Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: 34trimethoxy on September 11, 2012, 02:35 pm

Title: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: 34trimethoxy on September 11, 2012, 02:35 pm
Post your thoughts.
Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on September 11, 2012, 03:54 pm
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: zero effect on September 11, 2012, 04:09 pm
There will be other life forms found. Dont know if it will be this year, but I can almost guarantee the life form will be very basic like bacteria. Then everyone will just get really disappointed that they were probed by bacteria.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Neville Fucking Bartoz on September 11, 2012, 04:12 pm
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Cicero on September 11, 2012, 04:23 pm
Contact is not the issue.

There are BILLIONS of stars in each of the TRILLIONS of galaxies.

The universe will be teeming with life. If it exists here in such abundance, it exists elsewhere in abundance. You have to be really thick not to be able to comprehend this.

The problem is actually DISCLOSURE by the govenments and shadowy agencies of the world.

Should full disclosure be made, all religions INSTANTLY become worthless trash. Religions are still a HUGE way of controlling the masses. Always have been, always will be. The elite will never give that particular tool up.

Life exists. Intellegent life too.

Ever wondered where the tech has come from over the last 30 years??

Cicero respects all lifeform, alien or otherwise.

Intellegent alien life would probably see us as a parasite on the planet, unable to respect any of the creatures  we share our planet with. Intelligent alien life would probbaly just prefer to wipe us out tbh.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Neville Fucking Bartoz on September 11, 2012, 04:29 pm
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: mito on September 11, 2012, 04:38 pm
you will shit bricks:
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: 34trimethoxy on September 11, 2012, 07:51 pm
you will shit bricks:

Told ya. 2012 is the year.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: mito on September 12, 2012, 11:20 am
you will shit bricks:

Told ya. 2012 is the year.

I'm going to share something personal with ya all.

When I'm under MXE I have this feeling, very strong btw, that something will happen to the world, some event, like God will announce himself to the world.

It's really strange.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Mashman on September 12, 2012, 11:34 am
I hope something will happen in my lifetime but i seriously doubt it will unfortunately.
I know its not quite the same but the majority of western civillisations in modern history believe that they are living through the "end times/end of days" and I think in the modern world this religious fear has simply been replaced by aliens.
Stexo's right, the probability of it happening specifically in our lifetime is small.
That doesn't take away the fact that it is incredibly improbable that there isn't or hasn't been any other form of life in the universe. So it may happen but I doubt it can be pin pointed to this year.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: mito on September 12, 2012, 11:40 am

Stexo's right, the probability of it happening specifically in our lifetime is small.

lot's of things happening in our lifetime/epoch:   travel to the moon, transistor, radio, nuclear energy, etc.

but we still need jesus christ to come back and kick some butt.

Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Mashman on September 12, 2012, 12:05 pm

Stexo's right, the probability of it happening specifically in our lifetime is small.

lot's of things happening in our lifetime/epoch:   travel to the moon, transistor, radio, nuclear energy, etc.

but we still need jesus christ to come back and kick some butt.

Yeah but just because the human race has developed to this level of technological advancement doesn't make it more likely that an alien race (relatively close to us) will be at the same level of civilisation and technological capability as us to be able to return/send a signal to us.
All i think is that if the world stopped starting wars on eachother over petty bullshit and put the billions of pounds into space programmes then the likelihood of finding extra terrestrial life would increase ten fold.
There going to need to do it soon anyway due to over population and how fucked our environment is. The only solution I can see is colonisation of mars/some sort of huge space station.
Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on September 12, 2012, 12:57 pm
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Mashman on September 12, 2012, 01:18 pm
I hope something will happen in my lifetime but i seriously doubt it will unfortunately.
I know its not quite the same but the majority of western civillisations in modern history believe that they are living through the "end times/end of days" and I think in the modern world this religious fear has simply been replaced by aliens.
Stexo's right, the probability of it happening specifically in our lifetime is small.
That doesn't take away the fact that it is incredibly improbable that there isn't or hasn't been any other form of life in the universe. So it may happen but I doubt it can be pin pointed to this year.

Let's not forget though, our very existence is very improbable, us two discussing this at this exact time is improbable. It's like putting down a deck of cards 1 card at a time, each card added to the sequence is equally improbable but it still occurs (which is an arguement I use against Christians who say "But life is far too complex to randomly evolve").

Improbability is one of the few guarantee's in this universe.

The probability is small but the fact that makes our existence and the existence of others likely is te size of the universe. It's infinite which makes it very likely that if life can exist in one place that it will exist in another.
In my opinion it is the idea of contact in our lifetime which is unlikely. It's almost impossible that there is no other life in the vastness of the universe/muliverses (depending on your belief about that particular gem)
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: 34trimethoxy on September 12, 2012, 06:08 pm
They say Tesla was the first to make contact. Read up on it.

2012 is the year I'm certain.

The signs are here, many will agree with me,
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: peels4u on September 12, 2012, 07:23 pm
I would say that it depends on the definition of contact.  If contact is a two way dialog where messages are sent and returned, it will not happen. If contact means discovring the presence of life in any form living or dead, it is a real possibility.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: mito on September 12, 2012, 09:08 pm
They say Tesla was the first to make contact. Read up on it.

Links please...
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: 34trimethoxy on September 13, 2012, 02:16 am
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Chapman on September 13, 2012, 02:26 am
<tinfoil hat>
If seemingly extraterrestrial beings present themselves this year, it won't actually be beings, just Project Bluebeam coming to fruition.
Assuming Bluebeam is real, the "Mayan" (not actually Mayan, as by their calendar it's 2013 now and doomsday has passed) date (12/21/12) would be perfect, and there's certainly been more than enough predictive programming that it would be unsurprising.
</tinfoil hat>
As far as actual contact, meh. No reason for it to be this year/decade/century/eon over any other. Statistically, it's so near to impossible that it's not even worth thinking about.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: 34trimethoxy on September 13, 2012, 02:45 pm
This man is one of my personal heroes, I've probably watched this video close to 20 times now.

You can see it in his eye.

Please watch and give this man 30 minutes of your life. Contact TRIAL runs have already been made and were successful, watch this video and do some research. Take some acid. You're an idiot if you think we won't make contact this year.

The MonTauk Project.

Contact / Ron Paul 2012 PM me if you wanna talk about this more I take it very seriously.

A wise man once said:

The ship was probably 60, 75, or 100 foot in diameter on the outside, but when I entered it took TWENTY minutes to get to other side.

Now wrap your fucking head around that.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Neville Fucking Bartoz on September 13, 2012, 04:53 pm
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: ralph123 on September 13, 2012, 07:29 pm
do you mean that this will be the year that they admit to it publicly?  Is this going to be the year that they come out of the closet about how deeply involved with other species that they really are in?
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: 34trimethoxy on September 13, 2012, 07:35 pm
do you mean that this will be the year that they admit to it publicly?  Is this going to be the year that they come out of the closet about how deeply involved with other species that they really are in?

Yes, "officially".

Please note I use the term loosely. What are your thoughts?
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: ralph123 on September 13, 2012, 07:40 pm
hahahaha My thoughts? Never have any fear and always stand fast!
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: wretched on September 13, 2012, 08:58 pm
I just hope that when they show up that they bring some cool psychedelic drugs, but more so, I hope that they are impressed with ours!
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: trolley on September 13, 2012, 11:18 pm
My prediction is that on 12/21/12 exactly all mayans will die/turn into lizards but everyone else will carry on as normal ::)
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: ralph123 on September 14, 2012, 12:27 am

sorry bout the caps lol
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: 34trimethoxy on September 14, 2012, 03:43 pm
I just hope that when they show up that they bring some cool psychedelic drugs, but more so, I hope that they are impressed with ours!

Hell yeah man lol
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: jameslink2 on September 14, 2012, 03:48 pm
The ship was probably 60, 75, or 100 foot in diameter on the outside, but when I entered it took TWENTY minutes to get to other side.

Now wrap your fucking head around that.

Time and Relative Dimensions in Space (T.A.R.D.I.S)

Too much Dr. Who?
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: prometheus247 on September 14, 2012, 11:01 pm
Don't forget alien contact seems to have been done multiple times throughout human history (just not given any attention by the mainstream history), not to mention all these monuments that don't seem to have been built by humans or have any human specific purpose like the pyramids.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: prometheus247 on September 14, 2012, 11:05 pm
This man is one of my personal heroes, I've probably watched this video close to 20 times now.

You can see it in his eye.

Please watch and give this man 30 minutes of your life. Contact TRIAL runs have already been made and were successful, watch this video and do some research. Take some acid. You're an idiot if you think we won't make contact this year.

The MonTauk Project.

Contact / Ron Paul 2012 PM me if you wanna talk about this more I take it very seriously.

A wise man once said:

The ship was probably 60, 75, or 100 foot in diameter on the outside, but when I entered it took TWENTY minutes to get to other side.

Now wrap your fucking head around that.

Very interesting. I already know the guy is not bullshitting when he said Germans and Americans worked together for the science war experiments...

David Icke who I'm following very closely also talks about the exact same thing. And, unfortunately, something tells me they are both saying the truth :(
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: wretched on September 15, 2012, 12:31 am
The ship was probably 60, 75, or 100 foot in diameter on the outside, but when I entered it took TWENTY minutes to get to other side.

Now wrap your fucking head around that.

Time and Relative Dimensions in Space (T.A.R.D.I.S)

Too much Dr. Who?

Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: czxtvr on September 16, 2012, 01:09 am
Contact has been made already on more than one occasion ....
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Deeptram on September 16, 2012, 02:45 am
This is what I believe.

1. Humans are genetically engineered descendants of the Annunaki. The Annunaki are 12 ft. tall blonde haired blue eyed humanoids that settled this solar system millions of years ago. Europeans are the closest genetically related to them. They founded Atlantis.
2. The Annunaki had a civil war that burned down this solar system. Ruins off the coast of Japan, India, Bimimi, and the pyramids are evidence of this, as well as other historical anomalies. Zues/Odin/Thor/God led the winning side of the pantheon against Satan's side. Satan was a genetic engineer who tried to take over. Jews descend from and worship satan. Satan is currently trapped on this world and is going to try to role out a NWO after the planned nuclear war in the middle east between Israel and Iran. He directs the masons and the jewish elite, as well as European nobility. He taught the jews fractional reserve banking and is in regular contact with the rockefellers and rothschilds.
3. The Nazis in WWII knew this and summoned the annunaki back with "Die Glocke", or, the "Bell". The Annunaki will come back to save us in late 2012 after war starts. Satan may make his appearance and try to lead humanity against the returning Annunaki, saying that they are aliens.
4. The jews are trying to change the DNA of whites by blending us with non-whites so that God cannot claim his patent on us when he returns.

Apparently 9/11 was a planned false flag, but that they didn't expect the towers to collaspe. Either Nazi elements or Mossad elements did it to exaggerate the effect. For some reason the elites need to control the middle east before the Annunaki return, and since 2001 they have been going crazy trying to do this.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Deeptram on September 16, 2012, 02:49 am
I should add that if you want to know more check out Horus the Avenger's Follow the White Rabbit site. Remember, anti-racist is codeword for anti-white. And Cicero, it's nice to see a fellow /new/sman or /pol/man, judging by your avatar. We grow stronger by the day. Down with the NWO!
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Neville Fucking Bartoz on September 16, 2012, 04:21 pm
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Neville Fucking Bartoz on September 16, 2012, 04:26 pm
This is what I believe.

1. Humans are genetically engineered descendants of the Annunaki. The Annunaki are 12 ft. tall blonde haired blue eyed humanoids that settled this solar system millions of years ago. Europeans are the closest genetically related to them. They founded Atlantis.
2. The Annunaki had a civil war that burned down this solar system. Ruins off the coast of Japan, India, Bimimi, and the pyramids are evidence of this, as well as other historical anomalies. Zues/Odin/Thor/God led the winning side of the pantheon against Satan's side. Satan was a genetic engineer who tried to take over. Jews descend from and worship satan. Satan is currently trapped on this world and is going to try to role out a NWO after the planned nuclear war in the middle east between Israel and Iran. He directs the masons and the jewish elite, as well as European nobility. He taught the jews fractional reserve banking and is in regular contact with the rockefellers and rothschilds.
3. The Nazis in WWII knew this and summoned the annunaki back with "Die Glocke", or, the "Bell". The Annunaki will come back to save us in late 2012 after war starts. Satan may make his appearance and try to lead humanity against the returning Annunaki, saying that they are aliens.
4. The jews are trying to change the DNA of whites by blending us with non-whites so that God cannot claim his patent on us when he returns.

Apparently 9/11 was a planned false flag, but that they didn't expect the towers to collaspe. Either Nazi elements or Mossad elements did it to exaggerate the effect. For some reason the elites need to control the middle east before the Annunaki return, and since 2001 they have been going crazy trying to do this.


Now look what you gone n made me do! I was determined to only utter the word "Concrescense" in this thread, but this guy's such an enormous dick, he made me say, "Dick!"
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: davebowman on September 18, 2012, 02:04 am
Arthur C Clarke is an excellent science fiction writer.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: prometheus247 on September 18, 2012, 10:57 am
That white rabbit website is one fucked up site, I still try to figure out what it's about!

My thoughts on how humans came about are that we are probably the result of an alien experiment (or an experiment in progress) and the big tell tell sign for me is the fact that while we possess an incredible machine called the brain which has functionalities that even in 2012 we still only start to use them (like your pineal gland) we regularly use it far less.
Possible explanations for this (which i think are both true) are:
1) Brain is hijacked through young age by parents - TV - school - society - poisons in foods and medicines etc
2) Our brains are a copy of our "owners" (or what traditional religions call God) we are in the image of our creators which happen to be aliens. They just picked a life form on Earth e.g. monkeys and implanted them with their functionality.

As such, the people in charge who are working for our alien owners (what David Icke calls Reptilians) are in effect treating as us cattle who always need to be under control for the purposes of their experiments. Us having control of our destiny is of no relation to them.

Also a movie that for me is right on the money about the situation on Earth is "Dark City". If you combine it with concepts from Total Recall (the original movie) and the Matrix I think they bring you closer to understanding the human condition.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: 34trimethoxy on September 18, 2012, 01:03 pm
Quote from: prometheus247

Very interesting. I already know the guy is not bullshitting when he said Germans and Americans worked together for the science war experiments...

David Icke who I'm following very closely also talks about the exact same thing. And, unfortunately, something tells me they are both saying the truth :(

Thank you for taking the time to watch this - knowledge is power. This speaks volumes to me about your intelligence and wisdom about the contact that will be made.

I have some other interesting videos and transcripts I will post when I have time.

Contact has been made already on more than one occasion ....

Of course, but I'm talking about sustainable, two way contact. At minimum, sustainable one way contact.

You also need to keep in mind, that voyager that is some billions of miles away from earth right now, silently sailing through the cosmos has some of our worlds important information engraved on it. Should any life perceive it (depends on your definition of perception), then I would consider this contact - in the form of one way.

If you are talking about the countless radio waves that are sent through the Universe from Earth everyday - Old TV broadcasts from the 60's are still traveling through space - then yes I agree, I believe some other form of life has detected them. It takes a long time for signals to be sent back, unless they can be transmitted by using some type of energy technology that bends time (this is VERY plausible).

Some say that the Universe is it's self perhaps the greats form of life there is. In this ambiguous description contact has already been made.

But I really have a feeling that 2012 will be the year, the great one, where IRREFUTABLE evidence of contact is made.

Tesla did it a century ago - he also proposed that he knew how to split the world in half. To gain that kind of knowledge, you need information gained from contact.

Isn't it funny that the US and German governments scrambled to seize all of his journals and findings immediately following his death? There is an interesting story I will post when I have more time.

This is the year. Wake up those of you who think otherwise. We are on the cusp of something beyond imagination.

Ron Paul / Contact 2012
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: mito on September 20, 2012, 11:22 am
any updates?
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: quinone on September 20, 2012, 11:42 am
This reminds me of the year 2000, when planes were going to fall out of the sky and nuclear power plants were going to explode because computers were resetting their dates lol.

I guess the people have to keep themselves busy somehow, though it's kind of morbid that it's always something heinous and destructive :(
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: EricCartman on September 20, 2012, 12:20 pm
This man is one of my personal heroes, I've probably watched this video close to 20 times now.

You can see it in his eye.

Isn't he wearing sunglasses for most of the video  :P

Please watch and give this man 30 minutes of your life. Contact TRIAL runs have already been made and were successful, watch this video and do some research. Take some acid. You're an idiot if you think we won't make contact this year.

The MonTauk Project.

If taking acid makes you gullible, then you are abusing it more than people who 'trip balls' every weekend.

The amount of lol in this video makes me squirm. Stuff mentioned (in no particular order):

- The Illuminati
- Mind control/Linking people's minds with machines/Mind reading.
- The mind control band (400-4?? mhz) also effects human DNA/Ability to 'alter genetic sequence' or 'open or close' genetic sequences. Really?
- Create connection between two realities.
- Female energy absorbs, male energy projects out.. Hahahaha. Thanks for stating the obvious.
- 1970 had the tech to create 'artificial' wormholes.

I could only manage 10 minutes of this absurdity, pretty sure somebody would be able to last the whole thing and create a book out of the madness this video spews.

Carl Sagan is rolling in his grave right now.  :-X
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: BabyPowder35 on September 20, 2012, 12:38 pm
I just hope that when they show up that they bring some cool psychedelic drugs, but more so, I hope that they are impressed with ours!
That will be awesome!! ;D
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Neville Fucking Bartoz on September 20, 2012, 01:10 pm
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: chrispi on September 20, 2012, 04:58 pm
i took a trip to the other side....i peeked into the everything with dmt...little nikkas in there wuz like....where u been?  check THIS shit out.. then i sent my life ive seen and cant unsee whats right here and there and everywhere....the illusion is separateness ..everything flows into everything from everywhere, right here, right now....always flowing in perfect rivers of symphony...stop...look around...close your eyes...feel just a lil taste just a taste..stumble...but keep going...friend
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: TNY on September 20, 2012, 10:57 pm
Nothing will happen, the poor will get poorer and the religious and those into fantay will keep up all this paranoid dillusional rubbish to detract from our worlds real problems, David Icke belives lizardmen rule the world, need i say more ffs.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: mito on September 28, 2012, 04:46 pm
IT HAS BEGUN!!!!!!!!!


Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: 34trimethoxy on September 28, 2012, 05:14 pm
IT HAS BEGUN!!!!!!!!!


This is the proof we've been waiting for, thank you.

It's coming.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: 34trimethoxy on September 28, 2012, 05:16 pm
Tonight when you look at the night sky, realize someone could be looking back at you.

We are still a very young race,

we have a lot to learn.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Adasel on September 28, 2012, 05:23 pm
Tonight when you look at the night sky, realize someone could be looking back at you.

We are still a very young race,

we have a lot to learn.

I doubt it will even come to that.
The financial crisis of the western world is practically unsolvable.  The troubles in the middle east seem to be an almost immortal situation, if i can use that term.  Quite frankly, unless those beings from OUT THERE come to our aid, we will most likely implode as a species.  Your looking at mass extinction within the next 50 years.  Also, think of all that shit we pump into the atmosphere.
And the only ones who wont sign the environmental treaty on carbon release are, you guess it, the americans.
IF it doesnt start in the middle east, the western world will certainly finish the job off for all of us.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: mito on October 04, 2012, 07:36 pm
the mofos are coming.

you'll shit bricks:!

Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: prometheus247 on October 05, 2012, 09:31 am
IT HAS BEGUN!!!!!!!!!


what was the video about? Stupid youtube removed it? Any other link?

As for the person saying the financial crisis is unsolvable - it feels that way when you don't understand the illusion of the crisis. NOTHING physical has changed from the "good" times before 2008, except from the fact that in our heads we believe we are in crisis. All the resources are there, all the factories are there, and everything is just fine. We have just been coerced into believing that we need to save the banks cause they are "too big to fail" when that is just a scheme to funnel money out of the economy and into the pockets of a few individuals controlling those banks. When we wake up to the illusion and stop believing it (like Icelanders did) the rest will fall into place. The best way to kill a snake is by cutting it's head of, and our current monetary system which is controlled by the Rockefellers and is based on the crazy notion of debt etc is the head of the snake.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: 34trimethoxy on October 14, 2012, 03:48 am
Tonight when you look at the night sky, realize someone could be looking back at you.

We are still a very young race,

we have a lot to learn.

I doubt it will even come to that.
The financial crisis of the western world is practically unsolvable.  The troubles in the middle east seem to be an almost immortal situation, if i can use that term.  Quite frankly, unless those beings from OUT THERE come to our aid, we will most likely implode as a species.  Your looking at mass extinction within the next 50 years.  Also, think of all that shit we pump into the atmosphere.
And the only ones who wont sign the environmental treaty on carbon release are, you guess it, the Americans.
IF it doesn't start in the middle east, the western world will certainly finish the job off for all of us.

Your response was spoken with logic, and I must respect that.

What I'm saying is this: there are larger powers at work here - the power structure goes much higher then that of the president, America, and the "U.N."

All of these political parties answer to someone else - someone higher - much higher.

It's not secret that Einstein did indeed finish his theory of everything and that Nikola Tesla was in steady contact with aliens. The government quickly dieseled all of his work, official or not just after his death.

If you don't believe that contact will be made then quite frankly you're stupid. There are crop circles now, that contain complex fractals in three dimensions. And you think some kids with a two by four and a backpack went out there and made that? *Not You you, a a general you*

It seems a few of you on this thread can contemplate this seriously, and present and discuss formal evidence and philosophy about the phenomina that is going on. To you, my hat is off.

To the others, who don't want to believe - I say two things:

1) The government propaganda machine has done a wonderful job in indoctrinating your brains with the agenda they have purposed - and they are laughing every time you criticize an others "strange idea".

2) An open mind is most dangerous. Keep that in mind.

However, if I was 60 years old and realized that everything I have ever been told minus the chemical and physical laws of the universe was false, I'd likely be in denial as well.

Continue to discuss.

This is a fascinating time we coming to frontier, I'm glad I will be alive to witness it.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: ralph123 on October 14, 2012, 03:57 am

No but seriously I see what you are saying and you a right and then some.

Even those who believe that they are the powers that be are merely a controlled ailment of an even bigger mechanism

It's all a big fucking test really

Who are you???????????????????????????????????????
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: prometheus247 on October 25, 2012, 09:37 pm
Hey all I feel Saturday 27th of October will be big in awakening because David Icke chose to coincide his big event at Wembley Arena. What do you think, any correlation?
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Neville Fucking Bartoz on October 25, 2012, 11:44 pm
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Draco Red on October 25, 2012, 11:49 pm
The ship was probably 60, 75, or 100 foot in diameter on the outside, but when I entered it took TWENTY minutes to get to other side.

Now wrap your fucking head around that.

Time and Relative Dimensions in Space (T.A.R.D.I.S)

Too much Dr. Who?


Thank you for this.  As soon as I read this thread's title I immediately flashed on Capt. Jack reciting the introduction to Torchwood; "The twenty-first century is when everything changes, and we're ready."
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Draco Red on October 25, 2012, 11:52 pm
Also, thread hijack.  This is now a Doctor Who thread.  Post the Doctor.   8)
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: bear paw on October 26, 2012, 12:49 am
IT HAS BEGUN!!!!!!!!!


this video was taken down mito...was it good? what was it?
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: 34trimethoxy on October 26, 2012, 02:59 am
The time is coming near.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: waterstruck on October 26, 2012, 08:44 am
It seems 99% of the crazy people claiming to have had contact with aliens are American.

I guess that makes though, America is the center of the universe afterall, aliens will likely go there first
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: prometheus247 on October 26, 2012, 10:15 pm
I love your avatar watestruck ;)   

Btw seems David Icke event today 27th is actually even more important in awakening now. They are going to stream it live so it will be like a mass consciousness exercise. To anyone who understands mass consciousness, this has a very big potential.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: skillion on October 27, 2012, 02:40 am
I believe that contact has been made at least 6000 years ago.  ET's provided the information that we required to continue life on earth.

Pyramid's could not have been built with the accuracy they were built with at that time.  Modern technology would have a hard time pulling that off with the same accuracy.

Sphinx was around water as it has been worn by water.  Any idea the last time water was in that desert??  Research it.

Life everywhere, only question is:

Is it carbon based?

Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Adasel on October 27, 2012, 01:07 pm
It seems 99% of the crazy people claiming to have had contact with aliens are American.

I guess that makes though, America is the center of the universe afterall, aliens will likely go there first

This is the attitude that most of the modern world sees and eventually a dislike of america in general ensues.
Unfortunately this means that the uk is caught up in its path and taken down with it.

I remember seeing a weather report in america on one of those out-take programs.
The weather girl was pointing her stick to all four corners of the states and kept saying "the world" each time.
I believe she got fired for being stupid and politically incorrect.

Aliens are going to land in a country whos political or religious beliefs coincide with their own.  That doesnt mean america.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: 34trimethoxy on April 13, 2013, 04:01 am
The time is coming very soon.

Multiple sightings have been seen lately, I have some more evidence  to show you all.

Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: canuckboy on April 13, 2013, 05:41 am
Hey, a normal discussion goin on. . .

I think contact will be made without any physical proof.  It will be an abstract technique that allows intergalactic travel without the body and through the mind.   

You cannot travel through space with a physical form. It will rot and decay on the trip and of not it will be contaminated with radiation if it survives the long voyage withot gravity.

Leave the body behind and travel without it will be the answer.  I think everyone whose tried DMT and salvia know ehat I'm talking about.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Oliveoil on April 13, 2013, 05:44 am
Contact is secret; is the moment when everything happens!

Contact is the answer; is the reason that everything happens!

Contact! Let's make contact!

3-2-1 Contact!
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: oldcactushand on April 13, 2013, 09:33 am
CLEARNET UFOs: The Secret Evidence

Not nearly as lame as it sounds. For anyone genuinely interested in the phenomenon of UFO observation I recommend this documentary. It makes a powerful argument that the observation of UFOs is largely a function of the testing of US top secret military aircraft, touching on Project Aurora (Hello, X-Files fans) and the CIA's role in perpetuating the belief that these aircraft were not their own, and belonged to visitors from outta space.

It seems an unlikely coincidence to me that aliens would repeatedly fly near large secret military bases with tremendous runways for decades on end without doing anything at all. It's humans. It's always humans.

It's by Nick Cook and was on Channel 4 (UK) a few years ago.
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: wackmanblu on April 14, 2013, 02:11 am
Uhh, why is this thread still alive? 2012 was LAST year and we did not make contact.

Wait a minute ... are you guys from the past ... Am I from the future to you .... OK listen to me very carefully: 

Buy a shitload of Bitcoins RIGHT NOW! Keep them until they reach at least 250 DOLLARS per coin and then sell 'em all !!! Remember me you indebted people from the past and give me bitcoins upon making your future fortune.
Send coins to wallet #: 16C5pTiMpxBQUkWBud2QVb24GH9rwtanrg

You'll know who you are you lucky rich fuckers!
Title: Re: 2012 is the year we make contact
Post by: Fallkniven on April 14, 2013, 04:09 am

It's "Bartos", with an S, not "Bartoz", with a Z. Too late now though ;)