Silk Road forums

Discussion => Drug safety => Topic started by: Nellion on November 11, 2012, 03:39 am

Title: Adderral- best ROI, dose?
Post by: Nellion on November 11, 2012, 03:39 am
So by friend has given me a 20 mg adderral to try. It is orange and has "E 401" on one side and is scored 4-ways on the back, I'm assuming for more accurate titration of dosing..

What are the street value of these things?

Is the best route of ingestion insufflation? If so, would 10mg do the trick?

I am a total newb to adderral. However, I have snorted ritalyn a few times in the past but it has been at least 5 years, so my tolerance to such drugs should be next to nothing.

I was thinking snort half, wait a few, and then snort the other if my dick didn't get wet enough? Unless, of course, the forum advises zooting the whole thing, which I'm not necessarily opposed too...
Title: Re: Adderral- best ROI, dose?
Post by: SelfSovereignty on November 11, 2012, 03:43 am
I loved snorting ritalin. I mean I prefer it to cocaine. Even like snorting it more than I like snorting meth (though I prefer meth other ways over ritalin, of course).

Snorting adderall feels nothing like it, at least not to me.  I consider it a waste to put adderall up your nose.  If you want a high though, a lot of people like it.  Not the best way if what you want is to focus as long & hard as possible.  Swallow them for that, always.  Never taken any amphetamine at all?  I don't think ritalin has any cross-tolerance, so ignore that (I don't think mind you).  10mg will probably make you feel awfully damn good. 20mg should make you feel as though you could run through a brick wall.  I mean like really feel like you could.  not think so, of course, but feel that way.

That's how I felt the first time I ever took amphetamines, anyway.  Some people can take 20mg the first time and feel nothing though. I've seen it -- and pity them.  So take the whole thing if you want, it won't kill you or anything. It's about $10-15 on SR, $5 on university campuses per 20mg BTW.
Title: Re: Adderral- best ROI, dose?
Post by: Nellion on November 11, 2012, 03:58 am
Honestly, I've already swallowed one of the 20mg today and really didn't get much from it. I omitted that in the OP though to avoid the "be careful"s...

That's why I was inquiring about snorting- oral ingestion didn't do much for me.

No surprise, though, I have a ridiculous initial tolerance to almost every damn thing I do, for some fucked up reason. I could take enough opiates to kill a small animal when first starting out, now I can take enough to kill horse, it seems. Same with alcohol, weed, and apparently amphetamines...

The only thing that does kick my ass in small amounts is xanax and klonopin, which I hate, so am not able to take advantage of my girly tolerance to it :(.
Title: Re: Adderral- best ROI, dose?
Post by: SelfSovereignty on November 11, 2012, 04:13 am
Well, if you want to get the most out of it and don't care about the route of ingestion... plug it.  (google it)  Supposedly the only route more intense & direct is IV use.  And adderall is amphetamine sulfate, which doesn't smoke (you need the hydrochloride salt for it to smoke w/o destroying at least half of it).

So, thems is yer choices, m'friend.  Don't go crazy on the xanax though, it's notorious for making people fucking MONSTERS if they go a little too far with it. I mean like mean drunk taken to the next level.  I have no idea why, but I've seen it happen, and it's weird & ugly.  Not needing to take much of a drug for it to work is a good thing :)
Title: Re: Adderral- best ROI, dose?
Post by: Nellion on November 11, 2012, 07:33 pm
Lol, not plugging anything and not injecting anything. So, it looks like I'm just gonna have to swallow more if I want to feel the effects...

And, I think you misunderstood me about the nerve pills- I HATE the high they give so I rarely ever take them. It just sucks that the only thing that doesn't take me an insane amount of is the drug that I like the least...
Title: Re: Adderral- best ROI, dose?
Post by: SelfSovereignty on November 13, 2012, 12:25 am
Lol, not plugging anything and not injecting anything. So, it looks like I'm just gonna have to swallow more if I want to feel the effects...

And, I think you misunderstood me about the nerve pills- I HATE the high they give so I rarely ever take them. It just sucks that the only thing that doesn't take me an insane amount of is the drug that I like the least...
It's entirely possible.  In fact yes, I don't quite recall why I said that particular sentence... ahem.  I find it shameful and regrettable, but I do sometimes start misunderstanding quite a bit after more than a couple of days without sleeping.  I've never plugged anything either and doubt I ever will; more out of biased distaste brought on by growing up in modern society than any real objection.  But whatever the reason, doing so would make me feel less good about myself and less accepting of my habit -- still, it's an option, so I put it out there :)
Title: Re: Adderral- best ROI, dose?
Post by: Nellion on November 13, 2012, 02:44 am
lmao, I think object for the same homophobic reason!
Title: Re: Adderral- best ROI, dose?
Post by: bynter on November 13, 2012, 05:19 am
don't worry about safety, The LD50 is something like 10 grams, and if youre worried about a heart attack, eitehr way, that wont start to be a concern until you start to hit the triple digit mgs

Staggering 10mg doses an hour apart from eachother is probably your best bet.

Oral vs intranasal is a matter of preference in strength vs duration. Don't overlook subliginal either. It's probably half way in between those too.

And dont expect some insane high from 20 mgs. Expect your ability to do homework to improve by a moderate factor.
Title: Re: Adderral- best ROI, dose?
Post by: zipstyle on November 13, 2012, 06:13 am
I would suggest putting 10 mg sublingual and blowing the other 10 mg. You'll get the initial rush followed by the sustained release of the sublingual dose all at once. Should feel relatively nice if you don't have much tolerance. If you blow the whole pill, your nose will probably burn alot and you will have orange boogers. The fillers feel really nasty in your nose so the whole time you're wired up you're worried about all the gunk in your nose. (At least I was). Just blow half and put the rest under your tongue and forget about it. Have fun :)
Title: Re: Adderral- best ROI, dose?
Post by: Delta11 on November 13, 2012, 04:20 pm
Please don't snort it  :D unless you want orange nostrils and a sugary taste in the back of your throat. The best way to take adderall is to take four tums 40-60 min prior to dosing or you can also drink a cup of water with a teaspoon of baking soda mixed in it. This will lower the amount of acid you have in your stomach so your body can absorb more adderall. 
Title: Re: Adderral- best ROI, dose?
Post by: zipstyle on November 15, 2012, 05:06 am
Great advice, Delta :)