Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: sammypopali on November 21, 2012, 08:18 am

Title: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: sammypopali on November 21, 2012, 08:18 am
So can someone binge so much that they laugh and talk to themselves? Is that psychosis? Smoke and shoot. Also shooting pills, but not as much as meth. What if they continue to binge? Can this much abuse cause you to do something very horrible?
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: debbydownerr on November 21, 2012, 08:32 am
Zombie apocalypse.
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: James Hardens Beard on November 21, 2012, 09:57 am
Doing too much of any drug can make you do something bad, especially something as hard as meth. Calm down a little bit on using so much if you are having bad thoughts creeping through your head, take care!
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: Joey Terrifying on November 21, 2012, 05:27 pm
i didn't binge to the extent that a lot of people do, but meth use definitely made me more of an asshole.  especially when coming down from a high i'd turn into a real prick....irritable, jumpy, sharp-tongued, etc.  i don't know if it can "cause" you to do something horrible, but it could certainly contribute.  i know if i was ever going to commit a violent crime, meth would be my drug of choice
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: BenCousins on November 21, 2012, 06:31 pm
yes that is psychosis which isnt actually caused by the meth but the sleep deprivation. Try staying awake for equal number of days not on anything and you will observe the same effects
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: morva on November 21, 2012, 10:55 pm
Yeah, I don't think meth alone will cause you to do something that's not natural behaviour for you. As ben said, sleep deprivation is the big concern. Meth makes me pretty mellow and friendly, never felt like hurting anyone....maybe doing something bad in order to buy meth, like stealing, but not directly caused by meth ingestion.
Anyone else?
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: THUMBSuP. on November 21, 2012, 11:23 pm
i didn't binge to the extent that a lot of people do, but meth use definitely made me more of an asshole.  especially when coming down from a high i'd turn into a real prick....irritable, jumpy, sharp-tongued, etc.  i don't know if it can "cause" you to do something horrible, but it could certainly contribute.  i know if i was ever going to commit a violent crime, meth would be my drug of choice


Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: BenCousins on November 22, 2012, 12:52 am
i didn't binge to the extent that a lot of people do, but meth use definitely made me more of an asshole.  especially when coming down from a high i'd turn into a real prick....irritable, jumpy, sharp-tongued, etc.  i don't know if it can "cause" you to do something horrible, but it could certainly contribute.  i know if i was ever going to commit a violent crime, meth would be my drug of choice



you would most likely be an asshole when you are tired also then. I know im extremely cranky when tired. Not trying to suggest meth cant cause complete destruction to certain types of people, but i believe most of these effects can be attributed to either not sleeping or illegality of the drug itself. After all, dextroamphetamine is stronger on a mg for mg basis and its regulary prescribed to 5 year olds because ya'know, theres something wrong with them running around, climbing trees and playing sport and stuff.

Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: kingpin on November 22, 2012, 08:05 am
I don't binge but I prefer to wake up have my breakfast and then start bowling. This way I dont stay up all night and don't seem to feel like shit nearly as much, mainly because I got enough sleep. Most I have ever done is over night and I started to think I was seeing shit (lack of sleep) but I was totally aware this was why. Problem with these drugs are they keep you going we would have the same affect and slightly have to a certain agree with drinking previously people would drink and pass out. Now they can go for longer because they drink redbull with their alcohol etc. I think drugs are for short duration use and not frequently either. Thats my opinion :)
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: sammypopali on November 22, 2012, 09:06 am
I know somebody that killed a grandmother and three children and then killed them self. They became really weird and scary for the last 6 months, constantly stealing everything, from family members and anyone.  I didn't think this would happen. Maybe it wasn't the drugs, and I am just looking for an excuse. It was a shock to all, and heartbreaking...
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: fuckingACE on November 23, 2012, 01:16 am
After 3 to 5 days no sleep you will start to suffer from sleep deprivation psychosis aka stimulant or amphetamine psychosis... which will get progressively worse, your *clear* moments will get less and less frequent and last for less time.. with all the fun that goes with it. Delusions of grandeur, paranoid delusions etc... If in real life you would kill someone who you honestly believed was about to kill you then you have a good chance of trying to kill someone whilst you are on a psychotic break.. When you can't separate the imaginary from the real bad bad things can happen.. Sleep is important, a person suffering from sleep deprivation psychosis is dangerous...
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: PriscillaMarie90 on November 23, 2012, 05:24 am
It's not the drug that makes you do crazy shit, it's sleep deprivation, my love.
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: 123ABC on November 23, 2012, 05:33 am
I morph into superman!
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: BenCousins on November 23, 2012, 07:35 am
I morph into superman!

get some sleep
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: sniper123 on November 23, 2012, 08:34 am
yes that is psychosis which isnt actually caused by the meth but the sleep deprivation. Try staying awake for equal number of days not on anything and you will observe the same effects
Umm.. have you heard of stimulant psychosis? How can you say meth doesn't cause psychosis?

Anyways, when you combine stimulant psychosis and sleep deprivation psychosis it can cause you to do things that are odd. It can make some people violent. Anyone who disagrees with me hasn't went on a 16 day meth binge before.

Now this doesn't mean that I'm saying the drug causes this behavior. But, the drug helps create a situation where some individuals are more susceptible to making poor choices that can be bad.

I've also notice people to talk to themselves even while sober. (Thinking out loud?) I don't think this determines if someone is psychotic since most people have inner dialog with them self all the time. Some people call it their conscious.
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: kingpin on November 23, 2012, 11:40 am
Still unsure as to why anyone would binge more then 1 night.
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: shiznit on November 25, 2012, 12:15 am
16 days.. jesus! you mad bruv!
as said above.. 1-2 days is plenty for the non fiend. personally i have never done more than 36 hours without sleep.
not all of us are unemployed supermans.. just weekend warriors. :D

btw, meth turns me into a pronstar >:D
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: sniper123 on November 25, 2012, 01:35 am
16 days.. jesus! you mad bruv!
as said above.. 1-2 days is plenty for the non fiend. personally i have never done more than 36 hours without sleep.
not all of us are unemployed supermans.. just weekend warriors. :D

btw, meth turns me into a pronstar >:D
I worked a job where i had to work swing shift 5 days out the week. So i just decided sleeping was a waste of my time off. When your working swing shift and 12 hours shifts. What's the point of sleeping?

I had to re edit that post because it's bullshit haha. I was 13 when i went on my binge. My dealer kept feeding me meth to see how far i would go. It was also my first time on meth.
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: BenCousins on November 25, 2012, 05:34 am
I think the problem was where you stayed up 16 days......not the meth
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: 123ABC on November 25, 2012, 08:16 am
not all of us are unemployed supermans.. just weekend warriors. :D

Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: SelfSovereignty on November 25, 2012, 08:53 am
After 3 to 5 days no sleep you will start to suffer from sleep deprivation psychosis aka stimulant or amphetamine psychosis... which will get progressively worse, your *clear* moments will get less and less frequent and last for less time.. with all the fun that goes with it. Delusions of grandeur, paranoid delusions etc... If in real life you would kill someone who you honestly believed was about to kill you then you have a good chance of trying to kill someone whilst you are on a psychotic break.. When you can't separate the imaginary from the real bad bad things can happen.. Sleep is important, a person suffering from sleep deprivation psychosis is dangerous...

I call bullshit.  I've never had a psychotic break, and I've been tweaking for almost 10 years.  I once stayed awake for 8 days on a combination of stimulants (including meth), and I didn't have a psychotic break.  Believe me, I was fucked beyond belief (continuous repetitive movements -- the compulsive thing taken to a level I've never known before or since), but I was sane and not at all dangerous.

I hear and see people talk about how dangerous and unpredictable and fucking psychotic tweakers are, and I just don't see it. Not in myself or anyone on SR.  I happen to be the only tweaker in this entire city though (I swear, I think I am -- I've even gone looking for company sometimes...), so I can't claim to be *that* good an authority.  It still isn't nearly as likely as you make it sound though.  Schizophrenics don't get locked up anymore unless they're specifically considered dangerous.  Most aren't.  They're just fucking crazy and see blue birds talking to them.  That Satan sent to inform them of the imminent defeat of the angel race at the hands of the new hellfire weapon whose name shall not be spoken.  And naturally, since only they can understand the blue bird, only they can stop this terrible calamity.  To the bat mobile...!!

... yes, it's really that bad for a lot of schizophrenics.  Yet they still don't stab people very often.  Sure, some do, and some people on meth will tear your head off I have no doubt... but actually *change* a person to be that way, when they aren't to begin with?  Nah.  I don't really buy it.

You might do some crazy, insane sexual stuff that you normally wouldn't though.  But nothing you wouldn't do when not on meth -- provided you were 10x hornier than you'd ever been before... still doesn't change you.  Just... intensifies you, heh.
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: Ben on November 27, 2012, 03:07 am
Well, not sleeping for a week can certainly make people do crazy things, regardless if that lack of sleep is drug induced or not.

Skipping one night of sleep is something most people can cope with fairly well. But anything longer seriously impairs function and judgement for the vast majority of people.

If you managed to stay awake for 72 hours using only legal drugs like coffee, you'd probably be messed up to the point where you cannot drive a car without hitting some poles and parked vehicles, even if completely sober whereas alochol is concerned.
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: SelfSovereignty on November 27, 2012, 03:26 am
Well, not sleeping for a week can certainly make people do crazy things, regardless if that lack of sleep is drug induced or not.

Skipping one night of sleep is something most people can cope with fairly well. But anything longer seriously impairs function and judgement for the vast majority of people.

If you managed to stay awake for 72 hours using only legal drugs like coffee, you'd probably be messed up to the point where you cannot drive a car without hitting some poles and parked vehicles, even if completely sober whereas alochol is concerned.

That's something I often wonder about, actually; I mean whether that I'm right and meth does actually suppress a good deal of the effects of sleep deprivation outright or what.  I suppose they wouldn't still use it in the air force when necessary if all it did was wake you up but not improve functioning at all when exhausted.

Personally I find that 2 days is fine, I can function nearly as well as I can well rested; but at 3 days, I just start falling apart at an exponential rate.  When I end up going for 4 days, I'm useless.  I can drive, I can perform necessary tasks and all -- just not very well.  Very little depth to my understanding of things as well.  I make a lot of typos, anything but basic math becomes impossible, that sort of thing.  And social interaction is out of the question: I misunderstand nuances or get the wrong idea, or just don't follow the thought the person is getting at.  It can be pretty humiliating and awkward, so I try not to get that carried away.  It's not like it's healthy anyway even if I could function at that point.

I'm still sane and pose no danger though, heh.
Title: Re: Can Meth Use cause you to do something horrible?
Post by: sniper123 on November 28, 2012, 12:05 am
Well, not sleeping for a week can certainly make people do crazy things, regardless if that lack of sleep is drug induced or not.

Skipping one night of sleep is something most people can cope with fairly well. But anything longer seriously impairs function and judgement for the vast majority of people.

If you managed to stay awake for 72 hours using only legal drugs like coffee, you'd probably be messed up to the point where you cannot drive a car without hitting some poles and parked vehicles, even if completely sober whereas alochol is concerned.

That's something I often wonder about, actually; I mean whether that I'm right and meth does actually suppress a good deal of the effects of sleep deprivation outright or what.  I suppose they wouldn't still use it in the air force when necessary if all it did was wake you up but not improve functioning at all when exhausted.

Personally I find that 2 days is fine, I can function nearly as well as I can well rested; but at 3 days, I just start falling apart at an exponential rate.  When I end up going for 4 days, I'm useless.  I can drive, I can perform necessary tasks and all -- just not very well.  Very little depth to my understanding of things as well.  I make a lot of typos, anything but basic math becomes impossible, that sort of thing.  And social interaction is out of the question: I misunderstand nuances or get the wrong idea, or just don't follow the thought the person is getting at.  It can be pretty humiliating and awkward, so I try not to get that carried away.  It's not like it's healthy anyway even if I could function at that point.

I'm still sane and pose no danger though, heh.

Yeah, i think we would get a long. I try my hardest to go to sleep on the third day. Seems anything after thate becomes "odd".