Silk Road forums
Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: organon on January 24, 2013, 10:19 pm
I have an order that a vendor sent and all that tracking (no i'm not tracking through Tor) is showing is that "Electronic shipping info recieved" this was a couple days ago, does that mean the vendor hasn't sent it or does that mean USPS just isn't scanning the package until its delivered like i've heard can happen, thanks in advance for any advice offered.
I believe it just means that they aren't scanning it as it goes on its way. Or... that it got intercepted (sorry, but it is a possibility I think). The fact that it exists at all in their database means it was definitely at least introduced into the mail stream I think (as in definitely sent, even if it's just sitting there now). My understanding is that the tracking generally just ends if it gets pulled from the normal mail stream for inspection, but there's so little confirmed information that it's pretty sketchy to count on that.
I wouldn't be too concerned. The updates are far from real time and there's been chatter of USPS being slow(for whatever reason) in the last day or so. That status typically means the postage is created electronically(online) and entered in the system. When the package physically catches up to it the status is changed. So it could be in transit, just not updated yet. If someone is creating and paying the postage online I really hope they have their shit together(anonymous accounts) because if it were intercepted that would be super easy to trace. I'm not saying that's not safe, it just requires an extra layer of anonymity that makes it unconventional for most. I don't really check the tracking on packages from SR unless absolutely necessary but I've had legit packages that have stayed at "Electronic Shipping Info Received" status until they were confirmed delivered. Just sit tight and if anything ask the vendor. They'll give you better info then any of us will as to it's true status.
thats kinda what i was thinking i understand tracking priority with DCN"s isn't real tracking and that sometimes they don't show anything as far as status along the way. thanks guys +1 for the feedback!
I just got with my vendor and he has more than rectafied the situation, i wasn't worried about him not sending it or trying to pull a fast one he is my guy and we go back along time I was just worried it might have been intercepted or something and it seems one of their employees didn't drop it like they were supposed to so everything is fine and i'll have my package tomorrow morning since the he expressed me a replacement yesterday.
just got with my vendor and he has more than rectified the situation, i wasn't worried about him not sending it or trying to pull a fast one he is my guy and we go back along time I was just worried it might have been intercepted or something and it seems one of their employees didn't drop it like they were supposed to so everything is fine and i'll have my package tomorrow morning since the he expressed me a replacement yesterday.
Thanks for the update, I was wondering what ever happened with this. Good to see it all worked out. :)
Actually today they changed it. DCN is no more. USPS Tracking is what they call it now so actualy, DCN is not 'real tracking'. :P
Yep, and you can't just slap stamps and a DCN on there and throw it in the blue box now, though there's no telling what will happen if you try. It could be returned to the return address. If so, that could be a way to mail something locally though, heh. Fool the USPS at their own game.
Yep, and you can't just slap stamps and a DCN on there and throw it in the blue box now, though there's no telling what will happen if you try. It could be returned to the return address. If so, that could be a way to mail something locally though, heh. Fool the USPS at their own game.
If the return address isn't near where it was dropped off, I really don't think they would send it back there. Probably just send it to dead letter office or send it on postage required at pick up.
I was mostly just speculating and making conversation, but I suppose there's a distance when they would return it vs when they wouldn't. Probably within the same city/suburb would be returned. To another suburb of that metropolis, probably not. Never know until you try it though, but I personally don't know of an instance where that would actually be useful.