Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: smores on January 30, 2013, 01:40 am

Title: How much MDMA per capsule?
Post by: smores on January 30, 2013, 01:40 am
Alright, I've been selling pressed pills for a while now, but to make a little more money I'd like to start selling capsules of powder/crystal. The only issue I have, is how much I should put in each capsule.

I was thinking 100mg, that way they could buy 2, drop one originally then boost with the other, but 100mg doesn't look like much inside of a capsule which isn't good marketing.

If I do more powder, it'll be too much for them to drop at once which isn't good either.

Any suggestions on how I should do this?
Title: Re: How much MDMA per capsule?
Post by: jnemonic on January 30, 2013, 03:13 am
I'd have them around 125mg in a small gel capsule.

Just sell it as pure mdma.
Title: Re: How much MDMA per capsule?
Post by: SelfSovereignty on January 30, 2013, 03:19 am
I'm not sure it's really the most upfront thing to do, but you do have a point -- if it looks like a small amount, the occasional buyer will probably assume it really is.  Nothing stopping you from putting some water soluble vitamin powder in there if you really want to.  Just make sure you double check that you don't put one a person can actually take too much of in, of course.

Just saying it doesn't have to be a choice between too much or too little: just tell them exactly how much actual MDMA there is and they get exactly what they bought and wanted whether they get some vitamin C with it or anything else.
Title: Re: How much MDMA per capsule?
Post by: DiamondSky on January 30, 2013, 03:37 am
Not to be too obvious, but you can get colored gel caps and probably just fix that problem right up. Can't look empty if they can't see in there.
Title: Re: How much MDMA per capsule?
Post by: MaoZedong on January 30, 2013, 03:47 am
you could just get size 4 caps then put .1 in each and sell for 10 so like they could officially roll for $20 because that's most consumer's target
Title: Re: How much MDMA per capsule?
Post by: raynardine on January 30, 2013, 05:05 am
I'd have them around 125mg in a small gel capsule.

Just sell it as pure mdma.

This is the more honest approach, and the one most people here would recommend.

If you are selling to dubiously-legal kiddos, it's not unheard of to sell 75mg of MDMA mixed with 100mg of Methylone. Knowing raver kandikids these days, they probably couldn't tell the difference.
Title: Re: How much MDMA per capsule?
Post by: jshizzle23 on January 30, 2013, 05:55 am
I'm getting 1G in a few days, but I don't have a proper scale.  I'm not sure if its going to be crystals or powder - how would you be able to estimate about how much 100mg is without dividing it up into 10 'equal' piles?  Any tips from people with no scales??

Thanks!! (Did not want to start another thread - this one was close enough, I guess...)
Title: Re: How much MDMA per capsule?
Post by: raynardine on January 30, 2013, 06:58 am
I'm getting 1G in a few days, but I don't have a proper scale.

Dude, I'm going to Be Real with you right now -- BUY. A. FUCKING. SCALE.

You can get a very accurate scale for little over 20 dollars, that's like 1.5 BTC or less.

Do yourself a flavor and not kill yourself.

A perfectly good scale would be:

Though others are good, and there's absolutely nothing illegal or suspicious about buying scales, especially if you buy herbs and capsules and shit with it.
Title: Re: How much MDMA per capsule?
Post by: SelfSovereignty on January 30, 2013, 06:58 pm
I'm going to point out that before I came to SR, I was under the impression that purchasing a digital scale like that was a major red flag.  I mean seriously, who needs to measure in the milligrams except drug dealers and jewelers (who would buy different, higher quality scales)?

Nobody here seems to give it a second thought though, so I may well have been totally misinformed.  I took the precaution of not ordering any of mine from Amazon, ebay, or anything like that.  Just something to consider when you purchase yours.  And yes, seriously, buy one.  Even one with +/- 5mg accuracy is like, 30 bucks.

Don't be eyeballing stuff for someone else.  If you wanna do that for yourself, they're your eyes and your body, but I'd be fucking pissed as fuck if I bought something from someone and they had eyeballed it.
Title: Re: How much MDMA per capsule?
Post by: MaoZedong on January 31, 2013, 12:13 am
(hope this doesn't raise any red flags, I just need to vent)

I don't usually get upset or angry over what people post on the internet, but when someone asks something like"how do I tell how much drugs i have if i have no scale??", it makes me want to yell through the screen "BUY A FUCKING SCALE I HAVE OWNED LIKE 30 SCALES SINCE I WAS 13 YEARS OLD THEY ARE SUCH AN INVALUABLE TOOL" they have like so many shapes and sizes of scales it seems like there would be one for every application. Once you own a scale you will find yourself using it for drug and non drug related purposes like weighing hamburger meat or all kinds of shit.

I'm definitely not advocating carrying one around with you...just saying that if you do drugs and don't want to have an unpleasant experience/die, a scale is a must.

If you have a comment about owning a scale, post it in the SCALES = SAFETY thread I just made (thanks)

That being said you could just grab some caps and just fill them up (size 4 for example hold around .11-.12 from my experience)................... but if you're sketched out about about buying a scale, I would be even more sketched out buying "1000 empty geletin capsules"

sorry for derailing the thread but I honestly don't know what to say to people who don't own scales.

It will allow you to leave better feedback for the vendor too... i feel like i could go on all day about the benefits of having a scale(s).
Title: Re: How much MDMA per capsule?
Post by: Ballzinator on January 31, 2013, 12:54 am
I'm getting 1G in a few days, but I don't have a proper scale.  I'm not sure if its going to be crystals or powder - how would you be able to estimate about how much 100mg is without dividing it up into 10 'equal' piles?  Any tips from people with no scales??

Thanks!! (Did not want to start another thread - this one was close enough, I guess...)
I agree with everyone else here. Buy a fucking scale. If you have money for drugs you definitely have money for a scale.
Title: Re: How much MDMA per capsule?
Post by: gestaltassault2 on January 31, 2013, 08:32 am
do 100mg and fill the rest with magnesium