Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: StExo on April 06, 2012, 11:51 pm

Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on April 06, 2012, 11:51 pm
Title: Re: Best Benzo for Sedation & Amnesia
Post by: ChaxChax on April 07, 2012, 12:10 am
There really isn't a safe one.  Once you are unconscious, you need to have somebody monitor your breathing as all benzo's have a tendency to depress respiration, and you need somebody nearby who knows what to do if you suddenly stop.

Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) is the classic knock-out benzo. Chloral hydrate is also a common way to knock yourself/somebody out. Dosing is weight and to some degree age/condition dependent.

I suggest neither. Making a human unconscious for a couple hours is the job of an highly trained, highly paid anesthetist. Most of us end up doing this in error, and some of us never wake up.
Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on April 07, 2012, 12:14 am
Title: Re: Best Benzo for Sedation & Amnesia
Post by: ChaxChax on April 07, 2012, 12:35 am
I'd say no. Rapid on-set, but medium duration. It might help you sleep, but it sounds like you want to be unconscious. Those are two very different states.  Going to sleep can be accomplished by therapeutic doses of just about any benzo or barb, but doing enough to make you unconscious with is probably too close to the LD50 for anybody without medical knowledge to accomplish safely.
Title: Re: Best Benzo for Sedation & Amnesia
Post by: Jones32 on April 07, 2012, 07:34 am
I once took 2 bars of Xanax with a shot of alcohol. I was out for about 5 hours in the middle of the day. My housemates came in jumped on me, drew on me and lifted me to another room and I didn't wake at all or have any memory of taking the pills and alcohol.
Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on April 07, 2012, 10:51 am
Title: Re: Best Benzo for Sedation & Amnesia
Post by: ChaxChax on April 07, 2012, 11:27 am
3 mg of Klonopin (depending on your weight) should do the trick. Long acting, high sedative, high hypnotic, but about 4 hours to peak onset, so take it at least that long before your flight.  If you are flying solo, try not to be a drooling mess when they board you, or they might not let you on.  :-\
Title: Re: Best Benzo for Sedation & Amnesia
Post by: GunsoftheNavarone86 on April 07, 2012, 11:48 am
Benzos and alcohol ARE a bad mix. I know 2 people who DIED that way, please don't fuck with benzo's while you're drunk, it is a recipe for disaster. Anyway, as far as the OP's question, I find that xanax wipes my memory more than any other benzo; however, I find K-pins to be the most pleasurable. Benzos are different for everybody, and people all seem to have a different favorite one. Mine is definitely k-pin as I am not fond of having my memory erased, but like I said if that's what you want I recommend Xanax. Also, as ChaxChax said Rohypnol will knock you the fuck out and clean out your memory banks, but I find it to be extreme overkill, like I am trying to date-rape myself or something. At least I think xanax has a pleasurable aspect to it along with the memory erasing side effects.
Title: Re: Best Benzo for Sedation & Amnesia
Post by: Jones32 on April 07, 2012, 11:50 am
It's bad mix if you take a lot of alcohol, a drink or two won't hurt but it'll feel like you've had 5-6 drinks.

I highly recommend Xanax for flying, only takes 10mins to kick in and half-life is a lot shorter then Klonopin.
Title: Re: Best Benzo for Sedation & Amnesia
Post by: tordemon on April 07, 2012, 04:47 pm
I suppose a benzo might be a good short-term solution, but are you doing anything to alleviate this stress in the long-term? There are psychological methodologies specifically targeting phobias, and I think you might benefit from one of those. If psychological help is an option for you, I would encourage you to at least give it a shot.
Title: <removed>
Post by: StExo on April 07, 2012, 11:24 pm
Title: Re: Best Benzo for Sedation & Amnesia
Post by: tordemon on April 07, 2012, 11:45 pm
Haha, fair enough. I think 3dames has a fair number of low-quantity listings for anti-anxiety medications, and you may find him to be a suitable vendor. Many of the benzo vendors do pretty high quantities most of the time, though.
Title: Re: Best Benzo for Sedation & Amnesia
Post by: microRNA on April 08, 2012, 01:20 am
First, I have EXTREME generalized anxiety, with a strong component of social anxiety and intense fear of flying, so I have a decent idea how you are feeling. Try to remember flying is actually the safest way to travel. You are so much more likely to crash on the way to the airport than for something to happen to the plane. You are not able to "escape" the situation, but just get a window seat and looking out to the awe inspiring views can give a feeling of openness and being less cramped.

You really do need to think about cognitive behavioral therapy rather than only relying on the drugs, they can only do so much and you are stressing now... so the best way is just to confront the root of the problem and face it. Fly without drugs, and the anxiety is reduced when you make it. Each time it lessens till you become just slightly hesitant and makes life better. Its not the fact if you fly rarely you can just ignore the problem... many people avoid the situation and miss out on great opportunities in life trying to dance around the issue. I am just working on this myself and try no miss out on travel opportunities simply because flying really freaks me out and I hate having to deal with the massive crowds.

Second, you DEFINITELY do not need to take so much medicine as it sounds like you are planning to use. You do not sound very experienced with benzos and once you take large doses your normal thought processes change, you lose inhibitions and often can blackout... many people I know have spent days fully active without any normal control of their actions or memory of what occurred. Seriously, like waking up in jail after a repeated attempt at just walking out of walmart with an ipod speaker set :P  people seem to forget (or just dont care) they re-dosed, then re-re-dose unfortunately and take WAYYY too much

It sounded like you were going to be freaking performing surgery on someone and wanted to knock em out. You need to just take the edge off so you can force yourself on the plane and not stress out the entire time... if you take flunitrazepam you will likely not even make it through security or onto the plane. Like forgetting you have a plane to catch, or that you still have an illegal prescription drug on you and going through a body scanner to have them pull the pills out of your pocket to look like a date rapist. You may very well even fall asleep at the gate if youre not careful. Benzos are anxiolytics.. they relax, sedate, and make you not clearly remember... just take a strong but normal therapeutic dose, please do not overdose or drink with them.

And fyi, for the person who was talking about how dangerous benzos are, that was kinda misleading. certainly all CNS depressants carry some risk but benzos are preferred over the barbs and others like quaalude cause of their safety margin. You can seriously overdose and try to commit suicide with benzos and you are more likely to enter a deep sleep/coma but still breathe, be found, and not die UNLESS you mix it with another depressant. In combinations though, benzos are certainly one of the more lethal drug classes

If you want a good anxiolytic dose, you should start with a mg of clonazepam or alprazolam (one mg is four times the starting dose!) and then take another half to full mg if you need it. For the anxiolytic properties, I actually really enjoy lorazepam which is short acting and not as recreational as xanax or k-pin but excellent at a couple mg for anxiety (feel so great on these cause they dont just make me pass out like xanax but all my stress melts away)

Good luck, I hope you are able to find some relief
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