGH I'll give the distilled water a go. I have chicken stock with me that says MSG free, but its from the supermarket, would it still be okay? How on earth would i take it? Lol last time i ate a stock cube the amount of salt in it made me puke.
Thanks princess have a +1.

Lol nice suggestions Joey, I'll rail a fat line of mephedrone to clear my nose followed by large dose of codeine to numb the pain. ;) Haha i wish though.

Thank-you gtgeorgz. Whatever you do, NO CUBES, all the goodness has gone, with only the crap left, that's why they are so cheap, they're absoulte crap, and yes your right full of salt, that's the exact opposite of what you need, you need hydration not dehydration, salt dehydrates. No offense intended to anybody that uses them, it's just not the same. You need purity to make yourself better and heal. I have been using this chicken stock recepie for at least four years now (clearwebalert) Cheap, simple, and delicious! If you never have had the joys of fresh stock I highly recommend you give it a spin, once you do you'll never go back!

Alternatively, if you can't be arsed get your ass down to your local Waitrose (I hope your in the UK, otherwise this information is useless, and I'm sorry), they do a pukka fresh chicken stock made my Heston Blumental, (clearwebalert), just add veggies, and a little rice or noodles if you care, and hey presto! You'll find it in the fresh meat aisle. Best of luck for a speedy recovery!  :)
Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on September 26, 2012, 12:54 am
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: Ahoyhoy on September 26, 2012, 10:25 pm

Viit C, zinc and echinacia works for me but only if I dose as soon as the slightest symptoms occur, if I leave it even a few hours too late, it doesn't work. What all those chems have in common is that they boost the immune system. Garlic oil can also be used. Once it kicks in you just have to sit it out.
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: Twelve_Pickles on September 26, 2012, 11:06 pm

Combine honey with lemon juice into a soothing drink, it'll do you wonders.

Lemon Juice - Has a stong alkaline effect on the body. Lemon contains vit C, and premotes healing, it also has antispeptic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial qualties, to premote a healthy recovery.

Honey - Is super rich in vitamins and minerals, polyphenols, simple carbs, and amino acids, like lemon juice, it has antispeptic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial qualties, so combine the two for a double dose of goodness!

this is exactly the same method that i would reccomend, except that towards the later part of the evening, add a little whiskey (and good whiskey, no blended scotch, just single malt. or a quality blended Irish works best) just because it helps loosen up the body + mind and will help your poorly face fall asleep.
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: gtgeorgz on September 27, 2012, 12:35 am
So today I've had 2g's of Vit C. Along with Green Tea mixed with lemon juice and honey and I can honestly say I'm feeling a little better. Thanks princess, 12, ahoy, wretched and sexo for da suggestions, I'll keep them in mind. Most of them anyway lol ;)
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: Twelve_Pickles on September 27, 2012, 12:40 am
loving the green tea combo, gonna try that one next time im dying.

hope ya feeling better soon georgz

remember to lay off the drone, too much of that cant be good for your immune-system!
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: gtgeorgz on September 27, 2012, 12:44 am
Yeah green tea is the shit.
haha cheers man, I haven't had drone for about a week now. I STILL have some left in my draw though lol. Saving it for a party or some shit. :)
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: WhiteBS on September 27, 2012, 12:52 am
For a nasty cold/headache and just all around feeling like a sack of shit, I like to take anything with some pseudoephedrine, So ask for some sudafed at the pharmacy and you'll be feeling on top of the world in an hour or so.
Title: Re: Treatment for common cold?
Post by: PrincessHIGH on October 02, 2012, 04:19 pm
So today I've had 2g's of Vit C. Along with Green Tea mixed with lemon juice and honey and I can honestly say I'm feeling a little better. Thanks princess, 12, ahoy, wretched and sexo for da suggestions, I'll keep them in mind. Most of them anyway lol ;)

Happy to hear your on the road to recovery, hope your feeling much better now :) Green tea is very good for you, because the leaves contain so many antioxidants, which help to boost your immunity function, it's been proven too, in a recent study the journal of the american college of nutrition concluded that participants taking green tea in capsule form had 23% less bouts of colds and flu, and overall 36% fewer sick days, as their immune systems produced more cells that fought off bacteria and viruses. So, if you don't like green tea, just purchase some capsules, they're very reasonable, and will make you healthier!

Have any of you guys heard of matcha (green tea powder)? That's very good for you too, I have a delicious matcha ice cream recipe, that does wonders if you have a sore throat, if anybody would like it, feel free to get in touch  :)