Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: wherehaveyoubeen on November 21, 2012, 02:41 am

Title: LE posing as a seller?
Post by: wherehaveyoubeen on November 21, 2012, 02:41 am
So can law enforcement pose as a seller on SR? I ask because right now I have a PO box which I intend to send my stuff to but it is under my real name so I'm sketching out.

If they aren't feds then I figure if the feds suspect the package is drugs I can still just claim I have no idea about the package even though it's in my name correct?

inb4 get a fake id and open fake PO
Title: Re: LE posing as a seller?
Post by: cabinman01 on November 21, 2012, 02:48 am
I think that it is completely possible for LE to pose as a seller.  When buying, just make sure to read all the reviews and look at the rating of the seller.  If it is bad, then do not buy from that particular one.  IMO, using a fake name to send things to yourself is a bad idea.  Looks a lot more suspicious.
Title: Re: LE posing as a seller?
Post by: comsec on November 21, 2012, 02:49 am
the only cases I remember of LE posing as mail order sellers were to catch growers and manufacturers, so they were selling seeds and precursors. they also asked buyers not to use PO boxes, and they asked for traceable payment methods claiming some problem with regular payment and that western union or moneygram was essential to finish transaction.


- anonymous payment (bitcoin)
- po box
- probably you aren't buying precursors

you're fine
Title: Re: LE posing as a seller?
Post by: Zulu on November 21, 2012, 02:51 am
the only cases I remember of LE posing as mail order sellers were to catch growers and manufacturers, so they were selling seeds and precursors. they also asked buyers not to use PO boxes, and they asked for traceable payment methods claiming some problem with regular payment and that western union or moneygram was essential to finish transaction.


- anonymous payment (bitcoin)
- po box
- probably you aren't buying precursors

you're fine

great answer +1
Title: Re: LE posing as a seller?
Post by: wherehaveyoubeen on November 21, 2012, 02:57 am
im just buying 100mg of dmt the seller is pretty new hes got 6 reviews on different products and sizes and ive had email contact with him through pgp encryption for a couple days now.

just feel weird about giveing out my real name in this whole anonymous network. but i guess it beats the alternative of getting 2 forms of fake id to open a fake po box. which i dont see how that works because your po box is tied to a physical address so i guess you would have to fake that also idk
Title: Re: LE posing as a seller?
Post by: comsec on November 21, 2012, 03:05 am
You don't have to order stuff in your real name, use a fake business name, that's the point of a PO box.

Math Precision Records Label
PO box 322
BLah BLah, 90210

Get a magazine subscription under the same business name and test that out first. Order up some 2600 magazine copies or the New Yorker.
The guy at the PO box place is just gonna read the box number and put mail in it, they don't care about the name.

Use PGP to send address to sender, nothing to worry about for only a tiny DMT amount. That would be laughed out of court

Title: Re: LE posing as a seller?
Post by: wherehaveyoubeen on November 21, 2012, 03:13 am
well if the package gets caught up aren't they gonna track it down? because small business or not you need to show id so at some point it's going to be tied to me.
Title: Re: LE posing as a seller?
Post by: ronswanson77 on November 21, 2012, 03:34 am
Should the package get opened (which is unlikely because they have to get a warrent to open it) and the amount of what you're ordering is obviously for personal use they're going to destroy the package and send you a letter.  LE mostly doesn't care about buyers only sellers.  I order everything with my real name to my home address and everything has gotten here just fine so far; good vendors do a great job of disguising their product.

No worries mate.  Just make sure you use PGP and everything will be fine.
Title: Re: LE posing as a seller?
Post by: bedhat on November 21, 2012, 03:53 am
Title: Re: LE posing as a seller?
Post by: NotACop on November 21, 2012, 10:39 pm
If the vendor in question has sold lots of illegal narcotics before, and has a good user review I say go for it!. Law Enforcement Officers don't usually pose as small-time buyers. They're not after the small fuckers, they want to catch the big fuckers.
Title: Re: LE posing as a seller?
Post by: awot555 on November 21, 2012, 11:50 pm
@wherehaveyoubeen Stay paranoid! Yes, your government wants you to be in jail or to pay fines indefinitely.

@comsec Please be careful advising people that the legal ramifications will be nothing if they are caught receiving illegal drugs through the mail.  Every single fucking day some hick cop and some hick DA gets someone's ass drawn up on charges that are just fucking silly, but they still have to deal with the social stigma in a small town. It doesn't matter that you can beat the rap, but you are now pegged and out $15000 on your defense and the lawyer is saying that is only a down payment. The next 2 years of your life revolve around now have to move away from where you live - not easy and very painful. Make sure you understand that it will be mostly local police being "guided" by the feds...the local hicks busting down your door and shooting your sleeping dog...and then the feds happy to walk away as long as your local DA will prosecute the shit out of you... and they will because it's exciting in the small, shit town you live in.

Yep don't be complacent but chances of LE finding a 100mg shipment of DMT from a reputable buyer is probably 0.000x %.
Title: Re: LE posing as a seller?
Post by: workforit69 on November 25, 2012, 10:43 pm
@wherehaveyoubeen Stay paranoid! Yes, your government wants you to be in jail or to pay fines indefinitely.

@comsec Please be careful advising people that the legal ramifications will be nothing if they are caught receiving illegal drugs through the mail.  Every single fucking day some hick cop and some hick DA gets someone's ass drawn up on charges that are just fucking silly, but they still have to deal with the social stigma in a small town. It doesn't matter that you can beat the rap, but you are now pegged and out $15000 on your defense and the lawyer is saying that is only a down payment. The next 2 years of your life revolve around now have to move away from where you live - not easy and very painful. Make sure you understand that it will be mostly local police being "guided" by the feds...the local hicks busting down your door and shooting your sleeping dog...and then the feds happy to walk away as long as your local DA will prosecute the shit out of you... and they will because it's exciting in the small, shit town you live in.

Yep don't be complacent but chances of LE finding a 100mg shipment of DMT from a reputable buyer is probably 0.000x %.

SR is a new paradigm so the cops have to adapt and change accordingly. If a vendor uses the sr site and only works with bitcoins they will be nearly impossible to trace -- in the sr model the buyer is the most at risk. The DEA and other govt asswipes have made public statements about going after SR so it is my opinion that they will become a big vendor, if they haven't already, and gain trust by being good at it which will lead to more customers and busts for them. Then they can tell the public about the busts and through the sheer number of people being caught sr it will most probably put a big dent in the SR business and the current model.

just a couple of months ago a friend of mine got caught with an empty vile of cocaine with only minute traces of cocaine in it and he had to go to jail and is on probation for 7 years. Also now that he has a felony the 4 years he just spent in college studying to be a med tech is wasted. where i live cops/detectives make tons of small buy/busts to boost their crime stats.

Title: Re: LE posing as a seller?
Post by: SelfSovereignty on November 25, 2012, 10:56 pm
I agree completely with every one here who advises caution.

Let's face it.  They think it's GOOD and JUST to ruin your life over drugs.  Not only that, they benefit from it.  Why the fuck are they going to let somebody go unless they're so busy they don't have the time to bust them?  They don't think it's cruel, vicious, and medieval to lock you up for wanting to feel good and have fun.  Most of them think it's RIGHT.  You SHOULD be locked up.  The ones who don't think it's right still do it because they need the paycheck and don't care enough to find another line of work.

It's easy to make tons of orders and get really relaxed about it.  And yeah, almost everything gets through unless your vendor is a fuck up.  But always remember: they WANT to put you away.  They don't want to let you go.