Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: davidkelly on January 06, 2013, 11:31 am

Title: help! meth comedown, how can I get some sleep before work?
Post by: davidkelly on January 06, 2013, 11:31 am
I'm not a big fan of speed, I do it once in a blue moon when I'm offered some, so I have no tolerance. And I will usually only do it if I have some pks or benzos for the comedown cause speed hits me really really hard, it lasts a long ass time and I crash really hard.

 Anyway my friend came over last night around 9pm to chill, he had some meth and asked if I wanted to smoke with him. Like a retard I said yes  :-[ and we smoked meth and then we smoked one more time around 12am. Well here it is 6am now and I'm still high as fuck =/ I don't even think i'v started to crash yet cause I still feel pretty good, so I'm sure I will be up all day today. But I'm worried im not gonna be able to sleep at all before work, I  work at 5am tomorrow, so im gonna try to fall asleep around 7pm tonight.

And just my luck I don't have any benzos, opiates or weed even. I'm almost broke right now 2, so I don't have money to score today.

Is there anything I can do to ease the crash and fall asleep tonight? Anything, any over the counter shit that would help? Cause I'm gonna be feeling like complete and utter shit in a couple hours.....not looking forward 2 it =/

really wish I had some xanax or pks today lol
Title: Re: help! meth comedown, how can I get some sleep before work?
Post by: strelitzia on January 06, 2013, 11:43 am
Relaaax man. Worst thing you can do is worry about not sleeping, and then spend hours 'trying' to sleep.

Even lying down in a dark room, breathing calmly and just being there awake will rejuvenate your system by morning. Tell yourself you don't have to sleep, and if you do it's a bonus - only achieved by dropping the urgency.

Next time say no, or get your mate to leave you a bit extra for the next day  :D
Title: Re: help! meth comedown, how can I get some sleep before work?
Post by: slip on January 06, 2013, 12:13 pm
dude you think u got probz.

Try killing someone through acts of kindness. Then come back and tell me you got real probz.
It will not kill you and no one got killed.
Title: Re: help! meth comedown, how can I get some sleep before work?
Post by: davidkelly on January 06, 2013, 12:28 pm
Relaaax man. Worst thing you can do is worry about not sleeping, and then spend hours 'trying' to sleep.

Even lying down in a dark room, breathing calmly and just being there awake will rejuvenate your system by morning. Tell yourself you don't have to sleep, and if you do it's a bonus - only achieved by dropping the urgency.

Next time say no, or get your mate to leave you a bit extra for the next day  :D

Thanks dude, that actually calmed me down a little :) That's another reason I tend to stay away from speed, it can give me bad anxiety lol.

dude you think u got probz.

Try killing someone through acts of kindness. Then come back and tell me you got real probz.
It will not kill you and no one got killed.

do I not really understand this because I'm fucked up or...?

Never said I had a real problem, just asking for advice :p
Title: Re: help! meth comedown, how can I get some sleep before work?
Post by: microboilie on January 06, 2013, 12:58 pm
I find a few hours sleep makes you feel worse, best to ride it out and sleep when you get home,
Title: Re: help! meth comedown, how can I get some sleep before work?
Post by: strelitzia on January 06, 2013, 01:07 pm
Relaaax man. Worst thing you can do is worry about not sleeping, and then spend hours 'trying' to sleep.

Even lying down in a dark room, breathing calmly and just being there awake will rejuvenate your system by morning. Tell yourself you don't have to sleep, and if you do it's a bonus - only achieved by dropping the urgency.

Next time say no, or get your mate to leave you a bit extra for the next day  :D

Thanks dude, that actually calmed me down a little :) That's another reason I tend to stay away from speed, it can give me bad anxiety lol.

dude you think u got probz.

Try killing someone through acts of kindness. Then come back and tell me you got real probz.
It will not kill you and no one got killed.

do I not really understand this because I'm fucked up or...?

Never said I had a real problem, just asking for advice :p

I'm glad it helped, I used to panic about sleeping or not sleeping. It's an anxiety feedback loop - same as pointing a microphone towards a PA speaker - best thing is it can be interrupted just as easily - choose different thoughts.

And as for that other post, I got nothin.
Title: Re: help! meth comedown, how can I get some sleep before work?
Post by: slip on January 06, 2013, 01:19 pm
davidkelly, I am talking about my freind who fucked me over propa.

He almost died from eating 1gram mdma and 0.5gram cokane.

Now his parent want to kill me and my mom and pops is mad at me.

I am considering murdering his pops, but his pops is bigger than me so I might have to call in a proffessional hit.

I am in a pickle because of drugs and hope that you are ok.
Title: Re: help! meth comedown, how can I get some sleep before work?
Post by: LEFTY on January 06, 2013, 01:34 pm
davidkelly, I am talking about my freind who fucked me over propa.

He almost died from eating 1gram mdma and 0.5gram cokane.

Now his parent want to kill me and my mom and pops is mad at me.

I am considering murdering his pops, but his pops is bigger than me so I might have to call in a proffessional hit.

I am in a pickle because of drugs and hope that you are ok.

Ignore this greasy little troll above.

Just relax best you can and if you don't think you can function at work properly/safely without suspicion, call in sick. Much better than arousing any negative attention to yourself and a must if you work in any field where someone could get hurt due to your actions.
Title: Re: help! meth comedown, how can I get some sleep before work?
Post by: SelfSovereignty on January 06, 2013, 01:43 pm
I always crash the natural way, but it was hard and very painful when I didn't have a tolerance... I ended up just feeling like my neurons were fried and wouldn't fire to save my life.  Everything would be boring, bland, uninteresting... I'd feel exhausted and the only thing I'd want to do is sleep, but I wouldn't be able to.

I've heard people say getting drunk makes it easier.  I wouldn't know; I stopped drinking right about the time I started taking amphetamines.  But I've heard others say that.  If you're in America, you can try a sleep aid from the supermarket.  Try Unisom or anything else that has diphenhydramine.  It's a powerful depressant, it should knock you down -- but don't take too much!  Don't get yourself feeling even worse because you take too much of something else now.

Personally I'd try combining a dose of melatonin with a dose of unisom an hour or two before I wanted to get some sleep.  See if that works for you.
Title: Re: help! meth comedown, how can I get some sleep before work?
Post by: boomtemple on January 25, 2013, 07:45 pm
A large meal followed by 3 or 4 of benadryl.