Silk Road forums

Market => Rumor mill => Topic started by: bombersdad on October 30, 2012, 11:25 am

Title: sup all on SR
Post by: bombersdad on October 30, 2012, 11:25 am
im brand new to this but getting the hang of it quickly. a wee question. why does evceryone seem to FE , in the feed back for lots of vendors it is the norm! but in the wiki guide it recommends against this?
i have ordered a small amount as my first purchase (of many hopefully ) all going well from swazibudbud888 and hes asked me to FE. i have but was not too happy as im unsure of him and SR  FE its only a small amount for trial run
any veiws on this would be appreciated
cheers Bomb
Title: Re: sup all on SR
Post by: mariolina on October 30, 2012, 11:59 am
Sellers are asking you to Finalize Early because unfortunately there are lots of scams going on. If the seller agrees to leave the money in the escrow system and you (buyer) are a scammer, you could claim it back even if your order has arrived safe and sound.
That's why they most sellers ask to FE only if you are new to silk road with no purchases stats available. When you will reach a few positive transactions probably less sellers will ask you to finalize early.
Another reason can be that many people order something,they get it, they go really excited and then they forgot to finalize the order and so release the money to the seller. So the money will stay in the escrow account until the system will autofinalize the transaction. This can be annoying especially if you have lots of bitcoins stucked in the escrow.
One other reason can be that the price of the bitcoin can change very quickly so it's better to take out and change your bitcoin as soon as you get them.
I'm not sure of the last one as I think that the money are hold in dollar to avoid this problem but i'm not 100% sure as I don't have a seller account.
I hope this help
Title: Re: sup all on SR
Post by: SelfSovereignty on October 30, 2012, 01:01 pm
Don't FE based on the feedback you see on SR... it can be pretty misleading.  Check the forums for more accurate info.  If you can't find good reviews for somebody who asked you to FE... well, personally I'd find a different vendor, but that's up to you.  If there's dozens of people saying the vendor's great, I'd go ahead and do it.

Also, you see all those "FE, will update" comments because people don't seem to realize you can just click the "finalize" link, and then on the next page when it asks for feedback, just don't leave any.  Click to another page -- then later on when you get your package, you can leave feedback and have something more than "FE" to say.