Guys, Please try and remember this thread was created to help buyers avoid taking one up the hind end since we are FE only now. It was created during a chaotic time an HE stepped up to help. He does not arbitrarily choose who goes on the list, but it is also not his job to spend all day trawling the all vendor directory finding people to put there. Mr. Chill, clearly, should be there and is now there. If you think you should be there PM any one of staff of HonoluluExpress and we will use the resources we have to verify you and put you up there. I do not see why a thread like this which is bringing vendors business has to become a source of drama. We are all adults, mostly friends and all businesspeople. Lets begin to act like it. We need a resource like this and no amount of bitching is going to do away with it when we are an FE only market. The buyers need somewhere to come and quickly see who is a good choice to use. I am open to suggestion (VIA ENCRYPTED PM) on other ways to do this, but this is drama where there need not be drama. Vendors have no idea how many sales this thread is bringing them. If you are on that list I encourage you to safely ask your new customers if they found you on that list. Please, lets use our energy to continue to make positive change, not pointless drama that gives my friend and colleague a virtual heart attack. Enough is enough.