Surely you did not mean retard as an insult. Besides, Defcon is a kitten who is very skilled at programming, networking, and prioritization. I'm sorry, but where did you get your figure of thirty seconds? Would you mind elaborating? If you would be so kind as to contribute your thirty second fix to this issue then I bet they might just look it over and consider implementing it. Now that post was clearly sarcasm, but there are multiple stickies, the main one being in the BUG REPORTS section, outlining known bugs of which this is one, their impact, workarounds and priority levels. I suggest you take a look before you make your next post. I understand your frustration as you are trying t get packs out, but insulting senior staff is going to get a response from me every time - therefore taking time away from things I could be doing. Rememer, they risk their lives on a daily basis too. Thanks LucidGentlemen.