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Messages - Stealth

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Don't a single one of you mock me. Yes we had our wallets robbed. But none of you or us are in prison. Security.

I won't badmouth Agora, who knows how long they were in development and witht he backing of bitcoinfog their finances are, one could say, nearly a blank check.

They don't have the team we do, the dedication we do, and the drive we do. Our community is something I am proud of - you that stick with us through thick and thin are going to see some amazing things.

As Clu said, things happen behind the scenes for a reason, but the curtain gets pulled back eventually. Get ready to be impressed. All of us, myself and the staff included, are more than lucky to have the admins that we have. I have said this since the very day I was hired. We're in the best hands that exist for this sort of thing.

I am moving this to off topic, there is obviously a "real captain" and there is no question as to leadership of this website.

By the way, I am stickying the thread until we have something better. Once again, entrance onto this list isnt gained because HE flicks a piece of chewing gum at a board and it hits your name, he puts in the time and looks you up. He is doing this as a service to the community and frankly he has been more helpful than his detractors.

Again I say, leave the drama at the door.


Please try and remember this thread was  created to help buyers avoid taking one up the hind end since we are FE only now. It was created during a chaotic time an HE stepped up to help. He does not arbitrarily choose who goes on the list, but it is also not his job to spend all day trawling the all vendor directory finding people to put there.

Mr. Chill, clearly, should be there and is now there. If you think you should be there PM any one of staff of HonoluluExpress and we will use the resources we have to verify you and put you up there. I do not see why a thread like this which is bringing vendors business has to become a source of drama.

We are all adults, mostly friends and all businesspeople. Lets begin to act like it. We need a resource like this and no amount of bitching is going to do away with it when we are an FE only market. The buyers need somewhere to come and quickly see who is a good choice to use.

I am open to suggestion (VIA ENCRYPTED PM) on other ways to do this, but this is drama where there need not be drama. Vendors have no idea how many sales this thread is bringing them. If you are on that list I encourage you to safely ask your new customers if they found you on that list.

Please, lets use our energy to continue to make positive change, not pointless drama that gives my friend and colleague a virtual heart attack.

Enough is enough.

Off Topic / Re: 0.333 BTC loan
« on: Yesterday at 06:57:01 am »

I would like to point out that you came to me in desperate need and I gave you what I had to give.

If that makes me a useless whatever you said, then you may send the money I sent you to Sean's Outpost, a charity accepting bitcoin. It clearly has not helped you.

Unequivocably, absolutely, YES.

You will see things in the coming days that will turn the heads if the most negative people on this forum.

I would not be risking my freedom if I did not have full faith in our leadership. We may not be the fastest to get features out, but we will outlast.

PS, if you are online please PM me.


Respond to my PM please.

Bug Reports / Re: no pending balance (Moderator please comment)
« on: February 24, 2014, 06:02:15 am »
No one is ignoring you.

Try clicking the account link at the top of the page.

See what that page will reveal to you.

If only it were that simple.

You are intoxicated mate. Please take a nap and come back rested and read the PM I sent you. Though you find ways under my skin like no other individual ever has, I am willing to help you.

Let me make a clear point here -

These vendors have been banned. Just because they have accounts on the market does not mean they have access to them or that orders may be processed through them. In the case of narco93 while it may look bad there is a reason he is still there and if you can't see that reason I am not going to outline it for you.

Please TH, you have been calm the last few days, take a step back and look what just happened to all of us.

Take a chill pill. The scammers are being dealt with with a swiftness the likes of which has never been seen on SR2 before.

I agree with you that this was an essential goal and we are reaching it.

Let me say right now - Hiniguel - you are unlike any person I have ever met. The people who shit on you do it out of jealousy and spite.

I have never met a more giving and honest human being than this guy, and coming from me that is saying something. We as a collective community should be extremely thankful that we have someone like this willing to give of himself to help those in need.

If you PM me, you MUST encrypt your communications with the key in my profile and you MUST include a copy of your PGP key so that I may respond in kind.

Thank you Hiniguel, and as far as the ungrateful among us - look at yourself in the mirror and look at the lives you are changing, and likely saving. When they look in the mirror, all they see is anger and jealousy.

Customer Support / Locked out of account
« on: February 21, 2014, 09:07:37 pm »
I have not received a message from either of you.

There really is no better way to communicate this than to say that you must back up your credentials. PGP keys are all that can identify us absolutely in this environment and two-factor authentication was designed with this very outcome in mind. We have in the past and will continue to consider individual cases and attempt to go through a verification process but please understand, we are responding to a serious SHTF situation and there is not enough time in the day for the arduous manual verification process.

If you both send me a message, encrypted, with all information you can (NOT your current password - this is not visible to even the administrators) that would help us to identify you as the owner of the account, I will do what I can for you.

I am moving this to customer support as this is where your requests go. I am also changing the title of this thread from "Re: DON'T BUY FROM ME ON SR2, IM LOCKED OUT OF MY ACCOUNT ADMINTS WONT HELP" to "Locked out of account - lost private key" to more accurately reflect the situation at hand.

Silk Road Discussion / MOVED: Does anyone know anything about this vendor?
« on: February 21, 2014, 08:44:15 pm »
This topic has been moved to Rumor Mill (http://silkroad5v7dywlc.onion/index.php?board=15.0).


Rumor Mill / Re: Does anyone know anything about this vendor?
« on: February 21, 2014, 08:44:03 pm »
This is good. Research before you buy. Communicate with the vendor, read reviews. The place to do this is the rumor mill board - I am going to leave the redirection thread up in this case so every new board member knows to head there.

Research and communication are hugely important to ensure a successful purchase.

Tessellated and PPman, thank you for reporting your POSITIVE experiences in this difficult situation.

ACE - has this been resolved?

So your theory is that we stole money from ourselves and all of you, just so that we could have a PR nightmare, a forum full of (rightfully) angry members, trolls and so forth....and then pay it all back?

How the site operates is the business of the site's owner - perhaps they have enough to live on? Perhaps they took out a loan on their home? Why are you asking this question?

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