Silk Road forums

Discussion => Newbie discussion => Topic started by: itsrudimentary on May 21, 2013, 06:25 am

Title: Question about Meth
Post by: itsrudimentary on May 21, 2013, 06:25 am
I feel very newbish asking this question but I can't find a straight answer to it. I am looking to try Meth and I have been looking at vendors that offer them in small quantities (sleepwhenyoudie or xinhai). I am looking to do it to have energy for a music festival for hopefully ~10 or so hours. My question is this, can crystal meth be ingested orally? I know people usually do it in other ways but I would be more comfortable ingesting it (even if it has a lesser effect) for my first time trying it. Any input on this would be appreciated as well as any other recommendations.

Thank you!
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: SelfSovereignty on May 21, 2013, 07:14 am
Personally my preference is to ingest it; it lasts longer and it's more of a focused/productive feeling.  Definitely effective if you swallow it.  Granted, some consider it a waste because less of it gets absorbed into your blood, but the feeling is a little bit different for every route of administration (RoA) -- so if you like the feeling one way more than another, it's hardly a waste :)

You can swallow it just like a pill.  Be very careful though, because most of the pills you see are only one tenth the actual medication and mostly inert fillers.  If you swallow an aspirin sized chunk of meth you're going to get a much bigger dose than you mean to.
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: TheDankESTera on May 21, 2013, 07:29 am
I feel very newbish asking this question but I can't find a straight answer to it. I am looking to try Meth and I have been looking at vendors that offer them in small quantities (sleepwhenyoudie or xinhai). I am looking to do it to have energy for a music festival for hopefully ~10 or so hours. My question is this, can crystal meth be ingested orally? I know people usually do it in other ways but I would be more comfortable ingesting it (even if it has a lesser effect) for my first time trying it. Any input on this would be appreciated as well as any other recommendations.

Thank you!
I agree....different strokes for folks....I've tried roa PO PRN it did last longer than smoking. it was economically a huge difference.  just a pinch (.3) will do it for sure. enjoy the festivities
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: SelfSovereignty on May 21, 2013, 07:40 am
I agree....different strokes for folks....I've tried roa PO PRN it did last longer than smoking. it was economically a huge difference.  just a pinch (.3) will do it for sure. enjoy the festivities

Good lord, .3?  As in .3 grams, as in 300mg of methamphetamine hydrochloride?!  Do not take that your first time.  You will freak the fuck out and have a nightmare of an evening, I guarantee it.
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: ilovedrugs2001 on May 21, 2013, 07:56 am
Start slow, i like to snort 10mg lines at a time. Smoke 5-10mg a time as well. Ingesting is another thing cause I havent tried it.
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: malpractice on May 21, 2013, 09:13 am
Start slow, i like to snort 10mg lines at a time. Smoke 5-10mg a time as well. Ingesting is another thing cause I havent tried it.

Only trouble with snorting crystal is a moment or two where it hurts like fuck in your nose  (understatement) - but I still prefer this
as Ilovedrugs write - it hits fast and you can build up to the level of 'comfort' you want  :o

Buuuut I am still old-school and prefer to snort some good cocaine - start out with two good rails and keep it going with a bump every hour or so.
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on May 21, 2013, 09:21 am
I agree....different strokes for folks....I've tried roa PO PRN it did last longer than smoking. it was economically a huge difference.  just a pinch (.3) will do it for sure. enjoy the festivities

Good lord, .3?  As in .3 grams, as in 300mg of methamphetamine hydrochloride?!  Do not take that your first time.  You will freak the fuck out and have a nightmare of an evening, I guarantee it.

Listen to SS, thedank will get you jammed the fuck up with that ridiculous advice.

He said in 300mg , LMAO

Listen op, if youve never done meth, know this, it is the single strongest stimulant the world has ever seen. For your fist dose, parachute it. Cause in a cap it may take a long time to hit you, and you might jam your self up by redosing thinking nothing happend.

 SO, you will NEED a mg scale. If you MUST eyeball it id say no more than a shard the size of a match head. Thats approximately 3-6mg, give or take... that my friend has the potential to have you wired for upwards of 6+ hours. Pending on your body weight is suppose. 
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: SelfSovereignty on May 21, 2013, 09:29 am
I agree....different strokes for folks....I've tried roa PO PRN it did last longer than smoking. it was economically a huge difference.  just a pinch (.3) will do it for sure. enjoy the festivities

Good lord, .3?  As in .3 grams, as in 300mg of methamphetamine hydrochloride?!  Do not take that your first time.  You will freak the fuck out and have a nightmare of an evening, I guarantee it.

Listen to SS, thedank will get you jammed the fuck up with that ridiculous advice.

He said in 300mg , LMAO

Listen op, if youve never done meth, know this, it is the single strongest stimulant the world has ever seen. For your fist dose, parachute it. Cause in a cap it may take a long time to hit you, and you might jam your self up by redosing thinking nothing happend.

 SO, you will NEED a mg scale. If you MUST eyeball it id say no more than a shard the size of a match head. Thats approximately 3-6mg, give or take... that my friend has the potential to have you wired for upwards of 6+ hours. Pending on your body weight is suppose.

Yeah, maybe I should have been more explicit: 300mg if you've never done meth before will seriously have you thinking you are dying, calling 911, and having the worst day or two you can imagine.  No exaggeration.

But it wouldn't kill you.  Just make you think you were going to drop dead and that the sky was falling.  Maybe literally :P
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: itsrudimentary on May 21, 2013, 02:44 pm
Wow thanks everyone for the replies! I will definitely try it then. SelfSovereignty I do have a scale, my next question was going to be regarding dosage. I wouldn't dare do 0.3 grams! But if I want to be wired for roughly 10 hours would you say ~10mg is a good start? Also - parachute it - as in, put it in a piece of paper and swallow it? If I put in a cap would it take ~1-2 hours to hit me instead then?

Thank you all again!
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: dirtybiscuitzz718 on May 21, 2013, 02:54 pm
Wow thanks everyone for the replies! I will definitely try it then. SelfSovereignty I do have a scale, my next question was going to be regarding dosage. I wouldn't dare do 0.3 grams! But if I want to be wired for roughly 10 hours would you say ~10mg is a good start? Also - parachute it - as in, put it in a piece of paper and swallow it? If I put in a cap would it take ~1-2 hours to hit me instead then?

Thank you all again!

Hey OP, How much do you weigh?

Unless your over 200lb i would say 10mg is a wise start. Im 165 when im not a mess, and at that weight 10mg for my first time had me tweeking for 8+ hours lol.

Yes, i suggested parachuting. Use a joint paper, or toilet tissue. Ive seen caps take 10 min to kick in, and ive seen them take as long as 3hrs! This i can attest to, for it was my that took three hours to feel a cap.. and it was a bomb, 2cb,mdma,k and meth.

 I suppose how long a cap takes to melt, depends on A) stomach content, how long prior did you eat and how much, B) stomach acidity content i would imagine.

 Im sure SS will chime in with some more info. (S)He does more meth than I.
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: SelfSovereignty on May 21, 2013, 03:34 pm
Im sure SS will chime in with some more info. (S)He does more meth than I.

10mg will do most people just fine.  Some people have a bizarrely high tolerance to start with though... personally if I wanted to be absolutely sure I got where I wanted to go, I'd take 2 gel caps each with 10mg in them -- then take the first an hour before hand, and only after an hour take the second one if I felt like I wanted more.  But again, 10mg would do most people.

I've never done the parachuting thing; unless I'm with people, I just pop a chunk of shard in my mouth and swallow like a pill.  I'd feel like a junkie doing that in front of random people though... hence the gel caps  ::)  They don't really delay absorption any noticeable amount.  Maybe 5-10 minutes, but I never paid attention honestly and I don't have to use them too much.  I'm sure it depends on a lot of things.
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: itsrudimentary on May 21, 2013, 11:03 pm
Awesome.. again, thanks everyone, I wasn't expecting everyone to be so helpful. I am roughly 180lbs so believe I will do that then (10mgs, bring more just in case). Dirtybiscuitzz718 your combination seems pretty mind blowing, don't think I could do that yet haha.

Since you all are so knowledgable, could you tell me any other recommendations for when I do try it. Eat little before hand or such? Anything that is helpful to take later? Also, anything to do with safety or tolerance I might want to be aware of if I plan on doing (separately) 2c-b and mdma that same weekdend?

Thanks everyone
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: MethMart on July 23, 2013, 12:20 am
hello i'm sure by now you have already found a good way for you to take meth. but if you are interested in digesting it another good way i enjoy is taking an amount you would snort in one line and put in a little piece of toilet paper and take that way
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: AirshipAdmiral on July 23, 2013, 12:46 am
My question is this, can crystal meth be ingested orally?


Many tweakers choose not to use this route of administration (ROA) because meth is ungodly expensive.

Taking meth orally is a bit of a waste, because the body only absorbs so much. Meth is more expensive than even the best cocaine.

As far as I am aware, meth is the most expensive drug known to man, except for maybe a few obscure designer drugs (research chemicals, aka RCs).

I keep telling people to plug their meth, it's a fraction of a percent less effective than injecting it directly into your vein (slamming it), but is very easy, and eliminates the icky needle-in-your-arm bit.

Some men feel unmanly stuffing drugs up their butt, but you sure can't beat the convenience and cost-effectiveness.

Some men need to grow a pair and stop being a pansy.

Real men plug their meth.
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: Sam Glad on July 23, 2013, 05:57 am
I think you're going to have a real good time, itsrudimentary.   remember to take the meth EARLY.  Don't wait until 9 pm to take it.
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: PinnacleGoods on July 23, 2013, 06:11 am
Honestly mixed amphetamine salts orally are more enjoyable than methamphetamine orally in my opinion.  Nobody likes adderall / dexedrine?  Something about meth just screams 'smoke me and be really antisocial!!!' so I can't ever fathom doing much.  Be safe out there folks!  A little bit goes a long way and next thing you know you've been up 96 hours cleaning your house and alphabetizing your socks...
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: AirshipAdmiral on July 23, 2013, 06:25 am
A little bit goes a long way and next thing you know you've been up 96 hours cleaning your house and alphabetizing your socks...

Or having a very multilayered complex discourse on self-healing power grids while fucking like rabbits, trying to get off while animatedly arguing why a smart grid should use high-voltage direct current despite losses because it's easier to manage, as opposed to three-phase 60 Hz alternating current requiring complex phase synchronization between power companies.

Breeding like a bitch in heat, without missing a single beat. Meth is one hell of a drug.
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: PinnacleGoods on July 23, 2013, 06:44 am
LOL meth is one hell of a drug, ain't that the truth!
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: AirshipAdmiral on July 23, 2013, 07:57 am
LOL meth is one hell of a drug, ain't that the truth!

You're damned right.
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: itsrudimentary on July 27, 2013, 05:59 am
Just a quick reply to everyone who has added to this thread. I did go the oral route with roughly (need a better scale) ~10mg. It was taken around 8:00pm or 8:30pm... partied until ~5:45am... felt like death on the ride back home. Eat some food and finally laid down which felt amazingly better after going non stop for so long. However, it was still difficult to sleep and didn't fall asleep until maybe 8 or 9 am and did not sleep for that long anyhow. Next time I will opt to do half that amount since I don't foresee myself going out for that long again.
Title: Re: Question about Meth
Post by: Sam Glad on July 29, 2013, 05:43 am
Thanks for the update.

It's just so long-acting and most people don't expect something they take at 8 pm is going to still affect them at 8 am.

Without a proper scale, 10 could have been not 10 mg.  It could have been up to 15 mg, i think.