Silk Road forums
Market => Product requests => Topic started by: alfred342 on September 18, 2012, 12:14 am
I appreciate your suggestions and experiences, I am looking for a fast acting (rapid-onset) injectable anesthetic drug.
If you could also share you personal and one on one experience of your suggestion along with the dosage information I would greatly appreciate it.
Oh by the way, I know all about Ketamine so if you have any other suggestions than Ketamine post them.
Looking forward to your suggestions
"Any" rapid-onset? Are you trying to kill someone?
Propofol is very rapid in onset indeed. I've had it administered in a hospital environment a couple of times.
Typically they will ask you to count down from 10 to 1, and most patients are out when reaching 7 or 6 or the way down. In that regard it is one of the quickest substances to induce hypnosis on the market.
Propofol is an agent to induce narcosis only though, not something to maintain it for any length of time. Once knocked out by propofol anesthesia is maintained by other substances given in the 'air' you breathe. These would include things like halothanes. Propofol is mainly used to make the transition into general anesthesia as fast and as comfortable as it can be.
The sensation of injecting propofol is not nice at all - it causes a particular itching/scratching sensation when given by iv. Many patients will forget that due to amnesia caused by general narcosis, but if you do remember its not a nice thing to experience at all. I am not sure if i'm the rule or exception there, but i remember what it feels like to have propofol injected quite well, and would not want to feel that again unless it is required to perform surgery.
Also Etomidate. Less risk of blood pressure drop than most anesthetics, and lethal dose is something like 20-30x effective dose, so pretty hard to accidentally kill someone. Takes ~30 seconds to unconsciousness, lasts 5-10 minutes depending on dosage (0.2-0.6 mg/kg).
I've seen you post this question a few times now, so definitely curious as to what you're going to do.
A very special thanks to those of you who have shared your real life experiences with rapid-onset anesthetics. I really appreciate it because few people have this kind of direct knowledge and that is why it is valuable.
My uncle is a Cardiovascular surgeon and he always says that no matter how advance the technologies in a hospital are or how knowledgeable a doctors is in terms of medical context, what truly matters and makes a great doctor is Experience. Because things are not always the way they are said to be in textbooks.
Again thank you all for taking time and posting your suggestions/opinions and experiences, in addition to your explanations I have also consulted plenty of general anesthesia clinical textbooks from university's library and a whole bunch of other websites and found out the followings and I thought HEY LET'S SHARE IT WITH THEM ;p
so correct me if I am wrong:
As for Propofol and Etomidate, they are both inducing agents of Anesthesia, they are both Rapid-onset injectable anesthetics which usually last any time between 5-15 minutes depending on the dose administered. (Propofol is more long lasting)
Etomidate and Propofol are both unscheduled drugs in contrast to Ketamine, so using propofol or Etomidate and other anesthetics (Halothane, Nitous oxide...etc) is much more preferably to the DEA scheduled ones. If you are caught you don't wanna go to jail for ever.
Etomidate is faster in terms how fast it puts someone into unconsciousness in compare to propofol and Ketamine.
The effective doses of Propofol and Etomidate are way lower in compare to Ketamine thus Etomidate and Propofol are far more affordable for the purpose of rapid-onset anesthesia induction.
You need somewhere between 500 MG to 1 Gram Ketamine to induce anesthesia and that is pretty expensive in compare to Propofol.
Each Vial of Propofol 1% costs less than 20$ if bought by prescription.
Etomidate appears to have a higher therapeutic index in compare to Propofol, meaning that accidentally killing someone by Etomidate is very unlikely since the effective dose is considerably lower than the fatal dose.
To maintain anesthesia inhalant anesthetics such as Halothane or nitrous oxide should be administered using vaporizers however these inhalant anesthetics also have high therapeutic indices unlike Chloroform or Ether so even spraying some directly into the nostrils of Subject, won't kill that person but will surely keep him/her unconscious for 8-12 hours depending on the relative dose, this means that you do not have to have a vaporizer necessarily to proceed with the procedure as the vaporizers are large and expensive.
Some of you were curious why I have raised this question and the answer is just curiosity.
As I mentioned before I am looking for the Real-life experiences of people who have used/administered Rapid-onset anesthetics rather than just finding out about the contextual information about the doses and names of the drugs.
please continue to post any other experiences that you have had with anesthetics I will keep checking the replies.
Thanks :D
Now I want to buy some Propofol and Etomidate, does any one know where I could get them ?
Does anyone know any legitimate supplier of those chemicals?
Please let me know as soon as possible.
Garythesnail2005 has propofol and etomidate but delisted them related to lack of interest. PM him and I am sure he will be able to assist you.
No unfortunately I am not based in UK.
I have already contacted a bunch of Indian manufacturers for Propofol and a whole bunch of other chemicals and some Chinese suppliers.
The Chinese suppliers claim that they can supply all medications with only 50% down payment and the indians say you have to pay upfront so I am not sure what to do.
If I pay the indians I could get scammed and lose my money and on the other hand I don't trust the Chinese suppliers in terms of the purity of their shit.
If you know any legitimate Suppliers through your contacts please do let me know. I don't want to get scammed.