The current pace is the current pace - it is not about the number of devs, it is about the security of the site. We cannot for obvious reasons discuss it beyond letting you know that for, also obvious, reasons every single piece of this website has to be rigorously tested and retested for vulnerabilities due to the nature of the business we conduct here. We have not only random hackers to worry about but some of the brightest minds in the scene working for the US government trying to bring this thing down. Remember that people, we are not eBay or Amazon. We exist to further the cause of freedom against those who wish us not to have even the freedom over our own bodies. Our development team could not be more qualified or more apt and able to do the job that is required of them. It is simply the job that is required of them is magnified in difficulty when it must be performed on the darknet. Clearnet solutions and optimizations simply do not always work here and certainly do not jive with our theme of absolute security.