Silk Road forums
Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: sweetbro on December 11, 2012, 11:34 pm
I have a habit of over ruminating about stuff while sober and noticed that its ten times worse if i do coke. ill have positive thoughts and stuff but its wayyyy over the top amount of thinking and it kills my ability to do anythign else.. nothing seems to distract me from looping ruminative style thougths - does anybody get this themselves when using coke?
So you're wondering why adding a bunch of dopamine into your system is giving you racing, frequent, or looping thoughts? I think I should mention that is a symptom of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, so you might have an underlying mental illness. To me, it sounds like cocaine use causes manic symptoms when you use it.
That's really interesting, Bruce. Usually I can't help but roll my eyes at high level interpretations of neurotransmitters like this, but I think you may actually have a plausible point. For what it's worth, I'm not a neuroscientist, but I fully believe that the popular interpretation of dopamine being the "key to addiction and pleasure," is completely misguided.
I've seen studies of rats that were drowned with surgically implanted probes monitoring their neurotransmitter levels, and as they drowned to death their brains were flooded with dopamine (very sad, I agree -- I hate this stuff, but it's there, may as well learn from it). That makes no sense. They got pleasure from drowning? Yeah, I don't think so... the problem is that there are dozens of different kinds of dopamine, dozens of different locations for each kind to bind to, etc., etc., etc.. The human brain is so spectacularly complicated that the conclusions most people draw are more like phrenology than science (phrenology being that weird thing that thinks it can deduce your personality and traits by the bumps on your skull).
Personally I think that primarily, dopamine is used to direct and influence concentration and attention. That would explain stimulants aiding ADHD sufferers, the poor little mousey (RIP, little guy), gambling, drugs, all of the evidence I've seen -- the pleasure/reward interpretation just doesn't match all of it. Easily mistaken for a "reward cascade," since to enjoy something or find it pleasurable you tend to be focusing on it, so they overlap.
A drowning mouse wouldn't feel pleasure or be rewarded by the experience. He would have his entire brain catastrophically focusing on what was happening to try and save himself though.
... no, this really doesn't have anything to do with anything. Just me rambling. Anyway, Bruce has a point. You may be susceptible to this to an unusual degree because of an undiagnosed, underlying condition. It may even be so subtle that it doesn't do anything except when you take drugs to intensify the problem. Personally I virtually never get circular thinking no matter how many stimulants I take... overpoweringly compulsive behavior, yes, but not circular thoughts.
That was a very interesting read. I'm not a pharmacology expert or anything, but dopamine confuses me. As an anti-psychotic, I've read of instances where dopamine agonists and antagonists are used. How can one of each be used for the same thing? And all the different receptors, affinity and whatnot, it's just not as simple as it should seem.
I was just viewing the situation from a psychological perspective. I would say that OP could easily be Bipolar 2 or have some sort of chemical imbalance. That would go generally unnoticed unless in case of a serious manic or depressive spell.
I have a habit of over ruminating about stuff while sober and noticed that its ten times worse if i do coke. ill have positive thoughts and stuff but its wayyyy over the top amount of thinking and it kills my ability to do anything else.. nothing seems to distract me from looping ruminative style thoughts - does anybody get this themselves when using coke?
I get it if i redose too often. With coke i have found it better to hit the right attack dose and wait 1 hour+ before redose. It's took a while to get me out the habbit of taking a bump every time i wanted one to but, i'm on a redose regiment now. I have found it gives me a better high, because i get the euphoria for longer and mentally a better high.
I have found coke will last 1 hour+ duration including the semantic nervous system stimulation. The central nervous system stimulation from the coke can die off sooner of course. (Makes sense you loose the euphoria, you starting to feel how the dopamine levels have changed which i believes leads to the urge to craving to wanting to redose.)
Could it be that you suffer from OCD and that the stimulant brings out this? I've found this too be true for me since i have sever OCD. You could eat of every floor in my house, if i hit the pipe like i want to haha. But, i have noticed coke to bring out my OCD a tad bit more than meth or maybe i just notice it more on coke.
I have a habit of over ruminating about stuff while sober and noticed that its ten times worse if i do coke. ill have positive thoughts and stuff but its wayyyy over the top amount of thinking and it kills my ability to do anything else.. nothing seems to distract me from looping ruminative style thoughts - does anybody get this themselves when using coke?
I get it if i redose too often. With coke i have found it better to hit the right attack dose and wait 1 hour+ before redose. It's took a while to get me out the habbit of taking a bump every time i wanted one to but, i'm on a redose regiment now. I have found it gives me a better high, because i get the euphoria for longer and mentally a better high.
I have found coke will last 1 hour+ duration including the semantic nervous system stimulation. The central nervous system stimulation from the coke can die off sooner of course. (Makes sense you loose the euphoria, you starting to feel how the dopamine levels have changed which i believes leads to the urge to craving to wanting to redose.)
Could it be that you suffer from OCD and that the stimulant brings out this? I've found this too be true for me since i have sever OCD. You could eat of every floor in my house, if i hit the pipe like i want to haha. But, i have noticed coke to bring out my OCD a tad bit more than meth or maybe i just notice it more on coke.
Damn... sniper man, that's tragic. I feel for you, my tweaker brother -- how do you enjoy meth and coke with severe OCD? I have very mild OCD (nothing worth a diagnosis I mean, just... little stuff that I have to do ritualistically and all), and sometimes amphetamines make me so compulsive it's unpleasant and not fun. I also actually dislike cocaine unless I'm tweaking, oddly enough. I mean it's outright unpleasant for me without speed or meth. It makes me feel numb. Like it locks off my brain cells and I can't feel or enjoy anything the way I usually do. Don't ask me, I don't have a clue.
Still, you're crazy sniper (in a good way kinda, I mean). If you like it though... party on I guess, right :)
Sniper, how do you have severe OCD, and enjoy meth? How is your computer still working? One would assume you would have taken it apart and reassembled it by now. :)
Sniper, how do you have severe OCD, and enjoy meth? How is your computer still working? One would assume you would have taken it apart and reassembled it by now. :)
Hey now, just because a guy's a tweaker doesn't mean he can't take apart and put back together a computer. Who knows, maybe that's a daily ritual for him! :P
No, it's just from a psychoanalysis point of view, all drug users self-medicate to try to get where they want to be, or that's just my interpretation. You'd think someone with obsessive tendencies would abstain from a drug that can cause obsessive and repetitive thoughts and actions.
You'd assume someone like that would prefer downers.
The more I read of your posts, Bruce, the more I fucking like you. Excellent point yet again... hmmm... I guess working from that perspective, apparently the condition he feels meth alleviates is a very powerful and much more troublesome one than the OCD that the meth exacerbates.
It is a very high price to pay. Meth used regularly, that is. I suppose it shouldn't be too surprising that there's got to be something pretty damn wrong with somebody for it to actually fix them more than it breaks them.
I was addicted to xanax when i was younger. I just like how i think on speed compared to downers. Downers, i don't care about myself or anyone. Like i just become zombified. On uppers, i care about everyone it's crazy. I enjoy the high of both though. Especially together.