Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: StExo on August 20, 2012, 08:41 pm

Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on August 20, 2012, 08:41 pm
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: kryptoz on August 20, 2012, 09:10 pm
I second this due to the nature of it being used to rob, rape, etc. However no one sells it on here anyways to my knowledge. Shit creeps me the fuck out.
Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on August 20, 2012, 09:15 pm
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: kryptoz on August 20, 2012, 09:18 pm
Mods will move it if they feel necessary, no biggy.

I simply do not like the idea of it being blown into my face, taken to my bank, making me empty it out, giving them my car, etc etc, it just creeps me out man lol.
Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on August 20, 2012, 10:21 pm
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: Gary Oak on August 20, 2012, 10:54 pm
I sprinkle it in my kids cereal and tell them to go fuck off to school so me and mommy can have fun time on the couch.. So I think you guys are exaggerating the dangers of it quite a bit. :-X
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: mollysbf on August 21, 2012, 01:15 am
I REALLY REALLY want some just encase of a police raid. or if anarchy or civil war breaks out.
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: Delta11 on August 21, 2012, 02:54 am
I would seriously tell my friend to put a little bit on me and tell me to workout, seriously anyone else thinking of the benefits here? but yeah from what I've read it's mainly used for human trafficking.
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: quinone on August 21, 2012, 03:06 am
I scream +1000 to you StExo !

I've been bitching in every thread about sourcing scopalamine that it shouldn't be on the road.

Beyond its heinous use for robbing and raping people, it's also very easy to accidentally overdose and murder the victim with it.
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: Soccerpros on August 21, 2012, 03:08 am
Scopolamine sounds pretty damn pointless and pretty damn scary. Definitely no place for it on SR.
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: kryptoz on August 21, 2012, 03:51 am
I would seriously tell my friend to put a little bit on me and tell me to workout, seriously anyone else thinking of the benefits here? but yeah from what I've read it's mainly used for human trafficking.

Well, actually, shit.....that's not a bad idea......
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: mollysbf on August 21, 2012, 04:38 am
I really don't umderstand why no one else see's the benefits of having it around LE or if someone robs you. Find some kind of screening process to make sure CP and other buyers that have a bad record or something can't purchase it. If anything I would love to just have it in my collection. Idk how you would verify someone was going to use it for whatever purpose I just think that if you sell roofies on SR this should also be allowed. I thought the whole idea of SR was to say that everyone has the right to do what they want with their own bodies. Whos to say I won't let my wife give it to me to get all my secrets out of me? I am just not the type of person that robs innocent people and can't even imagine raping anyone or want to.
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: kryptoz on August 21, 2012, 05:25 am
Doing something with YOUR body is 100% ok, fucking with other peoples lives is not (not saying you would, but there are many dishonest people in this world). This is in a grey area, and imho, grey area here means no go.
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: anon911 on August 21, 2012, 06:28 am
Stop watching Vice. This sounds like a bunch of bullshit hearsay and urban legends. It's the new PCP it seems. Sensationalism. 
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: Syrinx on August 21, 2012, 06:58 am
Stop watching Vice. This sounds like a bunch of bullshit hearsay and urban legends. It's the new PCP it seems. Sensationalism.

+1. Yeah, I thought it was a deliriant, not some sort of mind-control drug ???
There are some interesting reports on Erowid about scopolamine and other tropane alkaloids. Mostly people smoking imaginary cigarettes, seeing bugs, talking to imaginary people and ending up in jail (sometimes after stripping naked). Crazy stuff.
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: mazzarmazzar on August 21, 2012, 07:25 am
Yeah the claims made in vice are mostly hear say folk tales research yourself. Seem most are men in brothels who get robbed using scopolamine and are too afraid to tell their partners so make up bullshit remember it gives total amnesia so no one would be able to remember the events which happend. This drugs exists naturally in datura and has recreational value you just need to be mega careful on dosage.

Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on August 21, 2012, 10:30 am
Title: Re: Add Scopolamine to the restricted items
Post by: TheBusiness on August 21, 2012, 12:32 pm
I sprinkle it in my kids cereal and tell them to go fuck off to school so me and mommy can have fun time on the couch.. So I think you guys are exaggerating the dangers of it quite a bit. :-X
