Silk Road forums

Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: weather420 on May 27, 2013, 02:52 am

Title: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: weather420 on May 27, 2013, 02:52 am
Has anyone ever passed out from doing too much blow? I had an experience where I snorted around 3-4.5 grams of some pretty good stuff. This was no where near the first time where I have binged out and ran through an 8ball or it was very weird to me. I do not know if it was cut with something or what. I woke up on my bed and immediately had to projectile vomit.Profusely sweating and a big lump on my head from when I blacked out while doing a line. I must have been out for a few hours because I could see shit spilled everywhere and a few broken things laying around from my fall. No idea how I made it to my bed. Very odd time, not sure what to make of it.
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: dr0ping25 on May 27, 2013, 08:56 am
not a doctor but you may have a medical condition that was exacerbated by the blow/cut. did a 1/4 oz in younger days and vomited yellow shit and blood from torn up stomach lining. no passing out though.
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: theanonprincessnikki on May 27, 2013, 09:31 am
OP that has happened to me but I was also under the influence of alc.
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: tshermit on May 27, 2013, 03:50 pm
Wow, no, not me. Maybe there was something in it?
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: pizza420 on May 27, 2013, 04:00 pm
That's never happened to me. I've gotten the profuse sweating and vomiting once or twice, but never blacked out.

I would stay away from the blow for a little while (or at least the crazy binging) and if it happens again see a doc.
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: WelshBoa on May 27, 2013, 04:23 pm
That's never happened to me. I've gotten the profuse sweating and vomiting once or twice, but never blacked out.

I would stay away from the blow for a little while (or at least the crazy binging) and if it happens again see a doc.

Haha, Hi Doc, I have a terrible problem of blacking out whilst snorting copious amounts of Cocaine.

Do you have anything that can treat me for that?
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: krs9k on May 27, 2013, 04:33 pm
That's never happened to me. I've gotten the profuse sweating and vomiting once or twice, but never blacked out.

I would stay away from the blow for a little while (or at least the crazy binging) and if it happens again see a doc.

Haha, Hi Doc, I have a terrible problem of blacking out whilst snorting copious amounts of Cocaine.

Do you have anything that can treat me for that?
not telling your doc what drugs you use = something idiots do
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: android465764E on May 27, 2013, 04:38 pm
Simple answer - take less cocaine, perhaps?
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: pizza420 on May 27, 2013, 05:23 pm
That's never happened to me. I've gotten the profuse sweating and vomiting once or twice, but never blacked out.

I would stay away from the blow for a little while (or at least the crazy binging) and if it happens again see a doc.

Haha, Hi Doc, I have a terrible problem of blacking out whilst snorting copious amounts of Cocaine.

Do you have anything that can treat me for that?
not telling your doc what drugs you use = something idiots do

Agreed. Doctors aren't going to care about your drug use. They might chastise you a bit, but they aren't going to call the cops or anything.
Telling your doctor what drugs you use may help him/her understand why you are feeling ill. At least if the problem is a serious.
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: schnelles on May 27, 2013, 05:44 pm

1.  get better coke (less cut)
2. yes, do less coke  :-)

3. ask your doc ?   i'd be careful with that.
depends on your doc.
the older, the better your chances i guess (but not necessarily).
younger docs usually are more into those weird "drugs are evil" dogmas they were teached at university.
except the doc takes drugs himself.  but then he'd rather ask for your dealer instead thinking about tranquillizing medicines.

Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: SelfSovereignty on May 27, 2013, 06:54 pm
I personally know of one person who used to "blackout" sort of... except it wasn't a blackout.  It was the weirdest thing, he'd be doing something and all of a sudden he'd just freeze.  It was rare, but it happened.  Like if he was getting a drink, he'd just freeze with the cup in his hand and the faucet running and wake up an unpredictable amount of time later with no memory of the period between.  And an overflowing sink...

That was a cocaine addict.  I read about a meth addict who at least once experienced the same phenomenon.  Other than that, no, I've never heard of this happening ever to anyone else anywhere.

If your doctor doesn't write you prescriptions regularly, TELL HIM YOU USE DRUGS.  Tell him what drugs and how much of them, and be honest about it.  If he'd stop prescribing something that you want him to keep prescribing though... obviously that's a different situation.  But he doesn't give a fuck what you take, as far as he's concerned you're a lump with a problem that you're asking him to fix.  He's not there to babysit you.
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: imoscardotcom on May 27, 2013, 07:15 pm
Two things: do less coke and don't buy coke from that guy again. I love coke, but it scares me more than any other drug tbh. It's cut with so much nastiness, so you never really know a.) how much coke you're doing and b.) what else you're putting in your nose. While I never passed out from too much (quite the opposite), I certainly had batches that gave me nasty side effects that I haven't felt with any others.
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: Davey Jones on May 27, 2013, 07:59 pm
I had a buddy that snorted two huge lines off an ounce that he was sampling and he went down, fell down a flight of stairs.  We thought he was dead.  Its just that the shit was so potent it shocked his system, then he had heart flutters for like a week, couldn't even move too fast or his heart would start to flutter like he was having a heart attack.  He eventually got better.  As far as the doctor thing, whatever you tell your doctor goes into your medical base, there could be a record of t.  Then again, some doctors do coke too.
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: weather420 on May 28, 2013, 05:16 am
The blow was pretty pure, or so it seemed.,euphoria,numbness everything you would expect. It  was from the street but came from a  trusted connection. The entire thing is bizarre and I must have passed out in the middle of doing a line, because the mirror I was cutting rails off of was broken with coke spilled everywhere when I woke up. I wasn't drinking that night, just hanging out with a friend who parties. I have snorted a game in a night more than I would like to admit and it's generally after Im already drunk. When I came to on my bed I was soaked in sweat then get sick everywhere.I wonder if it was some type of overdose. This shit happened around 6:30 AM, after I had been snorting out all night...
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: imoscardotcom on May 28, 2013, 05:38 am
I had a buddy that snorted two huge lines off an ounce that he was sampling and he went down, fell down a flight of stairs.  We thought he was dead.  Its just that the shit was so potent it shocked his system, then he had heart flutters for like a week, couldn't even move too fast or his heart would start to flutter like he was having a heart attack.  He eventually got better.  As far as the doctor thing, whatever you tell your doctor goes into your medical base, there could be a record of t.  Then again, some doctors do coke too.

It's better to be honest in an ER. Trust me, I know. We don't report someone for just doing drugs. We tend to place the priority on treating the cardiac arrhythmia, of which too much coke can cause that fluttering feeling, which can be a symptom of a drug-induced MI (heart attack). So please, never lie if you're in the ER for something like this. They really do just want to treat you.
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: UcClown on May 28, 2013, 05:55 am
sounds like u have a high ass tolerance
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: sruser85 on May 28, 2013, 05:57 am
 I can't imagine doing that much coke in one night, but maybe that's just because it's not my drug of choice. And it could have been cut with something or possibly you just reached your limit? If I were you I'd prob. buy a test kit (if there even is such a thing for coke?) and try to find out exactly what's in it next time. And yeah, maybe don't use so much either.
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: weather420 on May 29, 2013, 04:46 am
sounds like u have a high ass tolerance

haha yeah the most I have ever probably went though is around 5 grams in a 48 hour window, your sinus passages usually inhibit any more from my experiences, that and you are way too cracked frequency of use has been reduced but I have a hard time ignoring a bag after I come home from the bar on the weekends.
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: weather420 on May 29, 2013, 04:52 am
I can't imagine doing that much coke in one night, but maybe that's just because it's not my drug of choice. And it could have been cut with something or possibly you just reached your limit? If I were you I'd prob. buy a test kit (if there even is such a thing for coke?) and try to find out exactly what's in it next time. And yeah, maybe don't use so much either.

what was left of the blow was tossed all over the floor after I passed out. I flushed  anything remaining of the leftovers. I also chain smoke menthol cigarettes when getting down,not sure if that contributes to anything.I seriously was in my chair at my desk with a small picture frame mirror on my lap when I just blacked out somehow. Next thing I know 3 to 4 hour later I wake up and projectile vomit everywhere. My body temperature felt extremely elevated.I also had the shits if this is TMI I'll stop haha just curious if this is considered an OD or not?
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: Not_A_Sheep on May 29, 2013, 04:59 am
Shit that sounds crazy, I do know 1 gram of 100% pure cocaine is enough to kill a man if taken all within an hour, but it is impossible to get coke that pure, neither is most coke anywhere near that pure lol, and also I dont know how tolerance plays into it, but I would surely die from it as I dont ever do coke, It doesnt give my brain that nice "fucked up" feeling I like to feel whilst doing drugs. I prefer MDMA or some trippy as shit, makes my brain get all confused, slow and fucked up, haha coke just gives me lots of energy makes my shit go numb and gives me wayyyyy to much confidence, It doesnt really give to me what I would consider a "high" But thats just me, I also hat downers and opiates, Guess Im just a pot head that likes to tripp balls sometimes and roll =D
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: Davey Jones on June 23, 2013, 09:25 pm
I snort a line the size of a match and in 15 seconds Im holding my chest going "holy shit".  Then 60 seconds into it my jaw on that side is numb and the euphoria is utter perfection.  I notice a nice energy come on but not like speed.   This lasts for 45 minutes before I do another.  I know if I do bigger lines its dangerous.  Never blacked out though.
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: GlenRunciter on June 23, 2013, 09:38 pm
Sounds like you over-dosed.  I wouldn't consume that much in the future.
Title: Re: Passing out from doing too much cocaine?
Post by: /I_Surf_Worm_Holes on June 23, 2013, 11:28 pm
a good friend of mine passed out once while in mid snort. he had blown a lot of it. fortunately, he woke up after a while.

i'm glad to hear you check yourself before your wreck yourself