Whoa, man... are you sure you aren't tweaking? Because... you're worrying *way* too much, bro... cut back that dose just a touch :P Relax, have a seat, maybe a nice cup of tea or something. Seriously man, you're fine. Really: you're okay... :) Addiction isn't something you catch over night. It isn't something you never see coming. It's the name people give to their desire to continue taking a drug, even when that drug is making them lose other things in their life.You know how you hear people say "I could stop if I wanted to?" Well that's the problem: nobody ever really wants to. Addiction (well, most addiction anyway) is just the desire to feel good (through a drug) and having done so enough for it to be a typical occurrence for you. It's just habitual use even in the face of loss because of that use. My point is this: you'll know if it happens bro, believe me.You're fine man. And yeah, brushing will be just fine. Try not to redose in the afternoon, that's definitely going to cause sleep disturbance. If you want to do something, and you think you understand the consequences and the risks and the benefits (and it doesn't hurt anybody but you) -- then fuck it, do it. Nobody's got a right to stop you if it's only you you're hurting, IMHO.Everybody's different, but you're seriously stressing over this wayyyyy too much. Again, you won't wake up and lose all your teeth and end up 60 or something overnight. You'll see it coming if it happens :)