Guys, We hear it all and we sympathize with you. There are fixes being pushed this weekend. I recomend those of you who spend the majority of your time here either complaining about issues we are aware of alreay or spreading FUD, go outside and play some golf. Go have a beer with some friends, work on a project, do something. Come back in a few days and see what has changed. As Defcon said, security comes first and nothing, absolutely nothing will but pushed out that has not been thoroughly penetration tested and worked over. As you can all see, the sites that choose not to operate this way are gone. We're still here and working perfectly for over 95% of the users. The vocal minority experiencing problems paint a picture of instability and a broken site when in fact we are exactly the opposite. I sympathize with all of you but there is nothing we can do to help you on this forum. If you have submitted a message to support, then patience and understanding is what we ask of you. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.