Silk Road forums

Discussion => Shipping => Topic started by: click-bang on December 20, 2012, 12:17 pm

Title: I might Be a SCAMMED - CrystalMethCat
Post by: click-bang on December 20, 2012, 12:17 pm
I am ordered some stuff from him at 11th december, i already ask him for tracking number, he reads my message but still didnt answer to me.
I am living some place very close to europe,some eastern country  and 7 days seems to much for that kind of distance, i dont want to blame anyone but i am not sure what is going on at these moment.i am not caring about money, but time is very important for me.
yesterday i asked for tracking number again (3rd time) but still waiting reply from him.
Actually i dont think to open a topic like that until i saw these message on his wall today

this is another customer who seems to had trouble with him...   

Be carefull!

I did the mistake and Finalize Early. The Order never arrived and since 2 weeks CrystalMethCat didn't answer my PN/mails.

$83 for nothing! For now he seems to be a SCAMMER!

i still hope CrystalMethCat answers to my mails and we find a solution.

I did good deals on SR with nice communication. I know, its possible.


So comments are yours

Title: Re: CrystalMethCat - Problems with shipping Take a look!
Post by: Wadozo on December 20, 2012, 12:39 pm
If you didn't Finalize Early and your coins are still in Escrow, you'll be fine. If you did FE, than you have no one to blame but yourself. Did you pay to have your package posted with Tracking? This is usually an additional cost if selected by the buyer when placing an order.
Title: Re: CrystalMethCat - Problems with shipping Take a look!
Post by: click-bang on December 20, 2012, 01:36 pm
I didnt finalize anything yet, i didnt remember with tracking number or not but i remember i choosed expensive one, i tried to check which one is expensive but , right now it is all free
so there is no posting options at the moment because of chrtistmas.
Like i said i am not trying to blaming anyone just trying to figure out what is going on .
Title: Re: CrystalMethCat - Problems with shipping Take a look!
Post by: Wadozo on December 20, 2012, 02:16 pm
Since you haven't FE, once your order has been "in transit" for 10 days since being shipped and you still haven't received your order, go to the Resolution Center and submit a resolution you feel is fair to both of you. Your choices are a full or partial refund or extending the original due date out in case there has been a delay with shipping. Due to Xmas, this could be what has happened to your order. I'd suggest extending your due date out by 5 days and hopefully CMC will accept your proposal. Hope it all works out for you.  :)
Title: Re: CrystalMethCat - Problems with shipping Take a look!
Post by: Wadozo on December 20, 2012, 02:32 pm
click-bang, you should be able to see what shipping option you chose by clicking ACCOUNT, then click ACCOUNT HISTORY, then click on the order in question which in turn will display some STATS from your order, including which shipping option you selected.
Title: Re: CrystalMethCat - Problems with shipping Take a look!
Post by: BOGAN BOB on December 20, 2012, 02:42 pm
If nothing comes and they can provide track no. put yr case in the resolution to sr and ask for 100% refund...
Title: Re: CrystalMethCat - Problems with shipping Take a look!
Post by: click-bang on December 20, 2012, 10:35 pm
Thanks alot for quick answers guys.

I check details of order and only info i can find about shipping is this one:
they are same even in order's and account tab

shipping: Rest of the world
postage: $2.94
shipped: December XXxxx

Also his policy say's

-No FE required anymore !

-Ultra fast shipping

-Ultra stealth packaging

-Free Shipping

-max. 50% Refund for repeated Customers

-max. 25% Refund for first time Customers

This is the first order of mine from him so if i have to resolve my fund am i only get %25 ?
Or any opiton to take %100 of it , because i think my mail isnt have tracking option. just says Rest Of the world

Thanks Alot Guys.
Title: Re: CrystalMethCat - Problems with shipping Take a look!
Post by: SelfSovereignty on December 20, 2012, 10:38 pm
Um... okay, that's new... I'm quite certain that it used to show the actual postage option chosen.  Apparently this recent lame attack on SR prompted them to change something that no longer supports that.

Well that's kind of a bitch at a time like this... isn't it.
Title: Re: CrystalMethCat - Problems with shipping Take a look!
Post by: Wadozo on December 21, 2012, 05:13 am
Thanks alot for quick answers guys.

I check details of order and only info i can find about shipping is this one:
they are same even in order's and account tab

shipping: Rest of the world
postage: $2.94
shipped: December XXxxx

Also his policy say's

-No FE required anymore !

-Ultra fast shipping

-Ultra stealth packaging

-Free Shipping

-max. 50% Refund for repeated Customers

-max. 25% Refund for first time Customers

This is the first order of mine from him so if i have to resolve my fund am i only get %25 ?
Or any opiton to take %100 of it , because i think my mail isnt have tracking option. just says Rest Of the world

Thanks Alot Guys.

It's a given that your package isn't being tracked or has a tracking number. Being from Germany, it would have been sent by Priority Mail. Once you open a dispute in the Resolution Center, you are able to ask for what ever you feel is a fair refund, from 1% up to 100% of the purchase price. Be aware that if the vendor doesn't accept your proposed resolution, then they will then put forward to you what they believe is a fair offer, for your consideration. If both parties are not able to reach an agreement, SR Support will step in, ask both parties to submit any evidence they have before making their final decision.  :)
Title: Re: CrystalMethCat - Problems with shipping Take a look!
Post by: click-bang on December 21, 2012, 02:00 pm
If we are talking about truths honestly I even dont  know was he send my package or not really,   i am already waiting for an answer from him almost 9 days , i check his login status everyday and he is logged in almost every day to the market, also he reads my messages too but still didnt answer

So i am asking , if you guys were in my position what will you think against for that kind of  level unresponsiveness ?

Resolve option will be unlock today, if i can get any communication option with him i will ask about package and talk about it, if we can deal i can wait couple days more ,  otherwise i will want my money back. i also already wait to much for that kind of distance...
And i think i will never order without tracking option again.

Title: Re: CrystalMethCat - Problems with shipping Take a look!
Post by: Wadozo on December 21, 2012, 02:12 pm
If we are talking about truths honestly I even dont  know was he send my package or not really,   i am already waiting for an answer from him almost 9 days , i check his login status everyday and he is logged in almost every day to the market, also he reads my messages too but still didnt answer

So i am asking , if you guys were in my position what will you think against for that kind of  level unresponsiveness ?

Resolve option will be unlock today, if i can get any communication option with him i will ask about package and talk about it, if we can deal i can wait couple days more ,  otherwise i will want my money back. i also already wait to much for that kind of distance...
And i think i will never order without tracking option again.

Just submit a proposed resolution to the Resolution Center when your able to (10 days from your item being "in-transit") and go from there.
Title: Re: CrystalMethCat - Problems with shipping Take a look!
Post by: click-bang on December 22, 2012, 10:20 am
I searched usps international delivery time, and saw it tooks 6-10 days,after i get this info I extended the due date 4 more days, because he is a mostly reliable guy too,
and this is december like you guys said.
Thanks alot guys i am a newbie around here and try to dont make major mistakes.

i will update info soon

Title: Re: CrystalMethCat - Problems with shipping Take a look!
Post by: Wadozo on December 22, 2012, 10:55 am
No problem.  :)
Title: Re: CrystalMethCat - Problems with shipping Take a look!(UPDATED-SCAMMED)
Post by: click-bang on December 23, 2012, 10:14 pm
Yeah i think that guy is a scammer, thats the converstaion between us after i extend the due date

Pal, i will extend due time because of your reliablity, but please send answer to our messages , I know this is december.
this is 11th day of my order , it didnt arrive yet, if there is any option to track or learn status of package let us know.
C ya.   

0% Refund        first time buyer
CrystalMethCat    7 hours


Lovely isnt it?
I dont want to pay money for package even i didnt know sended or not

Also this is his own rule on his info
-max. 50% Refund for repeated Customers

-max. 25% Refund for first time Customers


-max. 25% Refund for first time Customers

and he offers %0 to me , this is a suspective intent
What can i do for a reasonable refund ?
Title: Re: I might Be a SCAMMED - CrystalMethCat
Post by: click-bang on December 24, 2012, 04:01 am
Title: Re: I might Be a SCAMMED - CrystalMethCat
Post by: Karls on January 02, 2013, 12:21 pm
Im starting to get nervous/angry. Says its shipped December 27 but still nothing here. VERY unusual for domestic shipping. I wrote a friendly message today asking for tracking information ect, see if he answeres...
Also all of his listings are suddenly gone and he had a ton of stuff listed, just doesn`t feel good to me.

I report back when something happens. My gut tells me im not getting my stuff....
Title: Re: I might Be a SCAMMED - CrystalMethCat
Post by: click-bang on January 02, 2013, 07:47 pm
What did you order? is this your first order from him?

i ordered at 11th december, still get nothing, no product, no answers, no tracking number, no refund.
lost all my money, and i will never ever shop someone without refund/resend and tracking option.

Never ever.
Title: Re: I might Be a SCAMMED - CrystalMethCat
Post by: Karls on January 03, 2013, 02:30 am
5gr of his bio weed. And yes, first time customer. What a coincidence with his "no refund for first timers" policy...

It`s pretty obvious that this guy is a selective scammer. Im sure he has not send anything in my direction. The chance of not getting a domestic order in germany are really fucking slim. I did this before SR with a guy i knew for 3 years. Not ONE order between us didn`t arrive, and our methods were pretty crude. No envelope gets checked here. He also doesn`t answer e mails and we are not the only ones who did not get anything from him. I saw his ratings and some people even gave him 5/5 despite the fact that the order did not arrive...great.

Well, tomorrow my patience is over and i go a step further. And i dont give a damn if he states somewhere that he doesn`t give refunds, that has no weight. My money is still in escrow and I want something back! Weed or BTS. 
Title: Re: I might Be a SCAMMED - CrystalMethCat
Post by: click-bang on January 05, 2013, 12:40 pm
Rightnow i have an interesting news

i orderd my shipment at 11.12.2012  yesterday 04.01.2012  i get my package...
i am also think about selective scamming like you because
between two dates , no answers to my messages,no tracking number, no refund nothing...

But now i get my package.

So your package can be come or coudnt too, but it seems christmass seems to effects to the delivery time at this time.
Keep posting about updates.
Title: Re: I might Be a SCAMMED - CrystalMethCat
Post by: Gurumes on May 22, 2013, 06:25 pm
Sorry for the gravedigging, but it's better to keep it all to a single thread IMO

I ordered some meth from this guy 2 weeks ago. Had to FE (which i did with other vendors and never had a problem)

No product, no reply to my messages. The only thing we can do is to report him i guess which i will have to do if the stuff does not show up this week.

EDIT: orders from other vendors did not show up either (full story here http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=163000.0 ), so maybe i wasn't scammed. Still no reply from him though  >:(
Title: Re: I might Be a SCAMMED - CrystalMethCat
Post by: click-bang on May 27, 2013, 09:21 am
Pal, what kind of postage option you have ordered with?
if its priority mail you will wait alot, 2-3 weeks do not get stress, MethCat's stealth packaging is good, but can not say same thing about delivery time and responsing of questions.

My suggest to everyone never ever order with priority mail if you do not want to wait over 8 days on international.
Title: Re: I might Be a SCAMMED - CrystalMethCat
Post by: Gurumes on July 11, 2013, 05:02 pm
I live in the same country. It should take 1 day, regardless of shipping method. Nothing ever arrived. And i know i put the correct address in. There is a reason if someone demands FE. Because they do not want to take responsibility or because they are scammers. CrystalMethCat is a scammer.
Title: Re: I might Be a SCAMMED - CrystalMethCat
Post by: cannibal777 on July 14, 2013, 04:11 am
doesn't answer pm's or questions? This is total bullshit and i would never deal with a vendor like that.
What the fuck are you supposed to do when shit goes wrong? this is just fucking stupid.
Title: Re: I might Be a SCAMMED - CrystalMethCat
Post by: taz7 on September 19, 2013, 08:41 pm
Yep this vendor is a nightmare I have an international hash order way overdue , doubt it made it out of the country .

Seems he has been sending different standards of product selectivly , some dud , some good . judging by reviews , itÅ› pretty obvious .
Title: Re: I might Be a SCAMMED - CrystalMethCat
Post by: cannibal777 on September 19, 2013, 10:58 pm
There are some really shitty junkie vendors that use there own product and cant handle it.
Their dope habit gets in the way of doing business.