Silk Road forums
Discussion => Security => Topic started by: paranoid android on December 02, 2012, 12:47 am
Im pretty new to the road. First couple orders went smooth. Then I got careless...I ordered multiple orders at once. But what I am most worried about is that I just placed an order with a vendor who has been around less than a month. Plus he has no feedback, Im talking 0% from 0 trans.
Could he be LE? What do you guys think is the worst case scenario? And how can I prepare for it? Or am I just smoking too much weed?
This isn't amazon don't order a ton of stuff internationally all at once to your home address, somebody will notice. Shit can go wrong, and then you have a bunch more envelopes on the way for cops to intercept and add on charges though highly unlikely this will happen, just remember for future.
New vendor is 100% not a cop, unless you are ordering precursor materials and paying like $10,000+ for it.
You should be worried that this new vendor could have potential shitty stealth, unless they clearly outlined what security they use in their listing. You can always cancel the transaction
People order from new vendors all the time. How else are they going to start out. Who was the vendor if you are so worried. Are they communicating with you? This all might just be unnecessary paranoia man. I wouldn't worry, I have multiple packs come to me all the time. But like cosmec said try to stay domestic if you don't want the risk. I also love your name. My favorite book series.
More than likely it's nothing
Is the vendor you're concerned about acyive at all in the forum? Does he have a thread started?
There's a vendor that's new i'll be placing an order with soon, they have to start getting customers sometime. This vendor is active a bit though.
New vendor is 100% not a cop, unless you are ordering precursor materials and paying like $10,000+ for it.
OP is asking for worst case scenarios, and LE isn't a possibility? I'm wary of "cop would never do X" logic.
Do others agree with that statement? I'm also looking to avoid vendors without a lengthy history with product reviewed by longstanding members.
Well, the only way to guarantee vendor isn't a cop is his positive feedback given by your known friend who ordered stuff from him many times for a year or more.
Otherwise it still has its chances to be fraud or cop.
It's the risk we accept here..
New vendor is 100% not a cop, unless you are ordering precursor materials and paying like $10,000+ for it.
Yeah I can't remember the last time someone went to jail who hadn't purchased $10,000 worth of precursors to start up a drug manufacturing lab.
Even vendors have to start somewhere. Is he communicating with you? Is he posting on the forum? What's his user name on the forum? We could all ask around and support each other on here in order to weed out the bad apples. I would hope cops are not wasting their time with small fish. How did you get your BTCs?
New vendor is 100% not a cop, unless you are ordering precursor materials and paying like $10,000+ for it.
Yeah I can't remember the last time someone went to jail who hadn't purchased $10,000 worth of precursors to start up a drug manufacturing lab.
God I hope every body who says this again, and again, and again is right. I mean I really do -- that would be fucking fantastic if they just didn't care or were spread so thin they didn't bother taking a drive down the street to arrest some junkie and get their name in the paper.
For the record, I think they do care and that they do at least *try* to arrest people receiving drugs. Whether it works when you keep your mouth shut or not I dunno, but thinking they just don't give a fuck is an awfully dangerous frame of mind to be going around SR with. Probably depends on how busy they are that day -- and some days they seem pretty damn bored when I go by.
P.S. - don't get more uptight, OP. You're fine, I'm sure. Just reminding every body this is still illegal, since it would suck for someone to really start thinking nobody cares & get themselves caught.
Thanks for your guys' feedback. I got my first BTC through bitinstant moneygram with a fake name and cash of course. Then I "washed" them through a few wallets. Did that once more for more BTC using different info/wallets. Last BTC transfer was done here on a SR listing for a moneypak.
I know Im probably just being paranoid. Ive kept everything domestic, no intl orders. I ordered the same week as I did my xmas shopping online hoping they would think those are gifts I bought online too (not sure if that was a good or bad idea). The new vendor has been cooperative and even lowered the amount of the listing so I could sample the product. Doesnt seem very active tho. Dont want to call him out just yet. The package should be here tomorrow he says so I will let you guys know what happens.
But....what if hes not legit? Should I wipe my hard drive since I access tor through my computer and not through the linux usb tails method? Or is tor alone enough to keep me safe? There no real evidence tying me to the purchase right? I mean, anyone could have sent me those drugs. This chronic from the road has got met thinking all sorts of crazy shit.
So, regarding general Tor dangers: (read the last post in particular... you should know about it) http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=89733.msg639839#msg639839
Tor encryption: http://dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=83886.msg632461#msg632461
That'll tell you everything you need to know, probably. For what it's worth, I've generally begun to think it's virtually impossible for a package to get intercepted unless you're shipping it express. Stick to priority or possibly first-class when necessary and you should be fine. Some people have done 50+ or even 100+ without a single loss.
LE cares a lot to get someone busted on SR, I am sure! They need it for the publicity and to make an example of one of us. Again, as I understand it, xfring wallet to wallet does nothing, unless you pay for a mixing service. Am I wrong?
LE cares a lot to get someone busted on SR, I am sure! They need it for the publicity and to make an example of one of us. Again, as I understand it, xfring wallet to wallet does nothing, unless you pay for a mixing service. Am I wrong?
You're very right. SR does have its own automatic mixing service, but it's effectiveness is often questioned (not for a good reason, just theoretical ones). For sellers, you definitely want those coins as cleaned as you can get them. They got Al Capone for like 30+ years on tax evasion, because they couldn't convict him of anything else.
At the time it was insane. Nobody had ever gone to jail for tax evasion or something (so my parents told me once, at least). They'll find a way to take your freedom away if you make yourself a target. Sellers are targets, just very hard to find ones. We buyers -- I almost don't care if they know I'm on SR anymore. Unless they catch me with the drugs in my hand or get a warrant because I'm a computer geek and like bitcoins, I consider myself "relatively safe."
Until I'm freaking out because I swear there's suspicious activity by my mailbox and that it's a controlled delivery. Yes, I freak out about this every, single, fucking, time. But I order meth... and enough to make it look like I'm reselling it. Which I swear I truly am not. But getting caught with it scares the fucking Hell out of me...
... ahem. Yes, you're right, wallet to wallet does virtually nothing. If not literally nothing.
Why are you using a mailbox and not your own house? Cops might be watching the PO boxes because of other people.
Don't give them a reason to make you a target. Just be unimportant and don't draw attention to yourself. You're more likely to get busted for things you do IRL than on SR. For that matter, you're also more likely to die in a plane crash than get busted for personal amounts on SR. But those odds increase dramatically the more stupid shit you do, basically.
Communication is key with vendors, trust your instincts by how they conduct business to see if they are LE or a scam.
But....what if hes not legit? Should I wipe my hard drive since I access tor through my computer and not through the linux usb tails method? Or is tor alone enough to keep me safe? There no real evidence tying me to the purchase right? I mean, anyone could have sent me those drugs. This chronic from the road has got met thinking all sorts of crazy shit.
Well look, disclaimer: It seems to me that I fall somewhere around the 80th percentile in terms of paranoia level on SR, so take my advice or leave it, but if you're worried, I would:
i) clean out your place of any illegal shit (drugs, para, records)
ii) transfer any info you need and can't memorize to paper and store it where it will *never* be found except by you, then wipe that computer
iii) start using USB/DVD Tails, dude. Today.
I'm doing i) and ii) (already doing iii) in preparation for my first package, and I'm not dealing with a brand spanking new vendor on SR. Just my $.02.
Why are you using a mailbox and not your own house? Cops might be watching the PO boxes because of other people.
What do you think they have outside houses in my neck of the woods, mailcircles...?
Yes, I freak out about this every, single, fucking, time.
This. I order very large amounts every time (as large as domestic can be) and everytime I make my trip to my PO box I can't help but feel that every car, person, and bird is a narcotic officer out to get me. I make sure to do certain movements that would let LE know that I'm onto their surveillance. I know it wouldn't save me at all, but sometimes I just like to pretend.
Anyway OP, I wouldn't go ahead and say that you're 100% guaranteed to be safe, but I suggest communicating with said vendor more before you make an order next time, IF there is a next time. Don't make any orders for a week or so just to take the attention off your name and/or address.
I would:
i) clean out your place of any illegal shit (drugs, para, records)
Aww come on man, not the records!
I'll do hard time before I let those fuckers take away my Sonic Youth LPs!
Nice advice Oldtoby, i'll start doing the same before my first overseas order arrives...