Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: londonpride2 on May 14, 2013, 03:31 pm

Title: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: londonpride2 on May 14, 2013, 03:31 pm
For me it was weed, everything else was easy compared and that includes benzos and smoking.

Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: Railgun on May 14, 2013, 04:34 pm
Hardest in terms of actual withdrawls/need:
1) Benzos
2) Opiates
3) More (aka Coke)

Hardest? Weed. Why would anyone want to give it up? :D
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: londonpride2 on May 14, 2013, 04:36 pm
Hardest? Weed. Why would anyone want to give it up? :D

because I was smoking an 8th a day so my lungs were as fucked as my bank balance.
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: MaidMandy on May 14, 2013, 04:39 pm
Cigarettes were the hardest for me. Actually, that is a lie - I gave up smoking cigs and I still struggle with sugar. I am chronically addicted to sugar! No joke, I find it really hard to give up  ???
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: londonpride2 on May 14, 2013, 04:47 pm
Cigarettes were the hardest for me. Actually, that is a lie - I gave up smoking cigs and I still struggle with sugar. I am chronically addicted to sugar! No joke, I find it really hard to give up  ???

I read somewhere junk food (full of sugar and fat) is harder to give up than smoking so that makes sense. I find smoking easy to give up just hard not to start again when life takes a turn for the worse.
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: Dingo Ate My Drugs on May 14, 2013, 04:59 pm
Cigarettes were the hardest for me. Actually, that is a lie - I gave up smoking cigs and I still struggle with sugar. I am chronically addicted to sugar! No joke, I find it really hard to give up  ???
Oh yes, it certainly is. And it's everywhere in in almost everything, plus you need it to survive, so you can't just quit sugar.
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: Railgun on May 14, 2013, 05:11 pm
Hardest? Weed. Why would anyone want to give it up? :D

because I was smoking an 8th a day so my lungs were as fucked as my bank balance.

Vaporizer will help the lungs but not the bank balance.  I see what you mean here.  It's kind of why I wouldn't purchase stuff like OZs and keep them around (aside from the fact that that's going into felony territory if found). 

This is why I can't do drugs that are what I call "too good" like heroin/opiates/coke for too long.  It might as well be suicide if I do cause honestly: if I were in an opium den, I'd huff that shit like air...
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: Dingo Ate My Drugs on May 14, 2013, 05:31 pm
Hardest? Weed. Why would anyone want to give it up? :D

because I was smoking an 8th a day so my lungs were as fucked as my bank balance.

Vaporizer will help the lungs but not the bank balance.  I see what you mean here.  It's kind of why I wouldn't purchase stuff like OZs and keep them around (aside from the fact that that's going into felony territory if found). 

This is why I can't do drugs that are what I call "too good" like heroin/opiates/coke for too long.  It might as well be suicide if I do cause honestly: if I were in an opium den, I'd huff that shit like air...
I have no interest in opiates, but I enjoy cocaine. While it's there I'll find I often think about it and want to have some.
Once it's gone, I think about it for a day or 2, then don't really think about it. I limit myself to monthly cocaine usage for this very reason. I know that if I use it too often it won't be a treat. It will be an unhealthy, expensive habit.
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: imghost9 on May 14, 2013, 05:37 pm
Schlong enhancement pills
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: Rastaman Vibration on May 14, 2013, 06:53 pm
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: BearClaw87 on May 14, 2013, 07:20 pm
Alcohol. Its the only addiction that is acknowledged as a disease.
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: boysen on May 14, 2013, 07:21 pm
Hardest? Weed. Why would anyone want to give it up? :D

because I was smoking an 8th a day so my lungs were as fucked as my bank balance.

Vaporizer will help the lungs but not the bank balance.  I see what you mean here.  It's kind of why I wouldn't purchase stuff like OZs and keep them around (aside from the fact that that's going into felony territory if found). 
Vaporizers definitely help the bank balance too, shit lasts a lot longer if you do it right and you get a decent vape. :)
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: Tellemetree on May 14, 2013, 07:46 pm
Alcohol. Its the only addiction that is acknowledged as a disease.

Cos its legal.

It is however one of the few physically addictive drugs where the withdrawal can actually kill you. If you are drinking Leaving Las Vegas style I guess.

I think alcoholism would be almost non existent if it wasn't one of the only legal intoxicants. If everything was available, people would realize there is better and probably safer highs out there.

i.e. the way things should be.
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: The Scientist on May 14, 2013, 10:24 pm
the internet

after that, weed and coffee.

not serious addictions, but i find them more difficult to give up than meth and cocaine
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: zipstyle on May 15, 2013, 12:03 am
I would say that the answer to this question will vary from one individual to the next. I don't think there is one definitive answer.

That being said...
For me the hardest drug to give up is amphetamine because I know that without it (via prescription), I would have to suffer a reasonably long period of time of decreased functioning. Because I don't abuse my medication or amphetamines in general, I wouldn't classify it as addiction per se, but I definitely am dependent on the substance for daily standards of functioning.
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: Rastaman Vibration on May 15, 2013, 12:03 am
the internet

LOL, yeah no shit! These SR forums are highly addictive
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: bamoida2 on May 15, 2013, 01:23 am
Cigarettes without a doubt, but mostly the act of smoking rather than for the nicotine, been living in heavy denial of my addiction for quite some time, I tried to quit multiple times, but longest i made without smoking it was about 1 week(but mostly failed before the end of the second whole day), feeling rather stupid if i think about how absurd some of the excuses(to myself) i came up with were, to buy a pack of cigs as an 'exception'
I spend more money on cigarettes than I do on drugs monthly -.-

Ive done Meth and Heroin quite a bit, but I am nowhere near being a daily user and I don't think I'll ever become one, because I have too much "respect" for those two (respect meaning being aware how easy it is to get too deep into it without even noticing and being afraid of the damages of too regular use)

Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: SelfSovereignty on May 15, 2013, 01:55 am
I would say that the answer to this question will vary from one individual to the next. I don't think there is one definitive answer.

Hard is a subjective quality.  It has no existence beyond the person or persons it's in reference to.  So not only should you think there's no "real, universal" answer: you should *know* there isn't :P

It's easy to generalize and think in terms of large swaths of the population, but you really can't do that: by generalizing like that you've changed the definition from "hard for this person to quit," to "the one drug that a majority of these people all have trouble with."  Which still doesn't change how hard it is for you, or me, or the shadow person crawling out of my wall to warn me of the coming apocalypse to quit our own drug(s) of choice.

... just a meth joke.  I don't see shadow people (ever, actually -- I'm just weird like that).  Yeah, for me it's (meth)amphetamine.
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: b0lixtrader on May 15, 2013, 02:42 am
Cigarettes for sure.  Tried quitting about 5 times.  Made it twice for three weeks with patches and gums but other times made it like 3 days.

It's so god damn hard not to think about it or even try not to have access to it when they sell it everywhere and people smoke it everywhere. Especially your friends and co workers.
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: SOUTHPAW on May 15, 2013, 05:10 am
Huh, good question, let's see while I was reading this thread so many of you had such valid points to which were or are the hardiest for you to give up. Other than the penile enhancement, which I have had some serious fun with letting the girls do their thing whilst I take a nap, I can identify with each and every one. First I thought benzo's, then it had to be cigs, no opiates for sure, wait a minute sugar yea that's the one, but then there was that weed in college that I swore I would never stop smoking, because you can't fix a car without a wrench, weed was my wrench for about let's say sixteen years, till it was time for her to take the nap. Now after all this grand thought into what was the hardiest drug to quit I have to say it is the one and only Vitamin P. This shit has and does cost me the most time, pain, joy and MF'n money of everything I chase after. That's right that sweet stuff has run me ragged for 30 yrs and I see no stopping it. I have easily spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on this stuff and have a monthly bill of over 8k for the past stuff I have had. Yep, even with the knowledge and experience I now have I can not stop pursuing this slippery stuff that consumes my every thought, keeps me breathing, and can put me to sleep.  It empties my wallet and bank account, leaving me well,  SATISFIED  hahaha Whaahoo  Got to love that stuff  ;)  Can't stop!!

Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: londonpride2 on May 15, 2013, 07:33 am
I would say that the answer to this question will vary from one individual to the next. I don't think there is one definitive answer.

for sure :)
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: Minchia on May 15, 2013, 07:54 am
cigarettes and alcohol, especially while drinking i need to smoke..
legal age to drink alcohol here is 16, meaning its normal to drink alcohol the first time with 13-14
sad to say i cant imagine partying without booze.. i guess its a cultural thing here.
had stomach problems and therefore tried not to drink alcohol while partying, damn that shit was hard!
sure im not addicted on a physical level, having to drink beer everyday.. but still shocking how difficult it was for me not to drink..

btw thank god coke isnt cheap  :)

cheers minchia
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: londonpride2 on May 15, 2013, 09:40 am
I wonder if SR counts as a drug...its certainly addictive as hell!
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: connoisseur on May 15, 2013, 12:57 pm
1) Cigarettes: Tried on and off for 15 years. It is the only drug I could not stop when I wanted to.
2) Cocaine: Although I knew that a line would make me paranoid at an instant, I still went there again. I broke free after 2 years when my dealer told me he could not climax anymore.
3) Bromazepam: Took it for anxiety which became worse when I stopped. I am anxiety free since I had my 1st DMT breakthrough.
Title: Re: Hardist drug to give up
Post by: londonpride2 on May 15, 2013, 01:49 pm
I am anxiety free since I had my 1st DMT breakthrough.

Ego death? I have herd this before